The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

You mean, like this?

Whew! Catching up is hard to do! Not as bad as yesterday, but finally…

Apples. I have a couple of cobbler recipes that call for Fuji’s. So they tend to be my go to. The secretary gets something from the market that is very good but I don’t know what they are.

Cherished memory from living in Germany. The farmers have these double wheeled tractors over there due to how muddy the fields get. The have concrete thruways and let the locals walk their fields. We drove up into the mountains and there was this little rest area surrounded by an apple orchard. My son was maybe two at the time and we fed the herd of horses who flocked to us as soon as they saw apples in hand as we traversed the thruways that separated the pastures. As Wat said…they ain’t picky. 🤣

The 48hr rain finally stopped. Sun is trying to come out. Woke up with a sore throat. Lipo-C and Zinc loading and coffee which will turn into tea and honey later. Ugh…🥴. I didn’t need this.

On a better note, making a queso dip today in the crock pot. That’ll cure any ills…now, the Morning Z:

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I hope you start feeling better, H! 😘🥰
It is a water-based vacuum cleaner. The rainbow cleans your house. I've had people use other vacuums and I'll come in with my rainbow to prove a point and there will be mud in the water. They are great vacuum but they are so expensive. So, I'm trying this new brand. I'm hoping that it works out. There have been a lot of great compliments about it but then some people say they're cheap Etc. But with these vacuums you can't just pull it out and vacuum you have to make sure there's water and you can't be rough with them and you have to pull off the piece on the bottom and keep it clean and dry so it doesn't mold and store it correctly. You have you treat them right or they're not going to last. People will start over a bucket of water or pull on the cord and then get mad because the cord doesn't work. So my mom has had hers for 40 years. They don't even make that style anymore. I'm hoping for the best
Is the water to trap the dirt? Or are they just more powerful in general?
That sounds like a nightmare, B2! One that could possibly come to fruition as society increasingly measures the worth of a person by their productivity.

Movies/shows like The Man In The High Castle and Plan 75 depict government encouragement of euthanasia for those deemed too old or "useless eaters."

As resources are stretched thin, we could possibly see restrictions on use of health care for the elderly and others. It may not happen in our lifetime, but as the population grows and the pressures on resources increase, I could see some kind of government action that limits or rations care. I hope not. Many of us still have value.
Soilent green!
Just dreading work and the idiocy of it qll... I have to work but it is everything in me.....
Synopsis of the conversation is that a med practice decided that our "numbers" were wrong and instead of trusting the database (that we have been using since the beginning) or saying "let me look into it qnd get back with you" my stupid coworker said oh you must be right and the practice coach just went right along with him (because she is a sniveling cry baby bleeding heart ass kisser) they just changed the numbers on the database and then started talking about populating my data to "do me a favor"..... fuck I dont need any favors from these fuck ups. I was off 2 days...2 days..... fuck fuck fuck

I can't even take time off without these stupid fucks doing something and messing things up ....

And I immediately crave junk food to medicate my stress.... it is no wonder I am fat.....
Can you lock down your data?