The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Is everything OK hun?
Just dreading work and the idiocy of it qll... I have to work but it is everything in me.....
Synopsis of the conversation is that a med practice decided that our "numbers" were wrong and instead of trusting the database (that we have been using since the beginning) or saying "let me look into it qnd get back with you" my stupid coworker said oh you must be right and the practice coach just went right along with him (because she is a sniveling cry baby bleeding heart ass kisser) they just changed the numbers on the database and then started talking about populating my data to "do me a favor"..... fuck I dont need any favors from these fuck ups. I was off 2 days...2 days..... fuck fuck fuck

I can't even take time off without these stupid fucks doing something and messing things up ....

And I immediately crave junk food to medicate my stress.... it is no wonder I am fat.....
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Just dreading work and the idiocy of it qll... I have to work but it is everything in me.....
Synopsis of the conversation is that a med practice decided that our "numbers" were wrong and instead of trusting the database (that we have been using since the beginning) or saying "let me look into it qnd get back with you" my stupid coworker said oh you must be right and the practice coach just went right along with him (because she is a sniveling cry baby bleeding heart ass kisser) they just changed the numbers on the database and then started talking about populating my data to "do me a favor"..... fuck I dont need any favors from these fuck ups. I was off 2 days...2 days..... fuck fuck fuck

I can't even take time off without these stupid fucks doing something and messing things up ....

And I immediately crave junk food to medicate my stress.... it is no wonder I am fat.....
Sweetie don't even do that. Just because they are idiots don't make yourself suffer. You shouldn't take out them being idiots on yourself.
Night OM and Missk
I'm right behind you

sweet dreams everyone
Just dreading work and the idiocy of it qll... I have to work but it is everything in me.....
Synopsis of the conversation is that a med practice decided that our "numbers" were wrong and instead of trusting the database (that we have been using since the beginning) or saying "let me look into it qnd get back with you" my stupid coworker said oh you must be right and the practice coach just went right along with him (because she is a sniveling cry baby bleeding heart ass kisser) they just changed the numbers on the database and then started talking about populating my data to "do me a favor"..... fuck I dont need any favors from these fuck ups. I was off 2 days...2 days..... fuck fuck fuck

I can't even take time off without these stupid fucks doing something and messing things up ....

And I immediately crave junk food to medicate my stress.... it is no wonder I am fat.....
You can’t cure the terminally stupid! Life is full of them and it’s not your role to step in every time. I would tell,her to clear her own mess up like you would a child. Until it’s done don’t come back to me. As to junk food don’t go there @Missk_2022 you know you ate better than that. Don’t let them drive you backwards!

Just let me at them, I am happy to come round and put them in their place! We can’t have you stressed like this!
Angry dream was about old age and medical treatment and insurance rules. Basically I was being denied better treatment because my of my age - not much value left in me. 😡

So far I have not experienced age discrimination in medicine but it is a concern.
That sounds like a nightmare, B2! One that could possibly come to fruition as society increasingly measures the worth of a person by their productivity.

Movies/shows like The Man In The High Castle and Plan 75 depict government encouragement of euthanasia for those deemed too old or "useless eaters."

As resources are stretched thin, we could possibly see restrictions on use of health care for the elderly and others. It may not happen in our lifetime, but as the population grows and the pressures on resources increase, I could see some kind of government action that limits or rations care. I hope not. Many of us still have value.
That sounds like a nightmare, B2! One that could possibly come to fruition as society increasingly measures the worth of a person by their productivity.

Movies/shows like The Man In The High Castle and Plan 75 depict government encouragement of euthanasia for those deemed too old or "useless eaters."

As resources are stretched thin, we could possibly see restrictions on use of health care for the elderly and others. It may not happen in our lifetime, but as the population grows and the pressures on resources increase, I could see some kind of government action that limits or rations care. I hope not. Many of us still have value.
Hello Lilli. That really concerns me. We have value even if we are not working. We help our children and grandchildren. We volunteer to help others in need. So, yes it was a terrible dream.

BTW caught you😏💜🫂
Happy Sunday!!! Slept okay. Cats are fed and won't get me a coffee refill, just like the tiny heathens that they are. That and no opposable thumbs. The shooping list is mostly made. Looks like less stuff this week. There's the usual laundry to do. It's going to be a busy week at work next week because my coworker is on vacation, so all the problems will be humping my leg. Oh well.
You've got this, Wat! 😘😆🥰
I won't but this is the stuff that got me where I am I said. I shouldn't have looked

Wat is in charge of the job this week. He's still learning the job, the company, and the people. He knows the work, but there is still a bit of overwhelming here. The coworker is on vacation this week and I don't want to be That Guy. I think I know what he wants done, but he had an errand to run Friday and didn't come back, so we never got to go over it. He did leave his notebook. I can hardly read it. And I have to rein in the crackhead helper. New subs showing up. Yeah, there won't be any dull moments.

Happy Monday, by the way . . . .