The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

Me too... I will do things..just won't be trapped in a job where I have to answer to other people and do things I don't want to do..... I am tired of all of them and it..... today I am tired of being asked my opinion when not one time is my opinion even considered when final decision made that I say fuck off
I think you are taking it too personally if I may say so. I look at things this way:
You ask my opinion
You get me opinion based on my experience
You consider my opinion and discount it
That’s your prerogative it’s your pay grade not mine
After that I move on as it’s not my problem and if you come back bleating I will just say ….well did you follow my opinion….no….not my problem then
I think you are taking it too personally if I may say so. I look at things this way:
You ask my opinion
You get me opinion based on my experience
You consider my opinion and discount it
That’s your prerogative it’s your pay grade not mine
After that I move on as it’s not my problem and if you come back bleating I will just say ….well did you follow my opinion….no….not my problem then
Touche! Mr. Grey...
I think you are taking it too personally if I may say so. I look at things this way:
You ask my opinion
You get me opinion based on my experience
You consider my opinion and discount it
That’s your prerogative it’s your pay grade not mine
After that I move on as it’s not my problem and if you come back bleating I will just say ….well did you follow my opinion….no….not my problem then
Yeah... I had a strong talk with myself and I am taking your advice.... I need to just let it bloody go already..... emotion thinking is a waste of time
Suzie and I just saw a Buster Keaton silent film, The Cameraman, one of the last silent films.

Was fabulously funny. A boatload of sight gags, physical humor, and great camerawork. Keaton was a comic genius.

They had a dude there who was playing the piano and it was great accompaniment for the film.

Just a great night!!

Last night of vacation. We’re headed to see the Mets play the hated Phillies tomorrow nite and then driving home right after the game.
Well I like my new vacumn.... I am gonna show you what picked up.. keep in mind I vacumn with a regular vqcumn every week and I have no pets (except an occasional visit from my little buddies....the water was gross.... these water based vacumns are the bomb
My ex wife and I had a water vacuum. A rainbow I think. It was good. I was always amazed by the amount of crap it picked up.
My ex wife and I had a water vacuum. A rainbow I think. It was good. I was always amazed by the amount of crap it picked up.
Yep. I had a rainbow my sister borrowed it and I let her keep it. Would love to get a rainbow but on the cheap end 3000 dollars...gulp...this is rainbow like for 1/4 the cost and has some features i love.i am pretty clean so to see that much dirt in my living room carpet was something else....
that time again
sweet dreams everyone
Happy Wednesday!!! Sleep was adequate. I did have a tiny splinter in my left heel with I greased last night before bed and was able to work out this morning, so I shan't fear walking today. Filled out the 401K stuff for work yesterday. There is a match, so not using it is leaving money on the table. Wat doesn't do that if it can be avoided. TDK is napping on the edge of the computer - that seems to be her new thing. I get more cathair in my face this way.

Needs refill . . . .

I'm glad you got the splinter out, Wat. Please watch the area for signs of infection ( heat, redness, swelling) and see your Dr if there are. Especially if you're diabetic. 🫂🫂
Woke up this morning and feeling great. May you sleep well.
I didn't. 😖😤 But I have plans to do better today. Someth8ng about HAVING to get up early (for me) makes me not sleep well.

Construction guy was supposed to be here at 10 this morning. I got up at 9. He showed at almost noon. 😤😤😤 We had a conversation. I doubt he will do that again. 🙄

I'm so glad you're feeling better! 😘🫂😘