The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub, All-Nite Greasy Spoon and Dive Bar

I'm flouncing off to bed. Long day.
But good news... Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow today. :ROFLMAO: jk

The hand/thumb/wrist has calmed down to "just" DeQuervain's Tendonitis once more.

I got the steroid shot
Doc: "It's a different form of steroid that you haven't had before so it's worth a try."
Me: I'm 0 for 2 but whatever you say, doc :rolleyes:

Time will tell. If the shot works as the doc says, takes effect in @ 1 week and peaks at 6 weeks.

Meanwhile, hand therapy (i.e. PT) and wean off the brace in the next 7 days.

And if I'm not feeling 95% improved (they never say you'll be back to 100%) in the 6 weeks, I go back to the doctor to discuss next steps. If I'm 95% recovered in 6 weeks, I think that will close this Warranty File.

Been a heckuva year so far, but today was good news!!
I'll take it!! And now... off to bed!!

Sweet dreams all...
Sweet dreams hun. You deserve them.
Mornin impy. Have a great day.

Be careful - respect the hurricane.
As I posted in my thread:
I boarded up the bedrooms and the front window, so I can sleep with more peace (if I sleep), but I left the others because out of wood. I don't like not being able to see out the front. I still have a few things to do outside to get projectiles put away.
As I posted in my thread:
I boarded up the bedrooms and the front window, so I can sleep with more peace (if I sleep), but I left the others because out of wood. I don't like not being able to see out the front. I still have a few things to do outside to get projectiles put away.
Please prepare as much as you can hun.... We all worry about you. 😘🤗
As I posted in my thread:
I boarded up the bedrooms and the front window, so I can sleep with more peace (if I sleep), but I left the others because out of wood. I don't like not being able to see out the front. I still have a few things to do outside to get projectiles put away.
Wow. Hope you are safe and sound
Happy Tuesday!!! Slept okay. It's cooling off a bit here. I reckon that the furnace will be coming on again sometime this week. Six months on and 6 months off. Not sure what the kids have planned for the weather situation. I guess that they'll let me know as the day progresses. We'll see.

Work is . . . annoying. I can't produce without worker bees, and acquiring them isn't in my job description. *sigh*

Time for a refill . . . .
The new ohm is a long drawn out joobbb secccuurrriitttyyyy
So I'm in pouring my refill and TDK tears into the kitchen, tries to stop on the vinyl floor and fails, slides across the floor into the food area and manages to clear the big ol' water bowl and slams into the wall. She then turns to look at me with that ever-so-feline "what? I planned the whole thing" look.
Wonder what she was running too or away from?
Please stay in touch.... we will worry for u
My phone doesn't have a very good battery, but I pulled out the phone that the POS sent me and started charging it. I will have two phones through this. I have a solar charger, but not sure about the sun, and I can also use my car. I will post as long as I can and then as often as I can. I promise
My phone doesn't have a very good battery, but I pulled out the phone that the POS sent me and started charging it. I will have two phones through this. I have a solar charger, but not sure about the sun, and I can also use my car. I will post as long as I can and then as often as I can. I promise
*extra hugs*
Please be safe above everything else.
Sorry you're going through that. :(
*extra hugs*
Please be safe above everything else.
Sorry you're going through that. :(
I'm used to it. Seems like we've had so many. I've been through a few horrible ones. Other than worrying about my home and kid, I find them exciting. I've been through A LOT of hurricanes, several tornadoes, a few earthquakes, and a blizzard. Many other traumatic experiences as well not with weather (of which I don't speak about often). I think it has made me a being nervous junky :D
I'm used to it. Seems like we've had so many. I've been through a few horrible ones. Other than worrying about my home and kid, I find them exciting. I've been through A LOT of hurricanes, several tornadoes, a few earthquakes, and a blizzard. Many other traumatic experiences as well not with weather (of which I don't speak about often). I think it has made me a being nervous junky :D

A new bread has been created using @Lilianna23 recipe. Greylag was quoted as saying “I found that by substituting currants and pecans for the seed and mixed nuts the result was bloody gorgeous!”

Message Ends
Inspired by this, I got the ingredients today for Irish Soda bread (it has Guinness, buttermilk and currants) and so will give an update in a couple of days. My youngest wants to help and since the rise is 6-12 hrs (I’ve sometimes used as much as 18 hrs ) it may be a day or so before it’s baked. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Now. The MZ…

As I posted in my thread:
I boarded up the bedrooms and the front window, so I can sleep with more peace (if I sleep), but I left the others because out of wood. I don't like not being able to see out the front. I still have a few things to do outside to get projectiles put away.
Living in hurricane alley, the prep is a PIA. The cleanup is worse. Stay safe dear. I hope it dips and misses you.

Here is a little music to get your mind off the storm…something calming about Jimmy…and this song just goes out to us daydreamers everywhere!

Havana Daydreaming