The 50-Plus Room - for

As this thread is inactive, come over to this one:

The 50 Plus Cafe, Pub and All-Nite Greasy Spoon​

We have moved to this thread. And welcome.
Back from Europe, wild trip! I wont go to Paris again! Fun at the Louvre, tho.

My singular concession to being over 60: I have taken extraordinarily good care of my body and could work out every other day. After I turned 60, though, my body rebelled. I now need two days rest between workouts. Workout day 1, DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) day 2, rest day 3. When I'd push and try and force every other day (because "I'd always done it that way"), bad things would result, the worst being a completely torn rotator cuff.

When you say "completely torn" do you mean all 4 tendons in your rotator cuff were torn?

I'm on week 8 of recovery from rotator cuff repair surgery. I had 2 tendons with full thickness, retracted tears, a third tendon with a partial tear, and tears in my labrum. The pain has not been too bad, but the healing process is long. Much longer than I want to deal with.
When you say "completely torn" do you mean all 4 tendons in your rotator cuff were torn?

I'm on week 8 of recovery from rotator cuff repair surgery. I had 2 tendons with full thickness, retracted tears, a third tendon with a partial tear, and tears in my labrum. The pain has not been too bad, but the healing process is long. Much longer than I want to deal with.
Best wishes... I've had more than two rotator repairs.....i empathize with ya. Hang in there there is light at the end of the tunnel....
Best wishes... I've had more than two rotator repairs.....i empathize with ya. Hang in there there is light at the end of the tunnel....

Thanks. My range of motion is getting better, however it is still very weak. What complicates my situation is that I am a wheelchair user, so I have to make a lot of adaptations to my life to maintain my shoulder health.
Thanks. My range of motion is getting better, however it is still very weak. What complicates my situation is that I am a wheelchair user, so I have to make a lot of adaptations to my life to maintain my shoulder health.
Best wishes use the heck out of the physical therapists. I sure appreciated mine.....