The Author's Hangout Awards!

TheEarl said:
The Author’s Hangout Awards


Pause for effect. The noise of grunting and moaning can be heard. The camera pans around to show Tatelou and Lew in the front row. The Earl picks up a bucket of ice and throws it over the pair. They don’t stop, indeed don’t even change stroke. The only indication that they’ve noticed the ice is Lou taking a cube into her mouth and kissing down Lew’s chest…

:eek: Stop making me horny!!!

Best Female Poster: A dead heat between the beautiful CharleyH and the incomparable Tatelou. A thorough spanking to the both of you.

I thank you, all of you, for this very distinguished honour. I couldn't have done it without any of you. Seriously! I'm not one to talk to myself, you see. I'd like to take this moment to thank my Agent and the entire cast and crew. Special mention to Abs, for playing the straight one (Ha-bloody-ha); Charley, for being such a good sport - and I feel very privileged to win this award alongside her. And, last, but by no means least, thank you Mr. Lewdandlicentious for being, well, lewd and licentious and a downright dirty bastard. :D


Dammit! Why did I vote for Charley? I would've been outright winner. :rolleyes: Hahaha!

Most AH-obsessed Poster: Another tie – this one between Abstruse and Tatelou. Ladies, you owe the Hangout a mudfight to decide who takes the trophy.

Ahhh, another one. I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or insulted by this one, but seeing as I won it along with Abs, it can't be bad.

Seriously, thank you, and I know it's true. :eek:

Most Erotic Post of the Year: Three votes, three different answers. The person who voted for Cloudy and Summer Morning, that’s been moved to the threads section as there was too much to c&p. Here are the results:

Tatelou – How do you describe this?
Hi Darklover!

Ok, I'll give it a go...

It is a union, a complete union of lovers. There is nothing more intense than him pushing his hard cock deep inside me. The actual feelings as he does this vary, depending on how wet I am, or if he has already entered me with something else (his fingers, his tongue, a toy, and so on).

Ok, I'm imagining it now and will attempt to describe it to you... I am bent over, he's stood behind me, between my legs. My pussy is throbbing, tingling, pulsating, eager to be fucked. I feel the head of his cock touch my labia, a hiss leaves my gritted teeth. He pushes, gently at first, working his way in. I feel his entire thickness fill me, stretch me, rub on my inner wetness, increasing all sensation down there. I feel him push deeper, harder, and I push back at him, wanting him to be completely inside me; to suck his entire length into my needy cunt. Right at that moment, I feel nothing else. There is no other sensation anywhere else in my body - it is all concentrated in that one small place.

It isn't just a physical feeling. I mean, it is, but the intensity of what I feel does depend on my emotions and how I am being fucked. If it is as described, dirty, fully intense and incredibly passionate, that is the ultimate, to me. It is overwhelming and the best feeling I know. I am his, he takes me - that's what it comes down to.

That was harder than I thought it would be!

Lou :rose:

Oh my, I've come over all peculiar again. Congrats to Bashful and Doormouse, too!

Thank you, one and all.

Now, fuck it! I'm in need. Lew, come her now and eat me! Now! Eat my pussy!!! You know what will happen if you don't! :devil:

Best Avatar of the Year: A tie between Lou’s arse and Alpaca’s… well her alpaca.

My arse thanks you. :rose:

Best of the Rest

– Half the AH changing their avatars for Remembrance Sunday

Yes, that was quite wonderful. I want to make a personal note of thanks to Lew for a lot of the initiative behind that and the thread he ran throughout the remembrance period. :rose:

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen and Lew and Good Night!

The Earl

LOL! I don't know what you mean by that!!!! He is a true gentleman. Ok, well he is most of the time. :p

Earl, you did brilliantly! Thanks for the many smiles and all the effort you put into it. You've set a precedent now!

Lou :kiss:
BlackShanglan said:
*suspcious and slightly sniffly* You're just saying it to make me feel better?


(Edited to add):

Ahhhh, I've worked it out. There just wasn't a category for "Most Amazingly Talented Gender-Blurred Farmyard Animal." Damn. ;)

So? Stop whining, or is that whinnying. ;)
They never even mentioned flowers (or bees). Hmph!


But it still had me laughing my head off. Very funny Earl.

Well done to he winners and to Earl for putting it all together.

EL will aim to do better for next years vote ;)
she_is_my_addiction said:

Earl, I don't know whether to hunt you down and lock you up for using those posts between me and Kim or to squeal with glee :p

:cool: You rock my boat :cool:

Oh you loved it gf


now where's that dildo...
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Re: Re: The Author's Hangout Awards!

Tatelou said:
:eek: Stop making me horny!!!

I thank you, all of you, for this very distinguished honour. I couldn't have done it without any of you. Seriously! I'm not one to talk to myself, you see. I'd like to take this moment to thank my Agent and the entire cast and crew. Special mention to Abs, for playing the straight one (Ha-bloody-ha); Charley, for being such a good sport - and I feel very privileged to win this award alongside her. And, last, but by no means least, thank you Mr. Lewdandlicentious for being, well, lewd and licentious and a downright dirty bastard. :D


Dammit! Why did I vote for Charley? I would've been outright winner. :rolleyes: Hahaha!

Ahhh, another one. I'm not sure whether to feel flattered or insulted by this one, but seeing as I won it along with Abs, it can't be bad.

Seriously, thank you, and I know it's true. :eek:

Oh my, I've come over all peculiar again. Congrats to Bashful and Doormouse, too!

Thank you, one and all.

Now, fuck it! I'm in need. Lew, come her now and eat me! Now! Eat my pussy!!! You know what will happen if you don't! :devil:

My arse thanks you. :rose:

Yes, that was quite wonderful. I want to make a personal note of thanks to Lew for a lot of the initiative behind that and the thread he ran throughout the remembrance period. :rose:

LOL! I don't know what you mean by that!!!! He is a true gentleman. Ok, well he is most of the time. :p

Earl, you did brilliantly! Thanks for the many smiles and all the effort you put into it. You've set a precedent now!

Lou :kiss:

How the heck (and YES the smutty mouse runs a G rated room, excuse the language here...)... do you quote people like that?

I've tried and it doesn't work *sigh*

Please, oh wise one, enlighten me *batting eyelashes here*
Re: Re: Re: The Author's Hangout Awards!

doormouse said:
How the heck (and YES the smutty mouse runs a G rated room, excuse the language here...)... do you quote people like that?

I've tried and it doesn't work *sigh*

Please, oh wise one, enlighten me *batting eyelashes here*

If you hit "quote" on my original post at the top, you'll be able to see.

I go down through the post and manually type in the quote tags around the bits I want to quote, then just type below each bit. The quote tags are: [ quote] [ /quote] (without the spaces after the first square brackets) one tag at the beginning of the section of text, the other at the end.

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Author's Hangout Awards!

Tatelou said:
If you hit "quote" on my original post at the top, you'll be able to see.

I go down through the post and manually type in the quote tags around the bits I want to quote, then just type below each bit. The quote tags are: [ quote] [ /quote] (without the spaces after the first square brackets) one tag at the beginning of the section of text, the other at the end.



That sounds like I have to actually pay attention lol
perdita said:
Hey Rumps, if you're the patriarch and I'm the matriarch, let's get a room.

Perdita (aka Pear) :p

Thanks to my godson, The E., for his enthusiasm and wit :kiss:
Room, hell. A palatial mansion at the very least. ;)

Rumple "Patriarch" Foreskin :cool:
WOW! Well done guys!

Made a little something for all those (who want to admit to being) winners out there!

(Yes, I was bored)


  • ahaward.jpg
    6.9 KB · Views: 30
Helen, thank you!

Loulou, can you put the pic on your site and give me a url to use in my sig?

matriarchally, Perdita
perdita said:
Helen, thank you!

Loulou, can you put the pic on your site and give me a url to use in my sig?

matriarchally, Perdita

Yep, will do! I'm gonna do the same thing. :)

Very cool, thanks, Helen!

Lou :kiss:
Re: Re: The Author's Hangout Awards!

lewdandlicentious said:
Oh, I did get a mention then?????????

:D :rolleyes: :p

You got more than a mention, babe!!!

Did you not see this bit, at the top of Earl's first post...?

Pause for effect. The noise of grunting and moaning can be heard. The camera pans around to show Tatelou and Lew in the front row. The Earl picks up a bucket of ice and throws it over the pair. They don’t stop, indeed don’t even change stroke. The only indication that they’ve noticed the ice is Lou taking a cube into her mouth and kissing down Lew’s chest…

:D :D :p :p

Lou :devil:

Edit: Awwww, baby, I just saw your location. Don't be upset. Come 'ere, have a hug and bask in my glory with me. HAHAHA!!!
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Thank you Earl, for all the time and work you put into this. :kiss: also to everyone on the AH. We are all the best ;) Um, so is Best Poster a polite way of saying loud mouth:confused:

:D So glad to be tied with Lou :devil:

Except when she wears that gawd awful silly hat. In which case, I don't know her.
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CharleyH said:
Thank you Earl, for all the time and work you put into this. :kiss: So is Best Poster a polite way of saying loud mouth:confused:

:D So glad to be tied with Lou :devil:

Except when she wears that gawd awful silly hat. In which case, I don't know her

:eek: PMSL!!!!

See, that's a good example of why I, and many others, voted for you!

Just cos I'm a loud mouth and won it alongside you, doesn't mean you are, too. I think I won the obsessed one cos of that. :eek: :rolleyes:
Mine's getting longer, and BIGGER (my sig line, that is).

Thanks JustLegal for your talent and time.

Perdita thank you for the original suggestion and for asking the "how-to" question. I was also stumped.

Lou, you're the hostest with the mostest.

And Earl, don't you and all your animal house buddies: Evil Alpaca, BlackShanglan, Snoopy, doormouse, even Carson-the-Canine, mess up the floors.

Rumple Foreskin :cool:
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Tatelou said:
Just cos I'm a loud mouth and won it alongside you, doesn't mean you are, too. I think I won the obsessed one cos of that. :eek: :rolleyes:

Says in hollywood Brit accent:

"I think you won most obsessed because of something else, love"

You're very welcome. I love working with PSP and EyeBatch so it seemed natural.

That and I spend far too much time on fanfic sites that do awards
Dear Lord, I miss a day and find myself glued to Lou like a mad science experiment gone wrong, like demented Siamese twins fused together with apparently no life.
Could be worse.

Kidding, she's my sis across the pond and it's an honor to be awarded along with her for having no real life of our own.

Thanks to all who voted on Abstrusions.:rose: I hope more people stop by and hang out there. Just remember: two rules no politics and no pink.
Rumple Foreskin said:

And Earl, don't you and all your animal house buddies: Evil Alpaca, BlackShanglan, Snoopy, doormouse, even Carson-the-Canine, mess up the floors.

Rumple Foreskin :cool:


We're housetrained :(

We only pee on the furniture!!
Congrats to the winners...I am happy to be a part of some of those threads that won...

The Largest Orgy, the AH Audio and Abs!!