The backlash to my first story has been turning me on

Turning me on to want to write a sequel that is. ;)

I just posted my first story here and have already gotten over 50 comments. Mostly negative comments from what I assume are straight men. Guys who seem to hate it because they empathize with the main character and hate seeing how spineless he is, and how he's treated. It's a cuckold story. It's a bit extreme and cartoonish and meant to be. He suffers more because he's spineless. He starts to get a spine and them bam! Back to his cucky old ways. He's there to be humiliated. That's the purpose of his existence in the story. He's the sex toy we use to get off on our domination kink. He's there to be used and abused. We give him a little fight just to give us enough resistance to push him back down again.

I wrote the story in 2014 and its the first time I ever did a cuckold/humiliation piece. I wanted to try something new. I haven't written one since. It's not my typical genre, I'm more into fantasy. Although every once in a while I do something different just to push my own boundaries. But I'm mostly into doing original work, even if that original work can be cliche at times, which this cuckold story is. Oh well. Again, first time in that genre.

Also I think I put it in the wrong category because I didn't see a cuckold category here on Literotica.

Not all erotic fiction is for everyone. That should be obvious, but isn't. At the same time, looking at the actively log, it's interesting to see the number of people adding the story to their favorites despite all the negative comments and low ratings that would suggest everyone hates it. Quite a few secret admirers. So that's fun. I'm here for them. :)

What has been your experience with negative backlash. Has it inspired you? Does it make you want to write more? Does it make you want to get more extreme? Does it turn you on?
I guess my first reaction is to get defensive when I get a negative comment because I try my hardest to write something interesting that will grab the reader's imagination. But it's impossible to please everyone so I've learned not to take things so personally.
I guess my first reaction is to get defensive when I get a negative comment because I try my hardest to write something interesting that will grab the reader's imagination. But it's impossible to please everyone so I've learned not to take things so personally.
I think that with a genre like cuckold, it's super niche, so I expect it will only have a small audience to begin with. Then if you go extreme with it like I did, you'll get even less fans. So I don't take it personally.

What's even funnier are the people complaining it's a cuckold story in the comments, when it says it is in the one line description. I warned them. Lol!
Funnily enough I also wrote a cuck story that I published under Loving Wives. So many negative comments. I'm hoping to write the sequel this year!

Honestly, I find them endearing. The fact that someone found my work so annoying they had to spend the time out of their lives to tell me about it is a strangely back-handed compliment.
What's amuses to me, is that someone took the time to completely read my erotica and then trash me for it when they could have just stopped reading it or not started at all. If I don't like an erotica, I stop reading it. Its so simple. Oh, well. This is why I gave myself a new signature.
What's amuses to me, is that someone took the time to completely read my erotica and then trash me for it when they could have just stopped reading it or not started at all. If I don't like an erotica, I stop reading it. Its so simple. Oh, well. This is why I gave myself a new signature.
I get what you mean: I start each one of my stories with a description of what it's about just so people don't waste their time reading something they'll end up disliking. But they do anyway, and still want to leave me a comment about it.

It really is a strange compliment, in a way.
I sort
I get what you mean: I start each one of my stories with a description of what it's about just so people don't waste their time reading something they'll end up disliking. But they do anyway, and still want to leave me a comment about it.

It really is a strange compliment, in a way.

I sort of did that for the sequel. I think I might for all stories going forward. It's a good idea even is some people don't pay attention to it.
I get what you mean: I start each one of my stories with a description of what it's about just so people don't waste their time reading something they'll end up disliking. But they do anyway, and still want to leave me a comment about it.

It really is a strange compliment, in a way.
I never thought of it as a compliment but in a way your right. As much as someone hated the story, they felt compelled to finish reading and then took the time to write extensively in reaction to it.

Another funny thing is so many of the negative comments complain as if the erotica were REAL and not fiction. They seem to disregard that it's fiction. A metric I like to use to measure things is how many people favorite a story. If I see a lot then I know the erotica is doing okay.
Natalie, I read your story this evening. It’s not my style, but you need to know it’s okay. What I write doesn’t work for a lot of people with some of the hate I get. But I will note you are a great storyteller. Don’t stop writing and be true to yourself.

your tags were on point, it is up to us the reader to know the tags tell us What we are reading.

take heart, keep posting
Lit has the highest percentage of insecure man babies I've ever seen on a site.

Good on you for deciding to make them squeal even more.
Natalie, I read your story this evening. It’s not my style, but you need to know it’s okay. What I write doesn’t work for a lot of people with some of the hate I get. But I will note you are a great storyteller. Don’t stop writing and be true to yourself.

your tags were on point, it is up to us the reader to know the tags tell us What we are reading.

take heart, keep posting
I actually wrote you a reply in the comments. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Like I said it is extreme and over the top. That was the point. However the sequel is now live and after the first chapter, it takes the story in a very different direction, with what you might call a redemption arc for the main character. People don't need to read the first to read the second story. It gives enough context in the first chapter, which starts as a cuckold story and quickly takes a different turn. The second story is more in line with the kind of stories I typically write. That said I don't think most will read part two given their reactions to part one. Even though part two is probably what most people (who read part one) want, and is closer in nature to a loving wives theme (somewhat - loving girlfriend maybe).

For some reason though, they changed my title from Katrina II to Katrina Ch. 02, which makes it sound like the second chapter when it's actually a sequel that can stand alone. Does anyone know if that's just standard formatting here?
Lit has the highest percentage of insecure man babies I've ever seen on a site.

Good on you for deciding to make them squeal even more.
If anything shocked me about the reactions it was that. I'm new to this site and I was honestly expecting more female readers over all. Or maybe at least more guys who were on the LGBT spectrum. I thought most hetero men would just be on porn sites, being all visual. So that was a mistake on my part. And honestly I'm glad to discover hetero guys on sites like this. That's cool. But this story is more for females with a domination kink or bi/gay/heteroflexible men who want to dominate other men, and of course men who like being severely dominated themselves. Which yeah, doesn't really fit with the whole hetro proud male persona. So I can see why so many of them are feeling insulted and sick by it and want revenge. Either your sexual orientation is wrong for this story or you're just not into male submission.

But I am happy that at least some of those guys are able to see that. That some of them can recognize that it isn't for them. That not everything is written for a straight male audience.
If anything shocked me about the reactions it was that. I'm new to this site and I was honestly expecting more female readers over all. Or maybe at least more guys who were on the LGBT spectrum. I thought most hetero men would just be on porn sites, being all visual. So that was a mistake on my part. And honestly I'm glad to discover hetero guys on sites like this. That's cool. But this story is more for females with a domination kink or bi/gay/heteroflexible men who want to dominate other men, and of course men who like being severely dominated themselves. Which yeah, doesn't really fit with the whole hetro proud male persona. So I can see why so many of them are feeling insulted and sick by it and want revenge. Either your sexual orientation is wrong for this story or you're just not into male submission.

But I am happy that at least some of those guys are able to see that. That some of them can recognize that it isn't for them. That not everything is written for a straight male audience.
The more men complain about 'fag/cuck/wimp" characters the more they prove they suffer from cold make insecurity.

The ones who say the most are capable of the least, and that kind never shuts up.

There's an audience for everything here, so keep producing content and you'll build a fan base soon enough.
For some reason though, they changed my title from Katrina II to Katrina Ch. 02, which makes it sound like the second chapter when it's actually a sequel that can stand alone. Does anyone know if that's just standard formatting here?
That's standard formatting. You can also use Pt. 01. Pt. 02.
Good to know. Thank you. I wonder if I can change that to Pt. 02 without sending it back into review mode for multiple days.
Providing you do this:

Story Title
Story Title Pt. 02

the site runs a routine that automatically joins up chaptered stories, as soon as the second one goes live.

You will need Ch.02 or Pt.02 in your story title though - it works on an alphanumeric sequence. The alternative is to do it in Manual Mode, in the Series tab on your control panel. Each chapter needs to be live, to do that.
I will be honest. Screw the haters, I loved this story. The humiliation theme was intense and wonderful. Seriously masterful. I'm going to follow you so whenever you add more stories I can catch them! Thank you!
Read it. A lot of anonymous comments… I’m used to those. With a name like mine you get a lot of online hate. I wouldn’t worry about those cowardly reactions. People just want to put someone down to make themselves feel better.

I’ve done some cuckolding and some of these women were really brutal to their men…..
Usually, those comments are made by people who haven’t written or submitted a single article. It makes them feel good to sneer or abuse others behind the anonymity of lit, but they don’t publish their own work, because they don’t have the ability, and are so wracked with self doubt that they couldn’t take the criticism if it came.

I nearly gave up writing here because of those types and their snide comments, but Lovecraft68 is right. Write what you want to write and enjoy the experience, there will always be readers who will approve of your stuff, even though they may not say so.

Lit is for you, and anyone else who wants to enjoy it. Keep going.

👩‍🦳 💋 ✍️ xxxxx

This is sadly so true - and not just here. EVERYWHERE. It's the one part of The Menu where I kind of felt for Chef Slowik and his hatred of what critical commentary was doing to his craft. Not to the point of like round everyone up on an island and delete them from existence - but to the point where I was like "I get the frustration that drove the insanity".

It is so much easier to destroy then to create. I was reading all kinds of stories on here and some I liked and some I didn't, and decided the best course of action was to write my own - will everyone like what I write? Probably not. And that's fine. A healthy society should have all kinds of options. And even debate around those options is fine too. The snideness and rudeness are not okay. At the end of the day, a world in which everyone agrees with everyone else is dead culturally and spiritually.

I'm glad you didn't give up! I hope you never do! Keep writing! Even if I never read a word you write, I feel all of our lives are richer due to the fact you (and everyone else here) is writing!

I could also be a hopeless fool - I'll leave that to future generations to decide!
I'm new to this site but I've written tons of erotica elsewhere over the years. I absolutely agree with that notion that negative feedback of this type only fuels my desire to write more! With my non-erotic works, the only people who usually provide feedback are people within my audience. It feels like in the erotica world, people will read your story even though they despise the subject matter (ergo, are not in the audience imagined when the story was written) and then leave a zero star review. It's hilarious!

They have no idea that so many authors don't view the trolling as negative. I'd love to post a story here that gets a 2.3 rating because of haters but has tons of comments, engagement, and attention. Hell yeah!
Usually, those comments are made by people who haven’t written or submitted a single article. It makes them feel good to sneer or abuse others behind the anonymity of lit, but they don’t publish their own work, because they don’t have the ability, and are so wracked with self doubt that they couldn’t take the criticism if it came.

I nearly gave up writing here because of those types and their snide comments, but Lovecraft68 is right. Write what you want to write and enjoy the experience, there will always be readers who will approve of your stuff, even though they may not say so.

Lit is for you, and anyone else who wants to enjoy it. Keep going.

👩‍🦳 💋 ✍️ xxxxx
I just write to explore my own fantasy. If others enjoy it, all the better.
Turning me on to want to write a sequel that is. ;)

I just posted my first story here and have already gotten over 50 comments. Mostly negative comments from what I assume are straight men. Guys who seem to hate it because they empathize with the main character and hate seeing how spineless he is, and how he's treated. It's a cuckold story. It's a bit extreme and cartoonish and meant to be. He suffers more because he's spineless. He starts to get a spine and them bam! Back to his cucky old ways. He's there to be humiliated. That's the purpose of his existence in the story. He's the sex toy we use to get off on our domination kink. He's there to be used and abused. We give him a little fight just to give us enough resistance to push him back down again.

I wrote the story in 2014 and its the first time I ever did a cuckold/humiliation piece. I wanted to try something new. I haven't written one since. It's not my typical genre, I'm more into fantasy. Although every once in a while I do something different just to push my own boundaries. But I'm mostly into doing original work, even if that original work can be cliche at times, which this cuckold story is. Oh well. Again, first time in that genre.

Also I think I put it in the wrong category because I didn't see a cuckold category here on Literotica.

Not all erotic fiction is for everyone. That should be obvious, but isn't. At the same time, looking at the actively log, it's interesting to see the number of people adding the story to their favorites despite all the negative comments and low ratings that would suggest everyone hates it. Quite a few secret admirers. So that's fun. I'm here for them. :)

What has been your experience with negative backlash. Has it inspired you? Does it make you want to write more? Does it make you want to get more extreme? Does it turn you on?
It would be good in the future if sites like this could use A.I to filter the comments into different types for you, such as 'critically intelligent', 'obsessively negative', supportive etc. That way you don't have to wade through piles of garbage to get the genuinely helpful feedback.
It would be good in the future if sites like this could use A.I to filter the comments into different types for you, such as 'critically intelligent', 'obsessively negative', supportive etc. That way you don't have to wade through piles of garbage to get the genuinely helpful feedback.
Stories don't get enough comments to warrant doing that, unless you write in LW - but then, you know the comments you're going to get anyway, based on your content.
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Funnily enough I also wrote a cuck story that I published under Loving Wives. So many negative comments. I'm hoping to write the sequel this year!

Honestly, I find them endearing. The fact that someone found my work so annoying they had to spend the time out of their lives to tell me about it is a strangely back-handed compliment.

I don't know about this ...I think you should have looked at bit closer at your own contribution to that reaction.

And lets face facts you did write probably one of the most evil bitches to ever grace the pages of Literotica and then you put her in loving wives and made her evil so damn realistic that it nearly made sense. They would have HATED that ....In fact there are is a whole sub-genre in loving wives dedicated to writing stories detailing long painful retribution on characters like that cunt .... and they are mostly populating that all time high scores area if they are well written.

Look it was 23 pages ..... AND honestly it had problems, with narrative and the characters and situational development needed a lot more work.Plus lets face facts all of your disclaimers aside your writing style is quite confrontational and no exactly subtle. It can be very repetitive too which many people are finding difficult to swallow recently.Add to the fact that whilst technically stand alone it was kind of in it's own ecosphere of other bonkers tales of yours which I doubt many people picked up on. The problem is you can write a disclaimer about how things are not real etc etc etc but order for that to work the story has to be a absolutely shithouse stroker and yours wasn't that at all was in fact good enough to get you into trouble (the more realistic it seems to more realistic that narrative arc has to be).

I mean loving wives was always going to salivate like a pack of rabid dogs to rip that to shreds...and they did and quite hilariously and entertainingly so.

All that said .... The fact you managed to produce one of the all time loving wives howlers of a comment still makes me laugh ....

Redcuckofaggot was pure fucking gold .... I mean pure gold.

It was all worth it just for that ....
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