The backlash to my first story has been turning me on

I start each one of my stories with a description of what it's about just so people don't waste their time reading something they'll end up disliking. But they do anyway, and still want to leave me a comment about it.
Seems like those clowns will flame you for writing it, even if they don't read it. You're just doing them a favor by spelling it out up front so they don't have to read to find out what happens and can just jump straight to the abuse.
What has been your experience with negative backlash. Has it inspired you? Does it make you want to write more? Does it make you want to get more extreme? Does it turn you on?

Well it wasn't to make everything a simulation

Back in the 80's I had a job in a writing team on a fairly big TV prime time show .... we had one of the main actors leave so we wrote them out .... they decided to return about 9 months later after we had written them as dead and introduced all these new arc's and characters.
So the producers decided the whole season without them could be written off as a dream by one of the characters it was a quick cheap and cheerful solution but the audience deserted the show in droves and the show was cancelled a couple of seasons later.

the dream/matrix/whatever you call it thing ....very very risky

It was hilarious though

My last story was my first and likely only incest story, which I wrote just to see if I could. I worked out the plot before I started writing because I didn’t want to have things coming out of left field, and that there is a reason for everything that happens. So I dropped several obvious hints in the beginning of the story about why the incest begins… and it does rather shut down rather abruptly (partly because to be honest, I didn’t want to write any more of it so I put the ending earlier than originally planned.

End result: probably the most-read story I’ve written, lots of people favoriting it, lowest rated of all my stories, and two complaints that they didn’t like the the ending.

Moral of the story? If you write an incest story, don’t include an actual reason why these family members start fucking other than they just want to fuck family members.
Another funny thing is so many of the negative comments complain as if the erotica were REAL and not fiction. They seem to disregard that it's fiction. A metric I like to use to measure things is how many people favorite a story. If I see a lot then I know the erotica is doing okay.

This is EXACTLY to right thought process .... The better written and more engaging the story the more extreme the reaction. Not just favorite but particularly hateful comments about specific characters. If you have made them care enough about what a completely fictional character does then you have done a good job regardless of the positivity or negatively of the reaction.
That said ...the better written and more realistic the characters the more nuanced and more realistic the narrative arc has to be to make it all work together. A lot of authors get themselves into big trouble this way by writing something that's simply too good for the reader to swallow whatever crazy narrative twist they have got going....
I don't know about this ...I think you should have looked at bit closer at your own contribution to that reaction.

And lets face facts you did write probably one of the most evil bitches to ever grace the pages of Literotica and then you put her in loving wives and made her evil so damn realistic that it nearly made sense. They would have HATED that ....In fact there are is a whole sub-genre in loving wives dedicated to writing stories detailing long painful retribution on characters like that cunt .... and they are mostly populating that all time high scores area if they are well written.

Look it was 23 pages ..... AND honestly it had problems, with narrative and the characters and situational development needed a lot more work.Plus lets face facts all of your disclaimers aside your writing style is quite confrontational and no exactly subtle. It can be very repetitive too which many people are finding difficult to swallow recently.Add to the fact that whilst technically stand alone it was kind of in it's own ecosphere of other bonkers tales of yours which I doubt many people picked up on. The problem is you can write a disclaimer about how things are not real etc etc etc but order for that to work the story has to be a absolutely shithouse stroker and yours wasn't that at all was in fact good enough to get you into trouble (the more realistic it seems to more realistic that narrative arc has to be).

I mean loving wives was always going to salivate like a pack of rabid dogs to rip that to shreds...and they did and quite hilariously and entertainingly so.

All that said .... The fact you managed to produce one of the all time loving wives howlers of a comment still makes me laugh ....

Redcuckofaggot was pure fucking gold .... I mean pure gold.

It was all worth it just for that .
Clever LW comments make me think of when you see an animal that was taught to do tricks.
I see the OP has a story where the husband is having an affair and it turns the wife on. It's score is over 4.

This one is bombed to oblivion.

What's this mean? That the invertebrates who squeal cheating is evil are fine if its the man cheating.

No surprise there.
Seems like those clowns will flame you for writing it, even if they don't read it. You're just doing them a favor by spelling it out up front so they don't have to read to find out what happens and can just jump straight to the abuse.
This is very true. I did the same thing, thought people will be grateful knowing the story isn't for them! Hahaha, what you said is exactly what happened!
Turning me on to want to write a sequel that is. ;)

I just posted my first story here and have already gotten over 50 comments. Mostly negative comments from what I assume are straight men. Guys who seem to hate it because they empathize with the main character and hate seeing how spineless he is, and how he's treated. It's a cuckold story. It's a bit extreme and cartoonish and meant to be. He suffers more because he's spineless. He starts to get a spine and them bam! Back to his cucky old ways. He's there to be humiliated. That's the purpose of his existence in the story. He's the sex toy we use to get off on our domination kink. He's there to be used and abused. We give him a little fight just to give us enough resistance to push him back down again.

I wrote the story in 2014 and its the first time I ever did a cuckold/humiliation piece. I wanted to try something new. I haven't written one since. It's not my typical genre, I'm more into fantasy. Although every once in a while I do something different just to push my own boundaries. But I'm mostly into doing original work, even if that original work can be cliche at times, which this cuckold story is. Oh well. Again, first time in that genre.

Also I think I put it in the wrong category because I didn't see a cuckold category here on Literotica.

Not all erotic fiction is for everyone. That should be obvious, but isn't. At the same time, looking at the actively log, it's interesting to see the number of people adding the story to their favorites despite all the negative comments and low ratings that would suggest everyone hates it. Quite a few secret admirers. So that's fun. I'm here for them. :)

What has been your experience with negative backlash. Has it inspired you? Does it make you want to write more? Does it make you want to get more extreme? Does it turn you on?
I checked out your story. You mention it being extreme and cartoonish and I think that's great! Honestly, cuckold stories are best in my opinion when they are a bit silly and over the top.

Cuckold stuff or unfaithful women stories trigger a lot of anger. I post in fetish now and get a lot less flak. That being said I laugh at a lot of the negative stuff, the fact that you got in thier head like that and everything.
Sometimes you have to ask yourself, what is the point of loving wives? Too many weirdos don't like cheating.
cuckold stories are best in my opinion when they are a bit silly and over the top.

The problem with that is the crazier the less erotic .... its an oxymoronic dilemma that has been haunting LW for decades ....write a good story get abused, write a terrible story ...turn off your fans ...still get abused :ROFLMAO:
Not an author. But sometimes after a story I'll read the comments. Particularly when I know the story will trigger the idiots.

I love how they think that the story sucks because of a character's actions or that the story didn't go how they wanted it to or that a character didn't get what they thought they deserved.

It's all very much akin to the basic comment of "I could have written a better story." And I always think to myself... "Nothing's stopping you Tolstoy."
I’m frequently confused why people get so vocal about something they clearly don’t enjoy. Certain fetishes just aren’t for everyone. I normally don’t particularly enjoy cuckolding stories, other than in the sense of a woman getting revenge on a neglectful or abusive partner. Still, I just leave those to the people who do enjoy it.
Fetishes and kinks are really too subjective to judge.

Though, people complaining that erotic fiction is too unbelievable also clearly watch too much porn. It’s just suppose to be entertaining. It’s akin to watching Star Wars and complaining about explosions in space.
I don't get the number of readers or comments that most others get so I have not run across any really bad comments to my stories. I would never put one my of my stories in loving wives though, I believe it is just asking for negative comments. Some of those readers should be on the First Baptist web site, not Literotica. I do read through comments on other's stories and it is wild how worked up people get. I am not into golden showers but I would never down rate a story because of it. I would just move on to a story more to my liking. Not sure why some feel the need to teardown the author who put the effort into writing the story for others to read.
With Loving Wives you do get lots of views and lots of comments, but there are a large number of readers there whose kink is hating women.
Actually, I enjoy watching women being pleased. Especially by more than one individual. I love to see them come multiple times. It turns me on to see them happy.
Loving Wives is an absolute minefield, but this whole "hating women" thing is extremely exaggerated. It does occur, but mostly they hate CHEATERS who get away with it, regardless of gender. Look up a story in which the man cheats on his undeserving and lovely wife, and in which the woman then suffers whilst the man is being a complete dick about it, and you'll see an overwhelming amount of negative comments on that too. These stories even share the same fetish tag of BTB. (Burn the Bitch / Burn the Bastard, respectively) - if they strictly hated women, then wouldn't they want a different tag for the stories in which the gender roles are swapped? :unsure: Undoubtedly, the cheater being the woman seems far more common in the stories, but that part's more of us author's fault than the readers, no?

Still, with that being said - and without meaning to kink shame anyone - it is weird to me when your favourite category of porn is one in which revenge (usually quite violent and/or brutal in some way) is the ultimate satisfaction in it, so I find these people somewhat frightening regardless of whom they hate. 😅 Because the hatred seems to be what gets them off. And mixing extreme anger with your arousal is a dangerous game to be playing.
The revenge part is what the haters want the most. And it had better be unrelenting and total. In one of my two forays in there, the husband spanks the wife for her infidelities, but she likes it and has an orgasm. Then they find out the he likes it from her too. A reconciliation! Two switches find love again and have a fresh start. But no, he's a spineless cuck in their eyes anyway.
Well I guess I’m flattered if they do have a wank after, I got some reviews that were literally just men calling me “slut” for the story but ironically turned me on more than the compliments (too bad the admins deleted them).
That's interesting, because I don't think the mods have ever deleted a comment to me, whether positive or negative. I guess you mean that only the negative comments were deleted? They must have been pretty extreme.

It's also odd that anybody would take the time to make such comments in the first place. It sort of reminds me of guys who used to make obscene phone calls to strangers they found in the phone book.
When it comes to online book reviews, it's typically the one-star and three-star reviews that really make me decide whether or not I'm going to buy a book. And I've heard more than a few published writers say that it's the critics that really sell their books.

I look at negative comments the same way. I got a negative (albeit partially-constructive) comment on the first story I submitted. Big deal. Frankly, I'm almost surprised that anyone cares enough about anything I've written to actually go through the trouble of saying anything about it, good or bad.

Just remember, in this and in all other things were people try to get you down,
With Loving Wives you do get lots of views and lots of comments, but there are a large number of readers there whose kink is hating women.
I want to disagree with you but I can't. I don't write cuck stories but have been called a cuck because the wife didn't suffer enough.
I once wrote a cuckold story, a very loving cuck positive story (but it's in german). Wrote it at work, waited 1 day then published it. It hit a really good review, but some were sad that it was not really a cuck story, some said it's really realistic.
I struggle to come up with a part 2 of that story or something that is based on those characters but years later.

Back to topic: I read this thread and now I am curious to find out about your story. I also don't have a domination kink, so I will probably stop when it's too extreme.
On the other side there are so many woman hating endings (for example for februar sucks), and they are soo over the top.

I love to read cuckold positive stories like "Beth wants to cuckold her husband" or slut positive like "Yes I married a slut" and overall stories with a happy ending (hopeless romantic guy ^^), sadly there are only a few in the whole LW genre :(

Edit: Where is this story from 2014? Deleted?
<<I think I put it in the wrong category because I didn't see a cuckold category here on Literotica.>>

Ideally, it'd be nice to be able to update/expand the story category list, but I get the sense that that might be a technologically daunting task to do on this site.

<<What has been your experience with negative backlash?>>

Most of my negative comments are from one story that I posted in the wrong category (I posted a LezDom story in the Lesbian category and the readers there did not like the content of that story).

Grammar-Nazi trolls might be providing useful advice for me to learn from (although often, their criticisms are grammatically inaccurate.)

The rest I just laugh off.