The backlash to my first story has been turning me on

Just published the sequel to the story I mentioned earlier in this thread, and the comments are already getting very spicy!

As much as I want to publish more stories in LW, I've got a lot of other ideas I want to write first. So alas my adoring LW fans will have to wait a while.
Got my first negative comment today (new writer on Lit) and to be honest it did make my day, they were so angry and disapproving about my main character. To be fair, she is doing some questionable things! I kind of hate her sometimes myself, thankfully she's going to get some comeuppance soon ...
Turning me on to want to write a sequel that is. ;)

I just posted my first story here and have already gotten over 50 comments. Mostly negative comments from what I assume are straight men. Guys who seem to hate it because they empathize with the main character and hate seeing how spineless he is, and how he's treated. It's a cuckold story. It's a bit extreme and cartoonish and meant to be. He suffers more because he's spineless. He starts to get a spine and them bam! Back to his cucky old ways. He's there to be humiliated. That's the purpose of his existence in the story. He's the sex toy we use to get off on our domination kink. He's there to be used and abused. We give him a little fight just to give us enough resistance to push him back down again.

I wrote the story in 2014 and its the first time I ever did a cuckold/humiliation piece. I wanted to try something new. I haven't written one since. It's not my typical genre, I'm more into fantasy. Although every once in a while I do something different just to push my own boundaries. But I'm mostly into doing original work, even if that original work can be cliche at times, which this cuckold story is. Oh well. Again, first time in that genre.

Also I think I put it in the wrong category because I didn't see a cuckold category here on Literotica.

Not all erotic fiction is for everyone. That should be obvious, but isn't. At the same time, looking at the actively log, it's interesting to see the number of people adding the story to their favorites despite all the negative comments and low ratings that would suggest everyone hates it. Quite a few secret admirers. So that's fun. I'm here for them. :)

What has been your experience with negative backlash. Has it inspired you? Does it make you want to write more? Does it make you want to get more extreme? Does it turn you on?
I loved the ending.
Well I guess I’m flattered if they do have a wank after, I got some reviews that were literally just men calling me “slut” for the story but ironically turned me on more than the compliments (too bad the admins deleted them).
Is slut a bad thing?
Not all erotic fiction is for everyone. That should be obvious, but isn't. At the same time, looking at the actively log, it's interesting to see the number of people adding the story to their favorites despite all the negative comments and low ratings that would suggest everyone hates it.

"I hate this and everyone else should hate it too!!! I'm not even gonna read it and give it one star!!!"

Welcome to current year. :ROFLMAO:

I don't like certain kinds of stories. I'm not into cuckold for one. You know what? I don't read them and read something else. I'm not gonna review bomb your story. I'm straight and male. I'm not gonna go dump on some LGBT story. Let other people have their kinks.

I really don't get it.
I don't really agree that cuckold is a niche genre anymore, it's pretty extremely common on many mainstream porn sites, and personally it's the only genre that I'm into. Since the site lacks a specific category for cuckold, I put my first story in Loving Wives since... I assumed that was where it went, as it's the only top level category that it really fits in?

Anyway, I got a couple of weirdly negative comments, but most were pretty positive overall. Since I wrote the story in a couple of hours last week with my dick in my hand, I was pretty happy with the reception.

So basically, in the future, if the story is darker, or doesn't really have a "Loving" wife character, I should put it in Fetish?