'Good' Movies, TV Shows, Books Etc. You Dislike

We tried showing GWTW to the kids. We didn't make it past the opening party.

My daughter's commentary: "I hate ALL these people." Imagine it delivered with all the scorn a tween girl can muster.

She did allow that Melanie didn't seem too bad.
Isn't it around then that Ashley Wilkes, I think, says something like, "This war will be over in a month." Yeah, all wars are short, except for those that are not.

What exactly does Rhett do for a living again? Why isn't he in the Confederate Army? Guys older than him got called up I think.
Vivien Leigh does the Southern Belle thing again in A Streetcar Named Desire. Marlon Brando is certainly a different type from Clark Gable, although it's also not clear what Stanley does for a living. "Especially when you've been exercising hard like bowling is."
Doctor Who puts me right to sleep. I can’t even say I don’t like it, just that I never made it through an episode.

South Park annoys me. Sure I get that it’s chock full of social commentary and satire but to me it’s just another meme generator that encourages kids to be assholes to friends and family.
Doctor Who puts me right to sleep. I can’t even say I don’t like it, just that I never made it through an episode.

South Park annoys me. Sure I get that it’s chock full of social commentary and satire but to me it’s just another meme generator that encourages kids to be assholes to friends and family.
South Park has been on way too long, if it's still going. (I checked, and it still is.) It was the hot show of the late 1990's - time to give it a rest.

Worse yet is Saturday Night Live. Next year is their 50th Anniversary. Are they going for 100?
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It's the Odyssey from Penelope's point of view.
Thanks, good suggestion.

I enjoyed Margret Atwood's "The Penelopiad", which did the same thing (and also gave a voice to the slain slave girls). Also, Madeline Miller's "The Song of Achilles" and "Circe" were excellent, as was "Ariadne" by Jennifer Saint. All doing a similar thing of retelling the myths from a different angle.
Seinfeld, could only watch a few episodes and meh.

I'll duck and run for cover.
Seinfeld, could only watch a few episodes and meh.

I'll duck and run for cover.
I'm currently being forced to watch this by a friend because he wants me to understand the references in his jokes.

I don't hate it, but wouldn't watch on my own. There are definitely worse forms of torture.
"Seinfeld," much like Bach's music or Shakespeare's sonnets, is something most people simply can't appreciate or understand, so there's little point in trying to explain what they're missing.
"Seinfeld," much like Bach's music or Shakespeare's sonnets, is something most people simply can't appreciate or understand, so there's little point in trying to explain what they're missing.
Or it's just not funny.
Shakespeare's sonnets are far easier to explain...

14 lines, 10 beats per line, rhymes, will=penis, bisexual.

Jane Austen

Completely ruined by reading the Brontes first and thus the knowledge that 19th-century heroines could in fact be hot rather than insufferable.

That said, she is at least eminently porn-parody-able...
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Jane Austen

Completely ruined by reading the Brontes first and thus the knowledge that 19th-century heroines could in fact be hot rather than insufferable.

That said, she is at least eminently porn-parady-able...
I once got into trouble with a Literature professor for saying that Persuasion was hilarious. Perhaps because I'd just read Emma, and P&P, and Northanger Abbey, I was in the mindset of Jane Austen presenting her heroines as objects of gentle mockery. My professor got offended, because he'd written his PhD thesis on the idea that Persuasion was the first serious novel in the English language.
As for Dune, I can respect that they're much better movies than I give them credit for: maybe I just wasn't in the right state of mind while watching them, but they felt episodic to the point of exhaustion. I'll try again in a few years.
I found only two things in Dune that I enjoyed - the special effects, and Jason Momoa. The rest of it was meh.
"The English Patient." Elaine gets it!


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Or it's just not funny.

I think it's one of the best and funniest shows ever. Absolutely brilliant. Jason Alexander's performance as George might be my all-time favorite performance by an actor in a TV comedy series.

I like the honesty and complete lack of sentiment in it. Its mantra, according to co-creator Larry David, was "No hugging, no learning."

It's why I like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia so much. It's like Seinfeld, but on crack. Nobody ever learns anything.
Stephen King.

I tried reading one of his books... No idea which one... Felt like a $2 corner store romance novel without the romance. Couldn't understand any of the hype.
Stephen King.

I tried reading one of his books... No idea which one... Felt like a $2 corner store romance novel without the romance. Couldn't understand any of the hype.
How many books has that guy written? His earliest work was pretty good, including Misery, but then he lost his touch. Prolific, that's for sure.