The China Pearl Inn part 7

*nods his head, and goes back up to the Inn proper, and locks up the booze*

Agreed... I was afraid for a second there.

Now... if he cleans up his mess, we will let him have a finger of booze... maybe
I think Uggg gets a kick back from a recycling company. He will put the bottles out on the curb and they will get picked up. Of course, by the time they show up, he will have started a new mountain. :rolleyes:
*Nods his head as he takes a seat back in a comfortable wingback chair and relaxes.*
::Settling back into my favorite chair by the fire.::

After all that work, I think I need a nap. Talk to you later, Jack.
*nods his head and bids SHaring a good night or nap* Take care, sweet dreams, and thanks for the help :)
Well that was fun to watch. CG will pleased that my plan worked perfectly. We had discussed a crane but I said I'm sure I could con some gullible foo... ummm... Friends:D, into bringing them up for me! You guys are great!


Now all I need to do is have a drink and cart them outside.

Oh the liquor cabinet is locked... Oh well no worrries I have this:

*Produces finely carved glass key!*:D

BTW I know where Foo keeps the rice wine! :p
So Jack who used to be your friends when you were here before? I wonder how many of them still hang around. How long were you gone for?

So Jack who used to be your friends when you were here before? I wonder how many of them still hang around. How long were you gone for?


Well.. it has been four years... I would remember them if I see them, but some names are a blur.

May_I_Please, VT... Twilightdream.... Others, but names... escape me sadly

Some have already spoken to me as I was walking up here. It was a pleasant surprise.
Well.. it has been four years... I would remember them if I see them, but some names are a blur.

May_I_Please, VT... Twilightdream.... Others, but names... escape me sadly

Some have already spoken to me as I was walking up here. It was a pleasant surprise.

Cant says as I've run into any of those folks... But I'm a relative noob round here.

Gladiator, CG or Raventimothy may be able to tell you whats become of them.

I can hear Uggg snoring from here. You could try going down there and finding his glass key, but be careful. Two of us have been trapped down there under the bottles. Either that or wait until CG gets here, he has the actual key. :)
Well.. it has been four years... I would remember them if I see them, but some names are a blur.

May_I_Please, VT... Twilightdream.... Others, but names... escape me sadly

Some have already spoken to me as I was walking up here. It was a pleasant surprise.

Jack VT stopped by a while ago but most have not. The Inn has always been a place to welcome new comers meets their needs and then they move on. Like all Inns The China Pearl's patrons are ever changing and the Inn is ever welcoming back old friends.

Morning S F, contending with the boys? :eek:
Trying, but I am outnumbered. Jack did his best to try to rein in Uggg's alcohol intake, but he got outnumbered by the empty bottles. By the way, are you aware that the inn is being held up by glass supports? Apparently the old brick ones were removed to make room for bottles.
S F I fear I shall have to put Uggg to work as a mason under close supervision to repair the damage done.

So how are you doing S F?
I am good. Nothing major happening around here. The temps have gone up a little, but rain in predicted for next week. I would just as soon that the bugs stay in hibernation for a while more. :)

How are the ski slopes? Did you get any of that big eastern storm?
Some times I feel like I only get the chance to hop on when there is drama in my life. And the rest of the time I'm just rageing to the next drama. 😢

Sad "not news" from the front. Over the last two days our Marine friend lost his leg below the knee. Everything was supposed to be going great... till the infection set into the bone. At the point where they have to go in three separate times to remove infected tissue in less than 2 weeks you'd think that the doctors might try something different! On the fourth opening they realized the infection was traveling to the other leg and they might want to do something aggressive to save the man's life.
I am angry and there's not a damn thing I can physically do and that's frustrating.
Now I'm faced with trying to help a marine get past a hurdle that I wouldn't know how to get past if in were in his place. And yes I started to say shoes then started to correct it to show to try to find some humor in all of this. But I'm having trouble laughing today. Even back reading Uggg 's antics arnt helping much. But the glass pilers are a nice touch.


Another round please?:D


Hmmmmm maybe I shouldn't egg him on. He's fairly lushy without my encouragement, as it is. In fact, I wonder what Pinky's like sober. I don't think I've ever seen it!!! *shocked look*

I wonder if I should cut him off.... *evil grin*

Very tired. Sal is already in bed. I think her written exam went well. Off to bed myself, massive day tomorrow. Goodnight CPI

Sorry I missed you dear. Big hugs to you both!! muah!!

Nice to meet you too :) So... we are suppose to feed you booze??

In retrospect, maybe it's not a good idea to booze him up. He's kind of like a booze mogwai. We need to cut him off at midnight otherwise he gets kind of crazy XDD

Oh hi btw, I'm light_shiva. Most people here call me ls. I'm not in the military but I'm deeply honored to be friend to these amazing folks. Are you also a military man?

NO NO NO NO NO Uggg drinks way too much on his own. He doesn't need to be fed more gin. He could probably use some actual food though. ;)

The jury has spoken! I will not give him carte blanche to the bar anymore! Scouts honor ma'am! I will guard my pet's alcoholism with an iron fist. Will just have to find something else for him to drink. Any suggestions? *winks*

The liquor cabinet's locked. This is surely against some law...

Hi Chris *hugs* long time no see!!! I agree that it's against the law, but I must enlist your help in monitoring Pinky's drinking problem. Maybe we should just set him up with some pot or something instead...
Listen to him Raven. Be there listen ask a question or two and let him vent. Too many people try to pump sunshine Raven.

My what a busy post Shiva.:eek:
Some times I feel like I only get the chance to hop on when there is drama in my life. And the rest of the time I'm just rageing to the next drama. 😢

Sad "not news" from the front. Over the last two days our Marine friend lost his leg below the knee. Everything was supposed to be going great... till the infection set into the bone. At the point where they have to go in three separate times to remove infected tissue in less than 2 weeks you'd think that the doctors might try something different! On the fourth opening they realized the infection was traveling to the other leg and they might want to do something aggressive to save the man's life.
I am angry and there's not a damn thing I can physically do and that's frustrating.
Now I'm faced with trying to help a marine get past a hurdle that I wouldn't know how to get past if in were in his place. And yes I started to say shoes then started to correct it to show to try to find some humor in all of this. But I'm having trouble laughing today. Even back reading Uggg 's antics arnt helping much. But the glass pilers are a nice touch.

Hi RT!

We all do what we can, each day. You know you can't do it all for your friend, and even though it's a hard thing to watch, you know you will do your best for him. It is ultimately up to him how he responds to the treatments and rehab. I'm sure he will need you more and more in the upcoming days, so you can't wallow in the sadness for too long. You're strong. You got this. :heart:
Hi CG!

:kiss: I felt that sensual kiss right through my computer screen the other day and I about passed out!! :eek:

How you doin today?