The Cop and Her Chocolate Lover (Closed for suze-teacher)

“She’s out here willingly bro.” Maurice laughed. “She knows what I bring to the table.” He leans closer rewords Susan with a smirk. “And I do bring a lot.” He looks back at the owner. “So what does your horse looking ass got for us Carl?”
“She’s out here willingly bro.” Maurice laughed. “She knows what I bring to the table.” He leans closer rewords Susan with a smirk. “And I do bring a lot.” He looks back at the owner. “So what does your horse looking ass got for us Carl?”

Susan giggles at the banter between the two black men and blushes at Maurice's obvious sexual innuendo.

Susan then says to Carl. "Lovely to meet you Carl. My name is Susan. I am sure Maurice has brought plenty of women here. Am I right? He says this is his favourite spot in the whole city!".

Carl replies "Oh yes he has. But none like you Susan.". She replies "None like me? How so?"

Carl informs her "Well lets just say, the women I have seen Maurice with are on the thicker side. Not slender like you young lady. And I have heard plenty of gossip from these women. Apparently Maurice here is a bed breaker!"

Susan squeals in delightful laughter as Carl leaves with the orders. Batting her eyelashes at Maurice as she gives him a very impressed look.
“That’s my man Carl,” Maurice smirked. “Always coming through for me and letting people know just what I do. I can see how impressed you are.”

Two hands were placed on Susan’s shoulders and the redhead woman that they belonged to whispered in her ear. “You’re so fucking lucky.” She quickly left after that, leaving the two alone.
Susan gasps in shock when she feels the small hands on her shoulders and the whisper in her ear. "Who .............what?" she mutters in confusion as the redheaded lady walks off into the night.

"Things do seem to escalate quickly in New York. Or is that just with you Maurice?" she asks with a smile.

Carl soon comes back with our meals. A salad for Susan. He then leaves the two of them alone again.
Maurice had ordered a burger before Carl left. “It’s all me.” He chuckled. “But you like it. Admit it.”
"I have to admit I am very intrigued." Susan smiles at Maurice and blushes. She bites her lower lip again. "I guess I need to get used to how things work here."