The Dirtiest Stories

Tentacle porn

The exerpt of tentacle porn reminds me somewhat of the space opera that I used to read. Even when I read it, it was old, but it featered BEM (bug-eyed monsters) and they were always trying to rape the beautiful Earth girl. The stories were written in the 30's so the language was not explicit but the intent was there. Whenever I read a story, I thought "Why is this BEM trying to fuck this girl. Granted, she is beautiful to me, but a female of his species would not be so why is she alluring to him. I thought the same thing about this. Why is this alien fucking the woman's pussy and ass with his tentacles? Why doesn't he just kill her and have done with it, since he could have?

I have never written one of those but I will write one somethng like it but not till next month. I can't help wondering, by the way, if this would qualify as beastiality.:confused:
Originally posted by Boxlicker101
Hi, DM. I just read two of your stories and voted and left PC's. They were good and smutty, both of them but I think mine are dirtier. The two I read, the one about the billiards games and the incest story had too long a buildup to where they got to the smut, although I have to admit some of mine do too. :devil:

Sometimes ya need a little build up, to spice up the filth so that it degenerates in to the rhelm of total indecency. LOL

Boxlicker101 said:
Hi, DM. I just read two of your stories and voted and left PC's. They were good and smutty, both of them but I think mine are dirtier. The two I read, the one about the billiards games and the incest story had too long a buildup to where they got to the smut, although I have to admit some of mine do too. :devil:

Box, if you read it here at Lit, then you've been reading the tame stuff. Take not on my signature line where you can find my real filth.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Dirt Man said:
Box, if you read it here at Lit, then you've been reading the tame stuff. Take not on my signature line where you can find my real filth.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

I did read one of those once, at least I started on it but I had to leave. Yes, it was really dirty but it is not on Lit. I have written one of those too but it is beastiality and they won't accept it here.:cool:
Dirty Slut said:
Sometimes ya need a little build up, to spice up the filth so that it degenerates in to the rhelm of total indecency. LOL


Right on the money DS. Erotica writers are seducers of readers. A seduction without foreplay is amateur hour, or more likely amateur ten minutes.
Boxlicker101 said:
I believe I write the dirtiest stories on Lit. They are 100% smut, and not just ordinary smut. They are 100% dirty, filthy smut, with not a speck of redeeming social qualities. They are 100% dirty, filthy smut, using contemporary community standards of anywhere in the world, from Amsterdam to Tiajuana. I challenge anybody to write stories as dirty as mine.

Ok, what exactly do YOU define as dirty?


Surely it's a matter of opinion isn't it?

What you think is dirty, I might think is merely rude. What I think is dirty, you might think is disgusting filth.

Where-as I appreciate the comment and challenge you are making, when it all comes down to opinions, there's no way of judging without an all inclusive poll. And even then, someone will disagree with the results.

So who's the dirtiest??

Perhaps it's Roland below:
Re: Re: The Dirtiest Stories

lewdandlicentious said:
Ok, what exactly do YOU define as dirty?


Surely it's a matter of opinion isn't it?

What you think is dirty, I might think is merely rude. What I think is dirty, you might think is disgusting filth.

Where-as I appreciate the comment and challenge you are making, when it all comes down to opinions, there's no way of judging without an all inclusive poll. And even then, someone will disagree with the results.

So who's the dirtiest??

Perhaps it's Roland below:

I have to agree with what you and others have said. The only thing that I would consider to be disgusting filth would be a story about someone who likes to lie down and have people come and piss and shit on him or her. Of course, I would never read about such a thing. I also don't want to read about torture like whipping and racking and branding so I don't read about that either. I find things like domination and enslavement to be disturbing so I don't read them. Whatever I don't want to read about, I certainly don't want to write about either. Bondage or spanking are okay, as long as they enhance the sexual pleasure of the people involved. I read about that and I write about that also. I have written two stories classified as non-consent but both are about role-playing and the woman is tied up but very loosely and is actually in charge and enjoys the whole scene.

When I think of "dirty" I think of sexually explicit, and I believe I am pre-eminent there, although that is a matter of opinion.

If somebody tells a "dirty story" it is about sex, not about somebody being whipped or pissed on or enslaved. I realize that some people find such stories exciting but I am not one of those people. Since I am not turned on by them, I do not think of them as dirty.

It might be fun to take some kind of poll on who is the "dirtiest" but there wold never be any kind of consensus.
Dig this Tory up and I'll vote for him!

Boxlicker101 said:
...It might be fun to take some kind of poll on who is the "dirtiest" but there wold never be any kind of consensus.

"The only people who know what to do with polls are dogs." John Diefenbaker
You know...Box has an interesting point on bestiality - when does alien sex with a tentacled alien (or a giant squid) become bestiality?

Is a centaur having his way with a young satrap's daughter bestiality?

Is intelligence basically what lifts these examples from the level of bestiality? But what about inaminate objects, like dildos?

What about plants?

Groanf...too much think = crime think = sleep time
SummerMorning said:
You know...Box has an interesting point on bestiality - when does alien sex with a tentacled alien (or a giant squid) become bestiality?

Is a centaur having his way with a young satrap's daughter bestiality?

Is intelligence basically what lifts these examples from the level of bestiality? But what about inaminate objects, like dildos?

What about plants?

Groanf...too much think = crime think = sleep time

They aren't based on real living beings, they are completely made up, they are the creatures of the fantasy genre, for example.

I've never met a squid with an IQ above 15. A plant on the other hand... :D

SummerMorning said:
You know...Box has an interesting point on bestiality - when does alien sex with a tentacled alien (or a giant squid) become bestiality?

Is a centaur having his way with a young satrap's daughter bestiality?

Is intelligence basically what lifts these examples from the level of bestiality? But what about inaminate objects, like dildos?

What about plants?

Groanf...too much think = crime think = sleep time

I mentioned that to provoke some thought, and I have been thinking about it too. A woman and a dog or a man with a bitch in heat would be beastiality because it is sex to all participants. A man with a docile mare or cow might not be because, to the female, it would be an annoyance, like flies, rather than sex. To the squid or the tentacled alien, sex would not be the object so it would not be beastiality, any more than a dildo. One of my stories is about sex with a female space alien, and I have never thought of that as being beastiality, although it might be since one was not human and it was sex to both participants (Zusie Beams Me Up)

The centaur and the woman might be, because the centaur is not human but he is partly human, but the sex organs are in the non-human part. Maybe if he is fucking her, that is beastiality but if he is eating her pussy, that is not because his mouth is human. Likewise, fucking a mermaid, if it is possible, is beastiality because she is not human there but getting a blowjob would not be.

As to the exerpt on this thread, we don't know what the alien had in mind, bot it does appear to be sex of some kind for some reason.:confused::confused:
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Originally posted by SummerMorning:
You know...Box has an interesting point on bestiality - when does alien sex with a tentacled alien (or a giant squid) become bestiality?

Is a centaur having his way with a young satrap's daughter bestiality?

Is intelligence basically what lifts these examples from the level of bestiality? But what about inaminate objects, like dildos?

What about plants?

I guess it is a legal issue, like the age of consent - while it may not be illegal as yet to have sex with a plant, aliens or a giant squid with lewd intentions (at least in Australia), I'm thinking dogs would defintely have to be (again, in Australia, can't account for US standards, or Kiwis and their sheep :p ).

Also, the eewww factor. A six foot man and a poodle doesn't do it for me.
SummerMorning said:
You know...Box has an interesting point on bestiality - when does alien sex with a tentacled alien (or a giant squid) become bestiality?

Is a centaur having his way with a young satrap's daughter bestiality?

Is intelligence basically what lifts these examples from the level of bestiality? But what about inaminate objects, like dildos?

What about plants?

Groanf...too much think = crime think = sleep time

This is one of the rules regarding submissions, taken from the rules section:

No sexual activity involving bestiality (you can write stories about supernatural beasts like ghosts, unicorns, werewolves, etc.) :)

Apparently a centaur or mermaid or the tentacled alien would be okay, but maybe not the squid.

I wonder about a werewolf, who has a girlfriend who knows all about him. Let's say that, knowing there will be a full moon that night, they go someplace together and, after he changes, they have sex. :p After the conversion, the story will be about a dog or wolf and a woman, probably the most common form of written beastiality. :cool:

"Susan and john were together in the motel. John was a werewolf and Susan knew it, but she also knew he was a very affectionate werewolf and after the conversion, his cock would be ten inches long, and thick, and with a big knob at the base, to keep it in her pussy for a long time." After John changes, the dog and Susan have sex, just like a normal woman-dog scene. :eek: That would probably not be acceptable.:mad: :devil:
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Familiar with Tom Lehrer?

He's a brilliant musical political satirist from the 1960's (but he retired to be a college mathematics professor - lol) He's been compared to Mark Russell except that Tom Lehrer happens to be funny.

Lyrics to one of his tunes appropriately titled Smut.

Give me smut and nothing but!
A dirty novel I can't shut
If it's uncut
and unsubt-le.

I've never quibbled
If it was ribald.
I would devour
Where others merely nibbled.
As the judge remarked the day that he acquitted my Aunt Hortense,
"To be smut it must be utterly without redeeming social importance."

Nographic pictures I adore.
Indecent magazines galore,
I like them more
If they're hard core.

Bring on the obscene movies, murals, postcards, neckties, samplers, stained
glass windows, tattoos, anything!
More, more, I'm still not satisfied!

Stories of tortures
Used by debauchers
Lurid, licentious and vile,
Make me smile.
Novels that pander
To my taste for candor
Give me a pleasure sublime.
Let's face it I love slime!

Old books can be indecent books,
Though recent books are bolder.
For filth, I'm glad to say,
Is in the mind of the beholder.
When correctly viewed,
Everything is lewd.
I could tell you things about Peter Pan
And the Wizard of Oz - there's a dirty old man!

I thrill
To any book like Fanny Hill,
And I suppose I always will
If it is swill
And really fil-thy.

Who needs a hobby like tennis or philately?
I've got a hobby: rereading Lady Chatterley.
But now they're trying to take it all away from us unless
We take a stand, and hand in hand we fight for freedom of the press.
In other words: Smut! I love it.
Ah, the adventures of a slut.
Oh, I'm a market they can't glut.
I don't know what
Compares with smut.
Hip, hip, hooray!
Let's hear it for the Supreme Court!
Don't let them take it away!
Tatelou said:
I've never met a squid with an IQ above 15. A plant on the other hand... :D


After 23 years in the British army, I can tell you, I've met plenty of plant life!

And not all of it at the lower end of the ranks either!

Also, for Boxlicker, check out my story dude.

It's quite dirty, and VERY rude!
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Boxlicker101 said:
This is one of the rules regarding submissions, taken from the rules section:

No sexual activity involving bestiality (you can write stories about supernatural beasts like ghosts, unicorns, werewolves, etc.) :)

Apparently a centaur or mermaid or the tentacled alien would be okay, but maybe not the squid.

I wonder about a werewolf, who has a girlfriend who knows all about him. Let's say that, knowing there will be a full moon that night, they go someplace together and, after he changes, they have sex. :p After the conversion, the story will be about a dog or wolf and a woman, probably the most common form of written beastiality. :cool:

"Susan and john were together in the motel. John was a werewolf and Susan knew it, but she also knew he was a very affectionate werewolf and after the conversion, his cock would be ten inches long, and thick, and with a big know at the base, to keep it in her pussy for a long time." After John changes, the dog and Susan have sex, just like a normal womam-dog scene. :eek: That would probably not be acceptable.:mad: :devil:

Actually, it depends on how it is written, after all a unicorn is a horse with a horn, right. And a Centaur can be the same kinde of story. And a Werewolf could be interpreted as another form of canine, right? In either case an enterprising writer could turn these fantasy creatures into a wonderfully filthy bestial experiment.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Dirt Man said:
Actually, it depends on how it is written, after all a unicorn is a horse with a horn, right. And a Centaur can be the same kinde of story. And a Werewolf could be interpreted as another form of canine, right? In either case an enterprising writer could turn these fantasy creatures into a wonderfully filthy bestial experiment.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Oh, absolutely. I could write some great smut about it and so could you and any writer on Lit. could. John could turn into a really hung and horny great Dane, with human intelligence and feelings, and he and Susan could get it on until daybreak, when he would change back. What I have in mind would not, I am sure, be acceptable to Laurel, though. Maybe I could write about a woman and a pet unicorn she has named Horny, which would be a neat double entendre. Call it "Daphne and Horny Horny". That might get past, depending on what I emphasized.l:p
Werewolf and Woman

That is a fascinating idea. Imagine, :) a dog's tongue, agile and muscular and able to get into tight places, with the nodules that a dog has on his tongue, and the mentality of a man who loves to eat pussy. :p Like I said, though, Laurel would not accept it.
sweetnpetite said:
It always comes down to tentacle porn doesnt it?

Nope. But it does if you understand the running joke.

I finished writing a particularly hard-hitting and gruesome erotic horror last night, no TP in sight, but there is a strong and in control female vampire.

Anyway guys, with regard to that excerpt I posted, it is a very small snippet from a rather long novel, and is completely out of context read on its own. I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have posted it without more lead up and background info, but then again, I do not want to give away the plot of my novel. I will just say that the aliens want the human women for certain reasons, don't think sex, think reproduction. It's also one way they have found to control humans, and they use a form of mind control for this, too. Then again, my novel doesn't really revolve around the aliens, it's more about human friendships and how they can break down under pressure. Also, there is always one who isn't what they seem, and might double cross them.

Re: Re: The Dirtiest Stories

lewdandlicentious said:
Ok, what exactly do YOU define as dirty?

A very good question.

Dirty can't be the same as explicit, because there’s nothing more explicit and than a medical text, and probably nothing less sexy. Also, I think that you find less dirt in the Loving Couples category. It’s hard for people in love to get really dirty with each other, no matter what they do.

I think that “dirty” is a psychological change in the characters. I think dirty stories always involve a loss of dignity and self-control and a manifestation of hot and heavy libido: a character reduced to animal desires. Just like comedy always invoves a character’s descent into the ridiculous, I think dirty stories always involve a descent into animal desires. I'm afraid real filth involves degradation as well, in the sense that the character has to admit certain things abnout themselves they'd rather not acknowledge.

In a dirty story it’s not so much what the characters do, it’s how they feel about what they do.

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Re: Re: Re: The Dirtiest Stories

dr_mabeuse said:
A very good question.

Dirty can't be the same as explicit, because there’s nothing more explicit and than a medical text, and probably nothing less sexy. Also, I think that you find less dirt in the Loving Couples category. It’s hard for people in love to get really dirty with each other, no matter what they do.

I think that “dirty” is a psychological change in the characters.

Okay, immediately when someone says the words "I think," what they say after that becomes an opinion on their part. So that everything Dr. M says after; no matter what they do. Is just his opinion, and his opinion only.

I think dirty stories always involve a loss of dignity and self-control and a manifestation of hot and heavy libido: a character reduced to animal desires. Just like comedy always invoves a character’s descent into the ridiculous, I think dirty stories always involve a descent into animal desires. I'm afraid real filth involves degradation as well, in the sense that the character has to admit certain things abnout themselves they'd rather not acknowledge.

In a dirty story it’s not so much what the characters do, it’s how they feel about what they do.


The truth is that sex is 95% mental, and 5% physical. Sex is only dirty therefore if one thinks of it as dirty, or is brought up to believe that certain thoughts, ideas, or physical acts are dirty, or naughty, or weird, or just plain against the law. For instance; sex between siblings is pretty much against the law throughout every civilized nation on the planet at this time, but it wasn't always that way as we know through the pharohes of egypt who married within the immediate family to keep their bloodlines pure. The same is true about bestiality believe it or not. Hell, if you were brought up to think that the words: Penis, vagina, or breast were dirty words Then you would be turned on by a medical text.

So, in a dirty story it's not so much what the characters do, it's how we the readers feel about what they are doing that makes it dirty, or not.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Re: Re: Re: The Dirtiest Stories

IMO, it's not what the characters think about what they are doing, it's what the reader thinks about it. Sure it's subjective. If someone thinks that diagrams of body parts are 'dirty' then they will think that medical texts have 'dirty pictures' Weather or not a story is dirty is really up to each individual reader to deside for his or her own self- as is weather that is a good thing or a bad thing.

I think- actually I know- that the more you love someone, the easier it is to get 'dirty' with them. You're more comfortable with them, more accepting of each other, you can say 'call me a slut' enjoy the dirtyness of it, without feeling that the other person *truly* feels that way about you. You have acceptance. And they are also less likely to advertise what a freak you are (hopefully) There is more freeness with somebody you feel comfortable with and love and who loves you.

When me and my SO were in love, our sex was a lot dirtier. Now we do even kinkier stuff than we used to, but it's not as dirty. It's hard to explain. I gotta go now, I'm getting nastalgic...

dr_mabeuse said:
A very good question.

Dirty can't be the same as explicit, because there’s nothing more explicit and than a medical text, and probably nothing less sexy. Also, I think that you find less dirt in the Loving Couples category. It’s hard for people in love to get really dirty with each other, no matter what they do.

I think that “dirty” is a psychological change in the characters. I think dirty stories always involve a loss of dignity and self-control and a manifestation of hot and heavy libido: a character reduced to animal desires. Just like comedy always invoves a character’s descent into the ridiculous, I think dirty stories always involve a descent into animal desires. I'm afraid real filth involves degradation as well, in the sense that the character has to admit certain things abnout themselves they'd rather not acknowledge.

In a dirty story it’s not so much what the characters do, it’s how they feel about what they do.
