The Economy

For those on the left being gaslighted by Kamala's price gouging BS:

Food Profit Margins Shrink, But Harris Blames Them for Rising Grocery Bills​

So to paraphrase your point; you want grocery prices to rise, so profit margins increase.

Got it.
In fact, the largest grocer in the nation The Kroger Co. is operating on a 1.93% profit margin and the rest of the grocers had an average of 1.6% profit margin.
Yes mr 2/10th, we get you failed math....

The largest grocer, is making the most profit. Seems correct. 1.93% profit, nah that's bullshit and you bought it hand over foot.

Kroger's gross profit was 33.42 Billion, up a 4.99% increase for the fiscal year ending in April 2024 over April 2023. (public documents) ending April 30,a 4.71% increase from 2022.
Yes mr 2/10th, we get you failed math....

The largest grocer, is making the most profit. Seems correct. 1.93% profit, nah that's bullshit and you bought it hand over foot.

Kroger's gross profit was 33.42 Billion, up a 4.99% increase for the fiscal year ending in April 2024 over April 2023. (public documents) gross profit for the twelve months ending April 30,a 4.71% increase from 2022.
doesnt negate the profit margin, oh stupid juan

Ha! Have you ever been to Dollar General or Big Lots? They’re both poorly managed stores filled with crap. They are being out-competed by WalMart, Sam’s Club and other successful retailers.

Consumer spending increased in July. Any retailer that isn’t thriving only has itself to blame.

personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $103.8 billion
So for decades Dollar General or Big Lots have done very very well, but all of a sudden they are crap! OK, that makes sense to you?
So for decades Dollar General or Big Lots have done very very well, but all of a sudden they are crap! OK, that makes sense to you?

Dollar General’s revenue continues to climb. And the company is profitable. So you agree the economy must be fine, right? 😆

This quarter, Dollar General’s revenue grew 4.2% year on year to $10.21 billion.

The company’s reported net income for the three-month period that ended Aug. 2 was $374 million.

Dollar General earnings
For those on the left being gaslighted by Kamala's price gouging BS:

Food Profit Margins Shrink, But Harris Blames Them for Rising Grocery Bills​

Joel Griffith
August 29, 2024

ising grocery costs continue to put the squeeze on families. Overall, the cost of a trip to fill the pantry rose nearly 22 percent since the beginning of 2021. Many specific staples rose far more — eggs are up 110 percent, flour up 29 percent, orange juice up 82 percent. A family of four spending $1000 per month just three and a half years is spending an additional $2,640 annually for this same shopping list.

Unfortunately, Vice President Harris misdiagnosed the source of the problem as “bad actors” seeing their “highest profits in two decades.” She blames the initial surge in food prices on supply chain issues during the pandemic — certainly a major contribution to the shortages and price increases on many items early in the pandemic.

However, Harris mixes this truth with falsehood by claiming businesses are now pocketing the savings after these supply-chain issues have subsided. Her proposed solution — “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food” — will compound the misery.

First, the faulty diagnosis. A look at the data easily counters this.

An insightful way of analyzing whether price increases are due to “gouging” is to focus on the variable production costs of the goods sold plus the selling, general, and administrative expenses. Tyson Foods — the world’s largest chicken, beef, and pork processor — saw its margin drop from 8.4 percent in 2020 to just 1.1 percent last year. Kraft Heinz and General Mills — food processors with combined revenue nearly equal to Tyson Foods, suffered similar results. Kraft Heinz’s margin declined from 21.4 percent to 20.2 percent. General Mills’s shrank from 17.8 percent to 16.8 percent. Far from “gouging,” these industry leaders are failing to fully pass along the entirety of their own cost surges to consumers. Expenses relative to sales increased during the past three and a half years of elevated inflation.

More here:

In fact, the largest grocer in the nation The Kroger Co. is operating on a 1.93% profit margin and the rest of the grocers had an average of 1.6% profit margin.


The VERY REAL AND EXTREME PRICE GOUGING and GREEDFLATION happened earlier, in 2021, 2022, and early 2023, and only abated when the business costs vs consumer pricing numbers were finally able to be scrutinized. Once it became apparent that big corporations HAD been engaged in PRICE GOUGING which led to GREEDFLATION, President Biden called out the worst offenders from the bully pulpit in November of 2023.


For ALL of 2021, 2022, and MOST of 2023, President Biden and Vice President Harris were dealing with the pandemic, the economic recovery, natural and man-made disasters, and saving democracy - here and abroad. By November of 2023, enough time for study of corporate costs, pricing, and profits had been made available, and the studies showed the big corporations HAD engaged / WERE engaging in PRICE GOUGING that caused GREEDFLATION - and THAT IS WHEN President Biden called out the big corporations from the bully pulpit, (President Biden and Vice President Harris also addressed supply chain issues, energy issues, and infrastructure issues which were contributing to inflation.)


It’s interesting that inflation started dropping precipitously after President Biden called out the big corporations.


Ironically, there IS a way the American people could be compensated for the injuries inflicted by corporate PRICE GOUGING and GREEDFLATION, but scum, like "Right"guide, won’t support the legislative measures and the Democratic candidate(s) that could / would make the American people whole.

revenue growth and profits below forecast and projections

You are economically illiterate. Stock market performance and profitability are very different things. 😆

Dollar General revenue is growing and the company had $374 million in profits in the last 3 months.

Dollar General shares crater 25% as retailer cuts outlook, blaming ‘financially constrained’ customers​

Published Thu, Aug 29 20247:39 AM EDTUpdated Thu, Aug 29 202410:21 AM EDT

Dollar General’s revenue grew 4.2% over the last 12 months, and the company made $374 million profit in the last 3 months.

You confuse stock price fluctuations with financial performance because you are financially illiterate. 😆
The $103.8 billion increase in consumer spending in July reflected increases in spending for both services and goods. Within services, the largest contributor to the increase was housing and utilities (led by housing)

cost MORE to cool homes and to have homes

Not a GOOD sign
What control does the president have over home prices? None.

Are you suggesting the federal government build millions of homes for low-income people?

Home prices soared in the early 2000s and again after the crash. Are you suggesting that Biden is somehow responsible for soaring home prices since 2014? (See the graph in the link)
Tell that to your hero Kamala:

“My mother saved for years to buy a home. I was a teenager when that day finally came – I remember how excited she was,” Harris wrote on X. “Right now, home ownership is out of reach for too many Americans. When I am President, we will end the housing shortage by building 3 million homes and rentals.”
The $103.8 billion increase in consumer spending in July reflected increases in spending for both services and goods. Within services, the largest contributor to the increase was housing and utilities (led by housing)

cost MORE to cool homes and to have homes

Not a GOOD sign

Dear economically illiterate person,

Give up. You’re embarrassing yourself.

Increased consumer spending is not a sign of recession.

if you have to spend MORE to cool or heat your home and to maintain it, yes, spending goes UP but leaves LESS for discretionary spending
The $103.8 billion increase in consumer spending in July reflected increases in spending for both services and goods. Within services, the largest contributor to the increase was housing and utilities (led by housing)

cost MORE to cool homes and to have homes

Not a GOOD sign

You edited the quote to leave out an important part:

The $103.8 billion increase in current-dollar PCE in July reflected an increase of $59.3 billion in spending for services and $44.5 billion in spending for goods (table 2). Within services, the largest contributor to the increase was housing and utilities (led by housing).

$44.5 billion increase in consumer spending on goods.

Consumer spending is increasing across the board. That is not the sign of a recession. 😆
the economy is getting worse


regular folk are hurting
Boy you sure are smart—figuring out how to post things and all.

Here’s an actual fact for you. What you see here is called a CHART. This shows the Dow Jones (Google it) trending for the last 5 years. It shows that year over year that it’s going UP. Not down, genius. UP.
