The Economy

2024 "Most Dynamic Micropolitans" Report, Highlights Resilience and Growth in America's Small Cities

Heartland Forward – a policy think-and-do tank working as a resource for states and communities to advance the economic success in the middle of the country – today released its biennial report, "Most Dynamic Micropolitans". It ranks 527 micropolitan areas – municipalities with populations of 10,000 to 50,000 – across the entire United States based on economic performance. Los Alamos, N.M.; Jefferson, Ga.; and Jackson, Wyo.-Idahoranked as the top three most dynamic micropolitans. Outdoor recreation, tourism and manufacturing were the most common strengths among the top 25.

The full report is linked too.
Trump's inflation fantasies

Trump is called out on his nonsense. Nobody can wave a magic wand and lower prices.

There’s not very much any president can do to lower prices in a free-market economy driven by supply and demand. Yet Trump insists he will be uniquely deflationary. In campaign speeches, Trump routinely highlights the inflated cost of groceries, gasoline, electricity, insurance, and housing. “Prices will come down,” Trump promised on Aug. 11. “You just watch. They’ll come down and they’ll come down fast, not only with insurance, with everything.”

Trump specifically says he would lower the cost of auto insurance during the first 100 days of his second term. He vows to slash energy costs “by half, at least half.” He claims his plan to deport millions of undocumented migrants will lower housing costs by opening up properties that non-migrants would otherwise be living in.

BS alert: None of this is going to happen. Trump won’t have any special power over inflation that prior presidents failed to muster.
If you watch Bloomberg Financial you will realize inflation is a worldwide problem with many causes. The question is exactly how does Trump exclusively having his merch made in China affect China's inflation rate.
Musk is against tariffs on Chinese made EVs and blames Biden for them. Trump says green technology is a hoax. Trump wants to put tariffs on Chinese goods even though all his merch is made there. So, the plan for the economy is what? Whatever Trump can make a buck on?

The same people who said the economy was great under Biden

Now say

Harris will fix the economy
For those on the left being gaslighted by Kamala's price gouging BS:

Food Profit Margins Shrink, But Harris Blames Them for Rising Grocery Bills​

Joel Griffith
August 29, 2024

ising grocery costs continue to put the squeeze on families. Overall, the cost of a trip to fill the pantry rose nearly 22 percent since the beginning of 2021. Many specific staples rose far more — eggs are up 110 percent, flour up 29 percent, orange juice up 82 percent. A family of four spending $1000 per month just three and a half years is spending an additional $2,640 annually for this same shopping list.

Unfortunately, Vice President Harris misdiagnosed the source of the problem as “bad actors” seeing their “highest profits in two decades.” She blames the initial surge in food prices on supply chain issues during the pandemic — certainly a major contribution to the shortages and price increases on many items early in the pandemic.

However, Harris mixes this truth with falsehood by claiming businesses are now pocketing the savings after these supply-chain issues have subsided. Her proposed solution — “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food” — will compound the misery.

First, the faulty diagnosis. A look at the data easily counters this.

An insightful way of analyzing whether price increases are due to “gouging” is to focus on the variable production costs of the goods sold plus the selling, general, and administrative expenses. Tyson Foods — the world’s largest chicken, beef, and pork processor — saw its margin drop from 8.4 percent in 2020 to just 1.1 percent last year. Kraft Heinz and General Mills — food processors with combined revenue nearly equal to Tyson Foods, suffered similar results. Kraft Heinz’s margin declined from 21.4 percent to 20.2 percent. General Mills’s shrank from 17.8 percent to 16.8 percent. Far from “gouging,” these industry leaders are failing to fully pass along the entirety of their own cost surges to consumers. Expenses relative to sales increased during the past three and a half years of elevated inflation.

More here:

In fact, the largest grocer in the nation The Kroger Co. is operating on a 1.93% profit margin and the rest of the grocers had an average of 1.6% profit margin.