The Fraken-poem

we most certainly did :cool:

and so fast!

is anyone else surprised at how fast this came together? it was only a matter of hours from tods announcing the kick-off! :cool:

It's lucky I don't sleep much more than three to four hours a night lol, that and you guys fired back each stanza so fast!
If I have learned nothing else from hanging out around the people of this forum it's this: There is power in enjambment. ;)


I used to call it "running sentences across lines" because I didn't know it was a thing. I thought I just figured it out lol.
bump, see if any one else wants to try and run one of these..... do we even have 6 regular writers at the moment?
The poem turned out pretty good. I expected a frankenpoem to feel a bit disjointed, but the seams are pretty smooth if you don't actively look for them. Also, each poet poured his/her inspiration into a single stanza, and tried to do the most with his part. The poem never loses breath, you never feel like "oh, if I had to cut one stanza...". Good job, people.
bump, see if any one else wants to try and run one of these..... do we even have 6 regular writers at the moment?
depends on what you mean by regular
also depends on what you mean by writer
either way, I don't qualify
depends on what you mean by regular
also depends on what you mean by writer
either way, I don't qualify

Don't qualify or won't play?

There are plenty of regular writers in New poems wonder what sort of monstrosity we could really create, mix in some rhyming couplets, with plastic plates bowing under the weight of cliches etc. I liked the last poem and agree with tsoth about the final outcome, my part could use a shuffle around it reads pretty choppy.
He is saying he:

1) doesn't consider himself a writer AND
2) ( doesn't consider himself a regular ) OR ( doesn't think he has a regular <something> (bowels?) )

You in for this round? I think we even have a title thanks to tokuquin :D
*takes scissors, cuts twelveoone's emo bangs*

There, I've freed you. Like an inverted poetry Samson. Go and write.

I caught that

I caught that too.

Who the hell brought this up? Todski?
I apologise.
I caught that

I caught that too.

Who the hell brought this up? Todski?
I apologise.

you catch a lot of stuff :eek: ever considered taking vitamins? i worries about you. :cool:

a franken-pome dedicated to ass...
trix got in fast with a dedicated ass-ode

the world's goin' ta shit, man. shit!