The "Fuck you Covid19" thread

...hey all, work has pulled me onto some COVID response stuff. I'm trying to clear the decks, so please don't worry about me if I go quiet for a while. Fara knows how to reach me.
On my FB wall, an old neighbor/friend, not someone I speak to in any way other than FB anymore, just made the comment that there is a tipping point and we are going to have to be okay with people dying in order to save our economy. Jesus fucking CHRIST. I’m pissed! I’ve typed and deleted a response a few times...People are really showing their true colors. By the way, he is a “pro-life” conservative, but that probably surprises no one.

I unfriend folks like that. And I tell them why.

^^^What she said. I can't believe this line of thought but I keep hearing things like this.

To which I will add: I have always taught my children and my grandson the violence doesn't solve anything. BUT, I seriously would like to punch a hoarder in the face. Or at least piss all over their toilet paper stock.
...hey all, work has pulled me onto some COVID response stuff. I'm trying to clear the decks, so please don't worry about me if I go quiet for a while. Fara knows how to reach me.

Along with cascadia and all the other COVID responders, stay safe.
Along with cascadia and all the other COVID responders, stay safe.

Oh, I'm not in that league. I'm working from home, my biggest dangers are Vitamin D deficiency and chair disease, and I've got tablets and a treadmill for those. Just going to be busy and focussed, that's all. Didn't mean to scare anybody!
C&P from another forum. Interesting questions.

I'm curious if anybody here can answer this question though because I can't find any information online about this -
What's a restaurant operator supposed to do with an employee that reports to work with all of the classic symptoms of Corona virus? HIPAA laws make it very difficult to talk about this with an employee so.....
What do I do with an employee who won't come into work because they say they have these symptoms? Typically the way we handle this with other diseases that are communicable is that we have the individual refrain from coming to work if they are exhibiting signs of vomiting or diarrhea. If they have these symptoms for more than a few days they need to get a note from a doctor authorizing them to return to work. Whole new ball game with Corona virus having a 14-day stint......
I'm not certain if I'm allowed to talk to an individual about their symptoms due to HIPAA or if it's just an issue once they see a doctor But can I make them go see a doctor?

Do I have to report this to the health department?
Should I report this to the health department?
Can I force someone to take a test in order to keep their job?

Before I get some comments about contacting my local health department I have, But I have to be very careful about how I ask questions like this. If anything even got close to getting into the news about this it would destroy our company.
Thank you all for the much needed sanity check. I unfriended the asshole after I told him off.

Bramblethorn, take care of you, too. :heart:
Oh, I'm not in that league. I'm working from home, my biggest dangers are Vitamin D deficiency and chair disease, and I've got tablets and a treadmill for those. Just going to be busy and focussed, that's all. Didn't mean to scare anybody!

Ahh! Be sure to stick your head out the door every so often and get a little sunshine.
C&P from another forum. Interesting questions.

I'm curious if anybody here can answer this question though because I can't find any information online about this -
What's a restaurant operator supposed to do with an employee that reports to work with all of the classic symptoms of Corona virus? HIPAA laws make it very difficult to talk about this with an employee so.....
What do I do with an employee who won't come into work because they say they have these symptoms? Typically the way we handle this with other diseases that are communicable is that we have the individual refrain from coming to work if they are exhibiting signs of vomiting or diarrhea. If they have these symptoms for more than a few days they need to get a note from a doctor authorizing them to return to work. Whole new ball game with Corona virus having a 14-day stint......
I'm not certain if I'm allowed to talk to an individual about their symptoms due to HIPAA or if it's just an issue once they see a doctor But can I make them go see a doctor?

Do I have to report this to the health department?
Should I report this to the health department?
Can I force someone to take a test in order to keep their job?

Before I get some comments about contacting my local health department I have, But I have to be very careful about how I ask questions like this. If anything even got close to getting into the news about this it would destroy our company.

Restauranters are not health providers and not bound by HIPAA.
The proprietor should already have a policy to send ill staff home. If they aren't, report it to the health department. That's who enforces this.

The new laws that will be in place next week protect that employee from termination and may even be eligible for pay. I'll look into the doctor note, but most employers understand that doctors aren't seeing patients in most states for doctor note visits and there needs to be some grace extended.

The most important thing here is that employee does not step foot into that establishment. THAT is what will kill the reputation of the restaurant.
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Cascadia💛 Moochie 💛

You're my heroes.

I ache to help and am in quarantine. Thank you for the outstanding work you do. I can't find much more to say at the moment than this. I feel selfish, heartbroken, angry, alone, and many other things right now.

I'm thankful to live in a state where our leaders listen to scientists.

I'm pissed off that you ladies have to endure unrecognizable workplaces at the risk of your own health while people above us treat this as a PR disaster.

I love you. That's all there is to it. I feel your pain and wish I could be there to support you.

This is the best answer. Defer to your physician, but I would want my kids to still have the shot.
What if they end up in the hospital for COVID and aren’t immunized against the measles?

The vaccine, while “live”, has very low side effects.

I concur with both Fara and Bramble. Getting measles mumps or rubella in the midst of this pandemic would be very serious. MMR is very safe and would not increase likelihood of getting Covid19. I would presume that any healthcare worker administering vaccines would have their own PPE and offer a mask to you lbj.

Agree, Bramble.

Fuck you! COVID 19....Fuck! You!
Sorry about that... but shit hit the fan here today and as the hospital I work at is straining under an increasing flow of infected, seriously ill people more and more of the regular care is shut down. From tomorrow on I will be working in the COVID team. I don't mind the work itself, but until today I was trying with a few dedicated collegues to keep the general care for non COVID patients running. It is no longer possible... I of course fear for the many people who have died and will die of the virus. But I also fear for the thousands of people who will die because they cannot receive the care they would have when the world was still sane...

Stay strong all!

The Fool

Please take care of yourself and check in here periodically to let us know how you are doing.

Along with cascadia and all the other COVID responders, stay safe.

The doctor is responsible to report it to the DOH, not you.
As far as I know, they are not testing anyone who doesn’t present to the hospital with respiratory stress now, or who are expressly sent to a testing center with a doctor’s order.
The reporting is not on the business owner.

This. In normal times, employers often require an MD note to excuse a worker from on site work. In the era of Covid19, please just send you employee home and have them quarantine on the presumption they DO have Covid19. That is...they should not return to work until 14 days from the onset of symptoms or 72 hours after last abnormal temp reading whichever is longer.

The MDs I work with essentially think it is morally irresponsible to demand an MD excuse note in the midst of a pandemic. They are so overwhelmed and overworked right now asking them to do stupid paperwork is just not okay.


I haven't had a minute to even look in on lit in days.
I'm pretty tired and pretty stressed.
I miss hugs. Someone told me the new term for that is "skin hunger"
I totally have that. A terrible case of skin hunger. :(

Everyone take good care. Sending virtual hugs to all of you.


I concur with both Fara and Bramble. Getting measles mumps or rubella in the midst of this pandemic would be very serious. MMR is very safe and would not increase likelihood of getting Covid19. I would presume that any healthcare worker administering vaccines would have their own PPE and offer a mask to you lbj.


I haven't had a minute to even look in on lit in days.
I'm pretty tired and pretty stressed.
I miss hugs. Someone told me the new term for that is "skin hunger"
I totally have that. A terrible case of skin hunger. :(

Everyone take good care. Sending virtual hugs to all of you.


Thanks for taking the time to chime in, I'll let the moms in question know that I was a worry wart for no reason.

I'm glad you are alright, if stressed and tired. We are all craving contact and affection I'm afraid.

~Angie :rose:
I hate paywalls.

The article above has a paywall if you're browsing incognito. I had to use regular chrome to read it.

And Fara, I'm ok. I'm a mess watching this play out from the sidelines. It's a bit of survivors guilt.

How are you?
Prayers and thanks to all the many healthcare workers, especially those here.
Good information, too!
Important notice to all BDSM forum readers, the following greeting is to be followed from today.

There are some really smart people around. A group has got active here in 3D printing clear plastic face masks for health professionals. Apparently within the next few days they will be printing, in sanitised process 5,000 a day.
There are some really smart people around. A group has got active here in 3D printing clear plastic face masks for health professionals. Apparently within the next few days they will be printing, in sanitised process 5,000 a day.

3D printing of face shields (big clear plastic that covers the face and especially the eyes from splashes etc.) seems to be a good thing.

3D printing of face masks (the things that cover nose and mouth to filter the air you breathe) is also happening but there are serious doubts about whether these are a good idea. They're not flexible enough to create an airtight seal, and you can't actually 3D print the filter that's the most important part of the mask.
Why don't they ever tie men to the railroad tracks?
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I know there's been some work on printing "splitters" that let one ventilator assist up to four patients.

I have seen several YouTube vids on this. Still...have to have the staff. and...the two or four persons sharing a vent need to all be stabilized and requiring similar pressures. It has been tested on animals. No doubt we will soon be conducting a large scale human study. It's that or just let people die.

It seems Trump only cares about red states. And or he cares more about exacting revenge for whatever slight he haa has perceived by this or that governor.

We are so fucked.


Fuck you c19