The Good Ship Argyle (Closed)

In his dream, Maggie sang a quiet lullaby. She sang it that spring morning when they rose to sun and flowers outside his room. It wasn’t quite how he remembered it though. In this dream she wasn’t looking up at him naked lying on his chest. He used to remember her face, her flowing red hair, but that was harder to see like a haze of the early morning or the darkness before the sun. She wore something now and laid in front of him so he could cuddle her softly into him. She smelt of flowers, not the thistle of the old world. But the song was as he remembered, as he felt her in that wonderful spring morning.

She shifted in his arms, moving to pull herself not from his grip to but reach with her limbs. She stretched her body, allowing it to pull slightly from his. In a subtle response, his hand lowered on her exposed torso until it reached the soft curl of her hip, and began to feel the coarse hairs of her nethers. In his dream, he tempted to explore further to see how far his love would let him play, but something rumbled that dream.

He slowly began to be aware warm humid air of the cabin, blued slightly by the coming sunrise. He didn’t know how long he was out, but he wasn’t sure when he first slept either. The ship rocked more, and he could hear the wind & rain grow. The dream he had was so vivid, it was like Maggie was still with him. Then he began to realize that in a way the dream crossed too close to reality.

The girl lay in front of him, just like in the dream, just as he crawled in next to her the night before. Assuming she still slept, he lifted his head to look at her body. The shirt still rode up, but his hand had encompassed her, and her stretch pulled from that now softening member of his. But that hand, it was as the dream was. Shifted down over exposed flesh, over the curve of hip. Worst of all, it wasn’t maggie’s soft pubis, but her’s as the hairs were still on his touch.

He only felt the desire to pull from her before she awoke, or his embarrassment would be complete.
As she had started to move, so did he. She froze as his hand journeyed across her body and down. It went across her belly, to her hip and further. A small gasp escaped Julia's lips as his hand unerringly dipped beneath the men's pants she had on and into the nest of curls at the juncture of her thighs.

She didn't know what to do. He was the only reason she was still alive on this ship so she felt she owed him ... But this? She shifted slightly as his fingers traced the moist slit there and a tiny moan escaped her lips.

She felt him start to pull away then.

"Alister?" She asked tentatively. She had no other words. She didnt know what to say to him about what was going on.

Her body's as still frozen rigid on the bed beside him, apparently unable to move as she was afraid to upset him in any way.
She said his name, and the horror was full on. He should apologize. He should pull away quickly. It became all a grip of madness in his head. He needed to get out of there right now.

He pulled away and slid his feet into his trousers & boots in a whisp. “I … ahh … need to check on the crew,” he mumbled. He didn’t even turn back to look at her as he threw on the shirt and rain jacket. “Stay here, it be raining out.”

Just out the cabin door, the sea’s furry was on him. Heavy rains, winds, waves. The sails were furled already, Billy tieing the last of them down, Chester calling out commands to him from the helm. Stewart was there at cabin door, spotting Alister and yelling him an update through the noisy storm.

“Appears we drifted west, Captain,” the mate shouted. “Tis just the edge of the storm, but still nasty. Chester said ye had watch last night, so best hunker down and get ye some rest.”

“Rested enough,” Alister shouted back.

“No ye not, Ye look like you hadn’t slept a wink.” It was probably true but Alistair looked ready to argue. “I know you, old friend,” Steward continue to shout, “is it the Lass? She causing trouble.”

Alister shook his head, frustratedly. “She’s grand. But … “

Steward looked at his Captain and gave him a bit of a wink still yelling above the wind, “she probably owes ya a bit of gratitude, so why not take it there, old son? I won’t be tellin’ the crew.”

“No,” Alister replied. He nearly stomped his foot. “Not on this ship. Not on her boat.”

Steward scowled, “Is that what this is about?” They both had to grab a railing as the wind kicked up harder shifting them both off weight. Regaining himself, Steward yelled louder over the wind “Captain … Alastair … Maggie’s Dead. Let her go!”

Alister turned away from his first mate, tired and frustrated. A rogue wave came at that moment and tossed the ship sideways throwing the Captain to the cabin door. Gripping the handle he looked to his mate, who was laughing covered in seawater on the deck beside him.

“This bitch, she be throwing it at us, but we can take her,” Steward laughed. “Go hunker down, and we be fine.”

Alister nodded and turned back to the cabin door, opening once more to return.
Julia lay in the bed, frightened by the howling winds and pounding rains she heard coming from above. She was also startled by Alister's quick departure. He had been the one touching... Not her! And yet he had fled like he was on fire.

She heard shouting from up above. She shouldn't listen but it was about the storm and she was curious. Quickly it turned to her though and then... Maggie? She was more confused than ever.

And then Alister was back. Drenched to the bone. Dripping everywhere. Julia jumped from the bed and grabbed a spare towel and a soft blanket.

First she handed him the towel and watched silently as he dried off. Next she handed him the blanket and let him wrap himself up.

She crawled back on the bed then, and sat staring wide eyed at him

Finally she looked into his eyes the best she could in the dim cabins

"Who is Maggie?" She asked very quietly.
He expected her to be still in bed, and expected that his shame would be more pronounced. He expected to see her that she remembered the whole of this morning, the whole of the night before, and she would be disgusted with him.

When he came in, removed his boots and coat, she was up and waiting. She tended to him. Towel and blanket, and best of all, no words.

He wanted to warn her about the weather outside. He wanted to apologize. Deep down, when she slid back into that bunk, he wanted to slide back next to her again.

Then she asked about Maggie. He took a moment to think. Then, it just all came out.

“She was me girl. Back in Fife. Maggie Argyle. Years ago, when I be just a Cabin Boy, we sailed for a fortnight. When I returned … They said she wouldn’t stop coughing.”

The wind blew in a gust, enough of it getting through the cracks in gaps in the cabin that he got a chill. He pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders.

“Maggie was … just me girl.”
Julia sat there silently for a moment after her had told her. She felt bad for even asking.

Finally she stood up and walked over to him and placed a small hand on his arm.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly. "I will go sleep somewhere else if you want ... If ... If what happened earlier bothers you. I don't want to cause you pain. It was improper but I thought we could just move past it and chalk it up to dreams. But if it bothers you or causes you some kind of pain I will move and sleep elsewhere".

She meant what she said babe respected Alister and didn't want to cause him anymore problems than she already had.
This girl, she was a good girl she was. Her words were genuine. Her hand the touch of concern. She was right, what happened earlier was improper, but goodness in her allowed him the chance to keep his shame to himself.

Then he realized, she acknowledged his touching. Not just his indiscretion of the night before, but where his hand ended up earlier. The touch of her came back to his fingers and memory. She didn’t resist.

He turned to her and put his fingers around her shoulder. “No, tis to dangerous uptop. Ye best to lay yourself down, then … we can ride this out.”
She nodded at his decision and then looked worriedly up towards the deck. "How bad is it up there? Are we in trouble? Should you be up there?" She asked as wind burst through the cabin. She saw Alister shiver slightly.

She moved to the edge of the bed and indicated with her hand that there was room for him too if he wanted in the warmer bed.

"I used to be scared of storms" she admitted. "Not anymore but they used to scare me to death".

The ship rocked violently as waves pounded the sides of it. The winds howled and rain beat upon the deck above relentlessly. "This one is kind of frightening though..." She said glancing around worriedly.
Somewhere in the cloud in his mind two things were going on. They talked, as two in their world should, about the weather, about the storm about what is in his past. Their body motions, they seemed to be of something different.
“Tis bad up there,” he said removing the wet shirt revealing again the crude tattoo of the ship on his chest. “Seen worse.”
On her hand gesture, he took a seat next to her, his arms curling around behind her. They were close enough to feel the heat from each other overcoming the cool cabin air.
“This is as safe of a cabin as there is on the ship, but if ye feel uncomfortable I can have da boys make room for you.”
He put his hand on her thigh, low enough to the knee to remain proper, but his long fingers able to fall between her other thigh.
His eyes stared directly towards hers, remaining soft, comforting, compassionate for her. “This storm, she will blow through, and ye be safe.”
Julia felt his hand land upon her thigh and her heart rate sped up dramatically. It was a pretty innocent touch yet reminded her so much of earlier that day when his hand had tangled softly with the hairs in the juncture of her thighs. Her panties grew damp.

She shivered softly in the cool air and moved closer to him so that their bodies touched- in order to share body heat, she thought to herself. The storm raged outside like a hurricane, or so it seemed to her. The boat rocked violently and she rolled snugger against him- her back to his chest, her bottom to his groin.

"Alister, you miss Maggie a lot don't you?" She asked softly. "I ask because any other man I know would be trying to get intimate with me in this position".
He slid his free hand around to her stomach, sliding it between where the pants ended and the shirt began. There he edged his fingers into the skin on her torso feeling the movement of each of her breaths. “Aye, Lass, I miss her,” he said softly. “This be her ship, named for her, and she watches over us. So she be never too far away.”

She seemed smaller in his hands, and he felt warmer by keeping her closer to him. Her body heat against his chest coursed through his blood like a good intoxicating drink. It drove him to want to drink more.

“In this position, Lass, I would want to get intimate with you as well.” His voice began to be more breathy, sounding almost needy. His hand between her thighs began to move upward, closer but not reaching her charms. “But that would be improper of me. You … you, Lass, are a good girl. I should not be so horrid to try such a thing with you.”
Julia's body titled wherever Alister touched her. It felt like heaven on earth.

You … you, Lass, are a good girl. I should not be so horrid to try such a thing with you.

Julia felt herself blush from head to toe. "Alister?" She questioned. "Is it improper if nobody knows?" With that she turned in his arms to face him, and brought her chest to his. Her hands smoothed over his bare chest.

She wanted him whether it was proper or not and she truly no longer cared what others said. She awaited his response before leaning in and placing a kiss to his jaw and cheek before moving to his lips tentatively.
He could barely move. Turning in his hands, his fingers fell naturally to her sides As her lips first touched him, the tension grew in his body. This was no longer play. This was no longer thoughtlessness. This was no longer him taking advantage of a girl.

But it’s what he wanted.

When her lips reached his, he closed his eyes and accepted it. Then advanced onward. Her returned the kiss, hard, passionately. Opening his mouth to pull her lip in between his. With a heavy breath the tension released, and the desire ebbed.

He kept running his hands at her sides, finding the shirt and gripping to pull it upward on her. He needed to press her flesh against his, and wanted the feel of her more than ever.
Julia was afraid he would reject her. He would push her away and make her leave the cabin but he did neither of those things. Instead he reacted opposite of those. He seemed to be nervous at first but then accepted her kiss and even wanted more.

His hands traveled lightly down her rib cage to her lean hips and then moved upward revealing the taut skin of her soft belly to his eyes and hands.

She ran her leg along his from his calf to his thigh, rubbing and arousing him to no end, wanting to make him feel as good as he made her feel.

His hands felt amazing and she moaned softly, her head falling back. "Alister..." She moaned quietly again and again, needing so much more.
He couldn't speak, lost in tha moment and the touch of her body against his. Her legs moved against him reminding him of a wriggling animal climbing up its master's lap.

He slid his fingers down along he smooth back. Feeling in his hands those curves that lead him towards this lustful need. His hands breeched her pants sliding underneath their tension at the belt. He bottom was smooth and rounded more than the rest of her petite self. The cheeks filled his palms, and he gripped into them pulling them apart. Their height difference allowed him to press his hands further down and find follow the groove of her behind to just above the source of her womanly heat.

Underneath her, his manhood pressed into her stomach held back by the leather pants and painful woolen unders. Trapped by the clothing didn't stop him from needfully lifting his lips to her.

His hunger for her grew the more he touched, the more she touched, and all else was lost to him.
When he reached down and spread her cheeks with his work roughened hands she was lost. Pleasure coursed through her. He was so close to where she needed his touch that it was driving her crazy.

She could feel his length pressed against her belly and could tell he wasn't too small. She pressed her firm round bottom into his waiting hands further and slowly reached down with her own small hand and brushed lightly against his erection, letting him know silently that she was ok with what they were doing.

She slowly rubbed her leg higher until it too brushed against him. She felt him hesitate and whispered in his ear.

"It's ok Alister. I want this".
The fingers continued their exploration of her finding moisture on its path. Underneath the loose pants his hands twisted and pulled teasing their way across her flesh. The last bit of reluctance left him once the tip of his finger brushed a moist lip at the juncture of her legs. The ages since the last time he could explore a woman rushed by, and he sent that finger down her warm labia.

"I want this," he mirrored in the gasps between kisses. The ships gentle rocking was lost in the body that lay on him and the need to feel all of it.

His hips raised as her tentative hands searched out him, but that need for her touch was minimized by his need to touch her.
Julia felt his rough hand moving down beneath her pants and to the juncture of her thighs. His finger slowly traced her slit and she whimpered softly, he legs falling apart to give him better access to her most personal spaces.

Tentatively she grasped his hard length in her small hand as strokes him up and down. He was big and rock hard. And he made her ache to feel him in the most intimate way.

She slid her hand beneath his pants and underwear and grasped him skin to skin, her canal growing soaking wet from the contact.
His hunger for her was nearing the boiling point. When she grasped his member he almost felt like he would climax right there in her hand. He needed to hold off, at least until he can treat her right.

With her legs drapes around his sides, he moved quickly to hold her to him as he rolled in the bunk until she lie one her back. He lifted himself up looking down at her bright excited eyes. He reached for the pants, gripping all that would hide her from him. Her shirt remained on, but he worried only to reveal her womanhood. He pulled those bottoms down frustrated with every moment those clothes hung up. Yet once he could reveal her in front of him he couldn't help but to stare down at that crevice.

He could only reach for her exposed sex, anxious as a schoolboy.
Julia gasped softly as he rolled and pulled her beneath him. She gazed up at him with eyes that were glazed over slightly from desire. Their green depths still sparkled like the North Star.

Slowly he inched pants down and off of her body, revealing her to him as nobody had EVER seen her before. But she didn't tell him that. She was afraid if he knew she were a virgin he would stop. And it get too good to allow him to stop.

His eyes were hungry as they traced over her body. She was petite and lean with curves in just the right places, especially on her ample chest which was still covered by the shirt. Wanting him to see all of her she stripped that off as well and lay beneath him naked as his hands found her sex again and made her moan with his strokes.
His strong hand slid along her thighs as his fingers teased at her warm opening. Beneath his hands her skin felt as soft and smooth as anything he had ever felt. The touch of it was so awe inspiring that he didn't notice her remove her shirt.

But when he did, he had to stop and catch his breath. For her small stature she was proportioned beautifully. The supple breasts, the taut skin, and those beautiful eyes.

Keeping a hand to continue to caress her sex he reached with the other to her cheek. He leaned down and kissed her, strongly. He held himself so his sweaty chest laid against hers feeling her nipples against his skin. He continued to work on her with his hand until his thumb brushed against her maidenhead. He stopped pull back a little, and looked her in the eyes. "Lass?" was all he could get out.
Pleasure was coursing through her body as he stroked her and managed to find a bundle of nerves that caused her hips to buck and jump when he touched her there. Her head thrashed softly on the pillow and then she focused on his face.

His face looked strained as he restrained himself. But then he caressed her cheek in a most intimate way that made her heart stutter in her chest. She couldn't be falling for this man. It would be a horrible thing to happen. He was a boat captain. He was gone all of the time. He would end up breaking her heart.

Shaking those thoughts away she focused in the present. He leaned down and kissed her lovingly yet deeply. She could feel the sheen of sweat upon his chest and it only furthered her desire for him.


That one questioning word was all it took. Julia gazed into his eyes softly and smiled.

"Make love to me, Alister".
His nature fought him. This lustful creature that lay ready under him was still a good girl. He felt he needed to regain control, let this woman keep her chastity. Yet from the moment he first found her in the hold he felt like they needed to run to this moment. Where his need for her was more than carnal.

She asked for him to make love to her, but he paused.

At that moment, the ship took a sharp turn with the wind. It listed heavily. It made him fall ontop of her sliding up her body. The pants, lossened by their earlier work slid free of his hips. As the ship righted and calmed his member now lay at full length along her slit.

And that is all it took.

He slid his erection slowly down until it lay right at her opening. His eyes locked on hers as if with a question, as if asking if she was ready.
As the ship rolled beneath them, Alister lost his balance and she felt his hard shaft slip to right where it needed to be. He glanced at her questioningly then. A hint of fear shadowed her eyes and she chewed on her lip.

"I'm a virgin" she blurted out suddenly and then blushed pink from her chest to forehead. "Sorry to blurt it out like that but I've heard... Well... Doesn't it hurt?"

Though she was spilling her guts to him she reached down to stroke him with her hand. She didn't want him to lose interest.

Her beautiful eyes pleaded with him.

"Please. I just... Thought you should know" she said quietly as the boat tossed and turned beneath them.
Her words gave him pause. He knew, he had felt if with his thumb, but now she grew worried.

He gave her a soft, gentle smile. He raised his hand up to rest on her cheek, caressing it lightly. His lips found hers with a loving kiss.

He should stop, pull back and let her wait until she could give this precious gift to something other than lust, to the right man, to the right place and time. Yet he felt that this wasn't lust, that what is now is right.

He pressed his member into her tightness, just letting the head begin its entrance. "Nice and easy, Lass," he breathed. "It will be over quick."