The Good Ship Argyle (Closed)

He laughed, and flicked a finger under her chin. "Lass," he quipped, "you may have'n noticed by I'm Scottish! If lads donna marry a stubborn woman, there ne'er be a wee babe born.

His subconscious came up and the full perspective arose. Did he just say he was going to marry this woman he just met the day before? Is that what he is intending? The thought of it made him smile, a bit selfconscious, and surprisingly ... Excited.

He reminded himself, though, this is a good girl. With that he remembered what they had done that morn.

"Do ya, feel alright Lass?" he asked. "That is, do ya feel ... Hurt? Down there?"
Julia's heart tripped within her chest. Had he just suggested he would marry her? He couldn't have. They had just met... And yet she had those sort of feelings for Alister. But she didn't dare hope that he returned those feelings.

His concern made her smile as she shifted slightly.

"I think I'm ok... Maybe a bit tender but nothing like I had imagined. I think you made it easier on me... Thank you".

Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

"Uh, sorry. It's been a while since our last meal. Your crew's too... Should I cook?"
"Ahhh, ya, something else being stubborn," he laughed and poked her playfully in the stomach. "Should see ta the boys meself after lying around all morn. And ya remember, on MY ship everyone works."

He sat up and kissed her quickly. Holding her close he rolled her until he lay ontop of her. One more kiss, and he slipped off her. He was unashamed of his nakedness in front of her as he dug around for clean items for himself.

Pulling out a shirt, he shook it out and slid it over his shoulders. "May need to not ... Ya know. ... The boys. Let on wit dem, they be still weary a women."

He found some pants sliding them on. "Will be good if ye do cook for dem though, men love a women who cook." He leaned her way and kissed her once more.
Julia couldn't stop smiling. He made her nearly giddy with happiness
But she knew he was right. They shouldn't let his crew know about how their relationship had changed.

She kissed him back and then stood herself. She found her own clothes and pulled them on, grateful they weren't dirty yet. Her eyes were drawn to Alister and his handsome body. Then he went up to the deck.

Julia followed soon after, her eyes going to the sky. It was still raining but not nearly as windy and the waves weren't bad. Julia was actually able to walk without holding on to a railing or wall.

She quickly went to the galley and began to cook what she could.
Coming onto deck, Alister noticed they were not the only ones with spirits lifted. The boys that were all on deck -- Billy Boy, Colm, Steward, and even old Chester -- scurring about in the rain. Steward quickly filled his captain in on the day's journey. They caught the edge of the storm, and they could see glimpses of blue in the clouds. Only Steward braved the worst of it, Billy first coming up when things started to get better; the rest when they heard the wind turned to their tail and the mains needed to hoist.

"Alright boys," Alister smiled, "hoist 'em all and let's be makin' a beeline to Florida. Furl what ya can that be wet, because we break from this bitch sun will have'n them dried by tomorra."

"What be with the girl," called Chester.

With a smile to the old man, "you'd be the judge soon enough. She set about to the galley after we hunkered down. God brought her to ride with us, let's hope it be cause she can cook."

The boys laughed at that, and Billy piped up, "you hunker down with her good then? We get a turn to hunker down with her too?"

This got a laugh, least of which from Steward who seemed more reserved. Alister pointed with a smile, "you better leave the hands off her, Billy, or ye have me ta deal with. She's a good girl and don't need that ruined by ye. Now get the bloody sheets up."

They were off and working, except a belegered mate. "Smiling an awful lot, Captian," Steward observed. "Not worried Maggie be striking you down?"

Alister scoffed and shook his head. He considered his words, and to that point his trust, "we will find out soon enough."

Steward shrugged and returned a smile back, "Chester said Colm kept saying the ship seemed to want to turn into the storm this morn, only way to keep the sheets taut he said. Then anytime we got near ya cabin this morn a rogue would come along. As many times I've heard ya say Maggie watches over us ... It got me ta thinking ... It maybe ye she watches over. Ya know?"

Alister sighed heavily. Something to that, it seemed to not make sense, but seemed to make complete sense. He patted his mate on the back and said, "when Julia get ye fed, get some rest old friend."

Steward laughed and started to the galley, he stopped and raised an eyebrow, "ye know her name, eh?"
Julia managed to whip up a halfway decent meal considering the meager supplies she had to work with. When the men started filing through to grab plates they all seemed to approve of the food that was dished out.

Julia herself waited. She would let all of the men eat first and then pock out a tiny bit for herself. She would not eat any more than necessary so as not to tax their food supplies on the ship.

Alister was the last to enter to get a bite to eat and Julia felt herself blush automatically at the sight of him. She hoped nobody else noticed.

"I did my best" she told him as he got his food.

She then dished up a tiny portion for herself and began to eat.
He took a plate smiling, turning the to crew he called, “what’ta ye think boys. She a keeper?”

They mumbled, scruffing down the food.

“That maybe a yes there, Lass,” he said rising a fork up to take his first bite. “Easiest way to a man’s heart.”

Spots of sun starting to set peeked out as waters calmed. The seas were still high, but no longer were they getting tossed around with maddening rogue waves. With the wind at their back the ship was making good time. While eating, Alister kept trying to look out towards the water and the waves, only to find himself staring at the girl. She may have been beautiful without a stitch on, but back in her feminine clothing she was just as fetching.

Catching himself he called out between bites, “who has next watch then?”

They all looked up at him with surprise. Chester spoke “you Captain. Unless ya put the Lass on watch, rest of us had a go dis morn.”

He looked over at her with a smile, “well, she did cook duty, so I guess it be me. You alright down in the cabin by yeself, Lass?”
Julia smiled slightly when Alister complimented her food and she nodded. She listened to the crew speak of what had gone on during the day while she ad Alister had been in the cabin.

She could tell by the way that the crew spoke to Alister that they all respected him a great deal even if they did tease him some. Apparently it was Alister's turn to take watch after the meal and Julia wondered idly if she would be welcome to keep him company or not. She didn't want to be a distraction.

The rest of the crew cleared out leaving Alister and Julia alone again.

"Do you want me to go back to the cabin?" She asked as she cleaned up the dishes.
With the boys off doing their own thing, Alister was a bit more relaxed to open up with her. “I wouldn’t mind seeing ya down there sometime tonight, that be for sure, but don’t be rushin to bed if ya ain’t tired. Will be hours before I am relieved topside.”

He slid on his raincoat to head back into the dying wetness. He moved closer to her as she went about her work. She looked downright domesticated here, far cry from the stubborn girl she kept trying to describe to him.

He swooped in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Question be, are you alright with the cabin, Lass?” he said with a smile. “I remember noticin’ last night that when down there, some salty old sea captain couldn’t keep his hands out of yur knickers.” He reached for her bottom and gave it a playful pinch just to emphasize that and to get her to jump.
Julia giggled and swatted at Alister's hand.

"Behave, Captain!" She said with a twinkle in her eyes. "You have crew members running around here. I would like to keep you company thought for a while if you don't mind. I'm not tired just yet, after laying around all day with a certain captain... Is there an extra rain jacket somewhere or should I just get drenched And let my wet clothes cling to me?"

She grinned broadly knowing the image it would paint in his mind. She turned then put the last dish away in an upper cabinet. She had to stand on tip toes to reach it which emphasized her trim waist and firm, but round bottom for him. She wondered briefly if he like what he saw.

She surely hoped that he did.
And that image painted his mind.

He looked over his shoulder to see if other crew were watching, and whipped his hands around her waist pressing himself into the curve of her body. “Let me help ye with that,” he said lifting her just slightly more to let him press against him than anything.

Quietly he breathed into her ear, “I find ye a raincoat, Lass. Would be grand to spend time with ya if ya not tired. But I wouldn’t want ye to catch ya death. You too good of a Lass to end ye days in a smelly old cabin.”

Even though the dish was well put away, he was more than happy to hold her like this a little longer. He looked over his shoulder again for any of the boys and didn’t see them, but he saw a coat on a chair. “Looks like Billy Boy left his coat, shoulda fit ya mighty fine.”
Julia gasped and then moaned as she felt Alister left her and press against her for behind. Awareness coursed through her body as she placed the dish up top. He offered to find her a raincoat and she nodded breathlessly. His voice was like a caress in her ear and she found herself wanting him badly yet again which surprised her.

He sat her down gently and went to grab a coat for her. Billy's, apparently.

She slipped it on- it was big but fit well enough to keep her dry. She turned to Alister with a smile.

"Ready for duty captain ... Or whatever it is y'all say" she grinned broadly as she saluted him.
He chuckled, and with the wave of his arm they were on deck. “Spend more time on this ship, and we’d need a coat for ye. Ya look like a lad wearing yur Da’s jacket.”

He brought her to the helm. Only Steward was there and after hearing the rest of the boys were likely down in their bunks, Alister relieved his mate and sent him off to bed.

The rain was right near finished, and the ship was pointed to where blue skies were turning orange with the setting sun. While holding the wheel he spoke contemplatively to her, “Soon enough, the seas will settle and the ship, she will sail herself. But I may need ye to watch it like last night, if the sails need trimmed. Clouds part, stars come out, we will know where we are, how far ta go. But if we pass’n them before she gets dark,” pointing with a nod of the chin towards the changing skies, “the sky will be colorful, with the clouds, the sun, the … everything. Ya see why it be hard to ever give up a life at sea.”
Julia smiled to herself as Alister talked about the sky and life at sea. He really did love it. She briefly thought he would never give it up. Could she live with that? She thought she could. And yet here she was daydreaming about them Being together forever and she knew better than to get her hopes up.

She looked to the sky as it slowly changed colors. It truly was a spectacular sight.

"We have sunsets like this in Florida" she said thoughtfully. "Really beautiful ones that can mesmerize you.... How often are you on this ship, Alister?" She asked softly. "And where do you call home when you aren't?"

She was so curious about him... About his life.
Shrugging he smiled, "maybe two questions there, Lass. Fife be my home back in Scotland. The whole Wood clan be from Fife."

Turning the ship slowly, seeing a break in the clouds and heading it easily that. "Just remember, we be fisherman more than sailors. So we go where the cod is."

He looked at her, beginning to wonder the for catch off of Florida, but realized the insanity if the cold ocean fish being there. "Halifax be our home port, if that be what you ask, and we rarely sail elsewhere. Dis one that be so fateful, tis more to be at sea when ta hurricane walked up the coast. Otherwise, I'd be in me home with a nice pipe and book."

"And you? Why be you in Canada?"
Julia listened intently to Alister, enchanted by his accent as he spoke. She found it so enticing. She was beginning to realize that Alister had an important life in Falifax. If she were ever to truly consider being with him se would bar to make some sacrifices to keep him happy. And she was shocked to realize that she would gladly make those sacrifices for this man.


How could she feel that strongly for him so quick? Was it hero worship? She didn't think so. It was much more than that. But could she allow herself to even think that way or was she setting herself up for heartache?

"I was just in Canada to travel. I love traveling and going places. It's entertaining!"

She smiled. The boat rocked slightly and she used it as an excuse to move closer to Alister so they touched shoulders, even though she was pretty steady on her feet by then.
They emerged into clear skies, with only wisps of white beyond the storm behind them. The transition from clouds and fog to clearness was abrupt. Nothing he hadn’t seen before, storms like this can be like a wall, but still takes him back every time that God changes his mind from bringing his wrath to smooth sailing. Smiling upward as they cleared the weather, he let the hood on his jacket fall off him freeing his wet hair to stare up to the sky.

He moved a hand to her back. Not that he felt like she needed to be steady, it just seemed natural. This day, these skies, he just felt like he was sharing it with her.

“What makes this fishing … and travelin’, I guess, so entertainin’ is ye can see these things that can be typical. Ya realize what is beauty when ya don’t see it every day. We fishermen, we love Halifax more than the town folk. They love their women more when they come home.”
"They love their women more when they come home.”

Julia's heart stuttered. That was the kind of love he wanted. One with a man who could go away like that, for weeks or months, but would always remain faithful. One where he would always return home, happy to see her, with a love even stronger than the last time they had seen each other.

His hand was on her hip and she smiled up at him. It was growing dark side they had rested the day away, and she was starting to see stars popping out everywhere. It was a stunning sight and she sighed, leaning over, against his strong shoulder, her own hand traveling over to rest on his abdomen.

"Did I say thanks for not throwing me overboard?" She asked, grinning playfully at him in the day's twilight.
He chuckled lightly, looking down to the girl. She really was just a stranger, but this felt as comfortable as he has felt in years.

“Ya may have mentioned that,” he laughed. “Somewhere round the time I told ye to work last night, and when ye threatened to measure me Jolly Roger.”

With the stars coming out he knew this was going to have to end. “I’ll need ye to take the wheel for some time. Once she gets a little darker, I need’un to find our position. See how long until we get ye to your home.”
Julia was surprised to feel her heart sink at the prospect of being home... That was what she wanted, right? She wasn't so sure anymore. And that scared her because she knew that whether she wanted it or not, thats what was in her future.

"Right," she told Alister. "I just have to hold the wheel? That's it? Cause what if there's a whale or something?"

She forced a smile to let him know she was playing around with him.

"I think I can manage that as long as I don't have to tell us where to go cause we would end up in Timbuktu!"
He playfully pushed her right up to the wheel. “If ye see a whale,” he said seriously, “just give him a wave and he let ya by, he knows the laws sea navigation. Unless he be bigger, than we need to let him pass ta the port side. Or if he flies Irish colors, than call him a bastard.”

He opened a chest and pulled out the stargazer, beginning quickly to find items to gage. He waited quietly to see if she would take him seriously or not.

Getting to work on the location, he already started getting news he wasn’t so sure he liked. The teasing side of him kept a smile inches from his lips, but now it wasn’t so quick. This wasn’t grave news, not bad news for the boys or the trip, but for him it wasn’t what he wanted to know.

He made a note, then started to double check his findings, and trying to find the best humor for her he could.
Julia couldn't help but to giggle at his comments. She liked that he could joke with her in that way. She quietly held the wheel while he gazed up at the sky. She watched as a look of concern crosse his face, but he tried to hide it.

She was too curious not to ask.

"Is something wrong? Are we off course, or not as far as we should be?"

Was it wrong of her to hope that was the case? These men had lives to get back to, and yet here she was wishing for days more. More days to spend with Alister. To convince him that he wanted her like she wanted him.

Because that was what she wanted. The thought of him leaving and not coming back was enough to almost cause her to panic and she had to take several deep breaths before focusing on him yet again.
He forced a smile, turning to look at the woman and hoping he could find words to reassure her. “Sometimes what is the most dangerous of seas holds its own blessings,” he said. “The storm blew us south faster than we hoped.”

He pointed to the skies to the stars as if she could read it like him. “We be out to sea a ways, but we are a good days closer to ye home.”

Packing the navigation items back into the chest, he didn’t feel much like looking back her way. “We maybe have three days journey to go.”
“We be out to sea a ways, but we are a good days closer to ye home.”

Her heart sank. Closer to home meant less time with Alister. Less time to convince him to want her back. He had stepped closer to her again so she backed away from the wheel, letting him take back over.

Suddenly she didn't feel in the mood to make very good company for him.

"I, uh, think I will return Billy's jacket and then go lay down for a while if that's ok..." She said quietly, her eyes not quite meeting his as she spoke. "I'll see you when you're relieved down in the cabin".

With a small smile she turned and walked towards where she thought the men were... She needed some time to gather her thoughts and figure out what she wanted. She opened a door into what she thought was the bunks, but was shocked to see that it was actually a dark storage room- but she had found Billy anyway- in a very compromising position.

He sneered as he looked up and saw her in the door frame, his hand wrapped around a very stiff cock.

"Ah, Lass!" He said with an evil sounding chuckle. "I was jus thinking of you".

Before she could react he was at her side, dragging her in, and shutting the door behind her. Julia's heart raced in her chest and she backed up and hit a wall, as Billy advanced upon her.

"Leave me be, Billy. I was just returning your jacket" she told him, and he laughed.

"You be the Captain Man's personal whore? I believe I will have you meself".

That's when he grabbed her arm and pulled her against him, groping at her chest, and she screamed as loud as she could, praying someone would hear and care.
The scream seemed to echo through the wood of the ship, louder than anything he had ever heard. He strapped the helm down and went running towards the bunks.

“Julia,” he started screaming, and he burst the bunk doors open sure he would find her in there. He woke the whole of the crew in the effort but didn’t find her.

He heard her screams from the hold, and jumped out of the bunk area that way. “JULIA,” he kept screaming trying to follow her voice.

When he burst into hold, he immediately saw Billy Boy. His pants were around his ankles, and his angry looking member sticking out straight from him. He had a hand up Julia’s skirt groping his way upward, while the other mauled her breast.

Alister jumped at him, tearing him from her and throwing her up against a stack of lumber, stunning the boy, he started the to drag him top side. The groggy boy started to get up, but Alister laid into him with his foot, repeatedly kicking the boy in his stomach, his chest, his head. “You … Perverted … Bastard,” he kept screaming, “You … Bastard … How dare You!”

As the boy lay there half naked and groaning only just being able to move from the beating, the crew grabbed their captain and dragged him away from brutalizing the boy. Voices were passing through his mind, but Alister just pointed and yelled, “he was raping her. He was raping Julia.”