The Good Ship Argyle (Closed)

She kept her eyes locked on his, saw him hesitate as if about to stop, and then saw him smile reassuringly. She felt his length nudge against her opening, entering her just the tiniest bit.

"Nice and easy, Lass. It will be over quick."

For some reason when he called her Lass, the world seemed right she knew it wasn't a name specifically for her, but she loved it when he called her that nonetheless. She focused on him and breathed deeply, nodding her head.

Alister gave one push, hard enough to break her barrier, but not so hard as to cause extreme pain. His cock broke through her maidenhead and she cried out, before biting down on her lip. She eyes were squeeze shut but then she opened them to look up at him as she realized he was fully in her, stretching her considerably, but he wasn't moving, she assumed in an effort to make it as least painful as possible for her.

The stinging was already fading and she blinked a few times before giving him a small, hesitant smile and nodding.

"Doesn't hurt so bad anymore" she whispered to him.
He was patient. He was careful. He knew it would hurt her, even if neither of them wanted that, it would have to hurt to be complete. Once he was in, he slid in all the way until their hips met and fully mated. Then he let her adjust.

She felt tight and tense around him; but smooth, soft, and very wet. As she relaxed to let the pain reside, he did what he could do to retain his control. She felt so good around his hardness, and with her warm supple body lying underneath him he felt he could lose himself in an instant. As she relaxed so did he. When she was ready, so was he.

He pulled back slowly and gave a full intentful push, filling her again. He did so again feeling the cold air against his slick cock before thrusting back in again. He watched her face, concern for her response, knowing that making love to her will cause him to lose his senses soon enough.
She get like she could split open at any moment. Her body wasn't used to that kind of manipulation. But then he pulled out and pressed back into her and a feeling pleasure coursed through her.

He set a slow and steady rhythm of moving in and out, one that was more than just comfortable. It felt incredible. Julia found herself beginning to move with him, meeting his thrusts stroke for stroke.

Her eyes opened wide and met his, a small smile playing across her lips as any discomfort she had disappeared. She got curious then and began running her fingers over his chest, his shoulders, his back. Wherever she could reach. She surprised herself when a low moan built in her chest and escaped her throat.

She was aware then of a pressure building in her lower belly. Unsure if why, she shifted beneath him and glanced up with questioning eyes. But she didn't voice her question. She didn't want to seem stupid to him...
He set a slow steady pace, fighting to maintain his the air in his lungs. He lay over her with one arm propped up near her head stroking cheek. It was enough to maintain his weight so he didn’t lay heavily on her, but just enough to allow her ample breasts to rub against his chest. her hands moved across his skin and it felt like the softest of touches.

When he looked down to her, she was utterly beautiful to him. The perfect mix of innocence of youth and the sultry lust of adulthood. When she opened her eyes to him and a smile grew, he felt his member twitch with excitement. That simple smile became the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

He could see her wiggle & shift, before she looked up to him questionably. When he realized what it could be, he almost laughed. She was such a good girl.

His free hand moved between them, along their pressed together stomachs. His hand found where they’re hips met until it found her mons. His fingers ultimately found her little love button, stressed by his hardened member diving between them, and pushed it into his cock. Then closing he took a deep breath, and immediately doubled his thrusting into her, determined to burst her into pleasure.
Julia saw him smile down at her and blushed. Then he felt his hand snake between their bodies, and he found a spot that he touched. And when he touched that specific spot it was as if a billion fireworks lit up a night sky. Suddenly her body tensed up and the pressure she felt down below intensified 100 fold.

Her bright green eyes widened and she gasped a small "O" of surprise. She didn't know what he was doing but she knew she didn't want him to stop.

"Alister... I ... It feels like ... I cant explain" she said, unable to find the words he wanted to.

"I need something. I need you to..."

His pace sped up and he began to move within her like a piston. It felt as if that pressure had reache a boiling point. And then suddenly her world exploded. She screamed his name, her body bucking beneat his wildly as her pussy contracted around him like it was milking him.

She thrashed beneath his touch, beneath his body, and her eyes connects with his, hers alight with confusion and extreme pleasure. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before.
He had hoped he could weather this storm.

Pounding into her became the moment of pure bliss. Watching this little beauty find what carnal pleasure was became a dream to watch. He watched her as she reacted to his thrusting. She lit up at his touch, and he could feel it through her loins.

She started calling to him, but he was losing her voice in the growing harshness of his own breath and the approaching of his own end. He wanted to hold out, to give her this before finding his own climax. Then she started gripping her in that velvet vice, milking him through his whole length. He felt her start to pull and thrash under him. This gorgeous creature became lost in her own experience, and that was enough.

He hoped he cold weather this storm but feeling this beautiful woman in the throes of climax immediately brought him to his, and the first burst of seed fired towards her womb.
The feelings were too much. Too intense. Almost unbearable. And then they began to subside. Julia lay beneath Alister catching her breath when she noticed he was acting like he'd been feeling the same she had been.

Suddenly she felt wet warmth being sprayed within her loins and gasped. His was his orgasm. She stroked a hand lovingly down his cheek an neck to his back as he bucked into her wildly, filling her with sperm.

Finally the spray subsided and he lay on top of her panting heavily. His weight was heavy but not unbearable and she liked the closeness she felt with him then.

"Alister?" She questioned quietly. "Are you ok?"

She wasn't sure what to now that it was over, having never done it before.
He shuddered as the last of him poured out of him. He still kept himself propped over her, but it was like her little body pulled every bit of energy from him. Drops of his sweat pooled around his eyes and his hot breath gushed across his lips. Emptied of his cream his manhood still kept some of its strength imbedded in her.

Alister. Are you ok?

He sweet voice brought him back, and her doe eyes made his heart melt. He smiled to her, nodding. "Aye, and you Lass?"

He hand that stroked her button to its finish stayed between them, avoiding the sensitive clit but soothing over her soft but slickened pubis.
Julia beamed up at him and nodded. "I'm fine... Great in fact" she said quietly. "I had no idea it was like that... I need imagined".

She was blubbering words and wasn't sure what she was saying. She was nervous. Not only had she just given up her Virginity to this man but he was stirring all kinds of feelings from within her that she didn't want him to stir. It scared her. She didn't want to fall for him. But he was being so sweet, so tender and caring ... And she was afraid she was falling for him.

She shifted then and winced a bit. She was a bit tender down there from their making love, but it wasn't pure pain. Just a tad uncomfortable.

"Thank you" she said very quietly, leaning up to kiss him softly.
When she shifted under him, he understood what she might be feeling. He took her in his arms and rolled until he lay on his back and she on top of him. He pulled a blanket up as best he could, though it only drapes over their legs. The movement dislodged his surprising still half-mast member from her sex, so there was a bit of a chill there. At this point, though, he knew he had to give some concern for her.

"The good Lord wanted his people to be fruitful, Lass," he said with a smile. "If it t'weren't no fun we'd die out wit Adam & Eve. But .. t'aint always this nice."

He stroked her hair softly, soothingly. "Ya were a brave one too, Lass. Though she may hurt a bit for long."
As Julia listened to Alister she smiled to herself. She could grow to love his voice and his accent. She could grow to love HIM if she were honest. But she wasnt going to cross that bridge right now.

He had moved them so that she was laying on top of him, so she lay her head down upon his chest and sighed. Her thighs were draped across his, their legs tangled in a lovers knot.

Just then a particularly violent wave splashed against the boat causing it to rock. Thunder rolled through the sky. Lightning flashed outside. Julia's eyes grew wide and she snuggled closer to Alister, not quite comfortable with the huge storm raging outside. It was frightening to be stuck in the middle of it on a boat.

She was thankful to be laying with Alister then. She knew he would keep her safe.
When the wave hit and thunder crashed, she snuggled tighter into him. She felt like a schoolgirl in that moment, scared of what wrath awaited out the cabin door. He, though, fully realized this was a full woman lying atop him, noticible by this firm breasts and soft naked legs pulling close to him. He kept striking her hair, sliding a hand along her back, trying to keep her calm.

Once again his good mind became troubled. Was she only a body? A blossom of a girl he just plucked? He probably felt as strongly for her as he as since Maggie. But what did he know of her. Not even her name. And to ask now would be to accept skin.

Still, he had to try to find something more to know she is ... special.

"When ya get to Florida," he asked, "what will ye do? Do you think."
Julia loved how he squeezed her tightly as the ship tossed.

"Florida," she murmured. "When I get back to Florida it's expected of me to get married... I don't know who yet but my parents expect it to be someone of great social status. If the man doesn't meet their standards they will forbid it." She sighed. "Don't get me wrong. I love them and they are all I have in the world but I wish they gave me more choice. I would love to travel more. But they won't allow that. They barely allowed this trip." She smiled a bit sadly.

"What about you? You must love what you do. Do you always plan on doing this?" She had her head on his shoulder and her fingers played idly with his chest.

"Do you ever plan on being in another relationship?" This waste question she truly wanted answered.
She asked him questions, but he didn’t really feel like answering them. Curled up on top of him was a girl destined to marry. Now only was she going to be with someone else, he had ruined her for that man. He tired not to show it, but he leaned his head back on the pillow behind him. His hands moving to her back, sliding comfortably and warmly against her.

He tried to rest quietly. He tried to avoid the conversation. He tried to only enjoy the body that lay across him. But he he couldn’t.

“So ye will marry then,” he said sadly. “This then, what we did, does it not worry ye?” He regretted saying it from the moment he said it. He felt like he was indoctrinating a girl into become a common whore. The grimace on his face probably showed it. “Sorry, Lass, I did not mean.”
Julia heard the worry in his voice. And she noticed he didn't answer her questions. She sat up slowly and stared down at him. "I don't think what I did just now is all that bad. I... Like you. I think you're a wonderful man and I don't regret for a moment what we just did. It couldn't have been more perfect, Alister. If a man can't understand that then I do not wish to be his wife... To be honest I don't wish to be anybody's wife at this point in time... But what other choice do i have?"

"I don't want you to feel like this was a mistake" she said quietly. "I enjoyed it... Please don't regret it. I don't think I could stand it if I knew you wised it hadn't happened".
Without doing so on purpose, when she sat up she reminded him of how wonderful of a body lay on top of her. He could not help but to look down to those ample breasts, and swallow hard at they’re beauty. Sure he heard all she said, but this girl, this sweet thing, was just too beautiful for his tired eyes to not look down at.

His hands slid down to her hips, as they sat across him. He nodded slowly, “if you donna regret it, then I donna regret it either. I donna jump on every sweet girl that finds me boat, you know.” He gave her a little wink as his hands carressed her hips to her soft rump.

Her turned his head a little, finding that nice little bit of blissful feeling in his head in the aftergrlow. The fact she still lay over him, showing the beauty that would make a man want to rise to a second round was helping him some as well. “But didn’t you not want to save ye flower for the boy you wanted ta marry? Rather than givin’ it ta the man who had not the balls to throw ya over the rail?”
Julia smiled down at Alister. Suddenly she imagined herself being married to Alister and couldn't help but wish. But she knew better. It wouldn't ever happen. But it was nice to dream nonetheless.

"I.. It just felt right to give it to you. And not because of what you did to save me, although I'm grateful for that. But because of the man you are. You're decently hardworking sweet and caring. Everything ive always hoped my husband would be."

She blushed then, thankful for the darkness around them. "I mean. Not that I am saying you'll be my husband but just that some day when I do get married..." She shook her head and shrugged. "You know what I mean" she finished lamely.

"You know. You're spoiling me for other men. They're all going to have to measure up to you from here on out".
He smiled happily while he continued to stroke her smooth skin of her hips. Watch the color flush in her cheeks to her chest only added to her charm. He could spend the day looking up to this naked beauty; he could spend all his days doing that.

He chuckled lightly when she struggled about describing her husband. Yeah he go what she meant, and he hoped not to completely beam at the prospect of their marriage. Foolish as the idea probably was, but the idea warmed him flushing his face.

"You know. You're spoiling me for other men. They're all going to have to measure up to you from here on out".

"What's that?" he started sarcastically. "You'll be measuring my old boy down there? At least give me a chance to straighten 'em out." He said with a wink.
She saw his contemplative look when she mentioned their marriage and told herself to forget it. She was imagining that look. He wouldn't want to marry her. She had a feeling she was nothing like the woman he would want.

She was more independent than most women of that time and she was stubborn and headstrong. Most undesirable traits of women.

She laughed at what he said.

"Well they would have to measure up to that too... But I meant your personality... Just... YOU in general. Any lady would be surely blessed to have you as her man".

She blushed as she said it, embarassed she had been so open about her thoughts on him.

"I hope that wasn't too forward" she said, as her finger twirled lightly in some f the curly hairs on his chest.
He laid quietly listening to her. He forgot how nice it was to lie so intimately with a woman, to feel her fingers on him, to feel her skin against his fingers. His hands slowly moved up her sides, up the small of her back, up to the start of her shoulder blade, then retracing those steps back down again.

"I donnae, Lass," he contiplated. "A lady, she'd be independent. Ta run the house whiles I at sea. For weeks we'd be gone, and she be there. Think of it wit' a wee babe."

He looked directly to her eyes. "And den I come home and be the captain. And I be telling he what ta do all the time. Just so I can leaves ya ta lift a pint. And ya have to smell the fish on me."

His hands stopped high on her back, relishing the feeling of holder her, just as he realized the tone of the last of it. "Or, the lady, she'd have'n to deal wit dat."
Towards the end of his speech, it was like Alister had been speaking to her instead of about a future lady and it made her stomach knot up in desire. But she reined it in. Slip of the tongue was all that was. And yet she found herself reaponding.

"I don't mine the smell of fish" she said honestly. "I mean if I were to eventually marry someone who did that sort of work..."

Her own hand smoothed down his chest to his abs and back up again.

"My mom says I'm too independent and headstrong for an man to ever want to marry me. She believes a woman should always bow to a mans wishes. And I agree to an extent. But some issues a woman needs to speak her mind... Or at least I think so."

She shrugged.

"Maybe I am too strong willed. But I can't change myself and I don't honk I should have to just to get married"
Her touch was soothing, but her words more so. Maybe she was just saying things that would make him feel good, or maybe she just wanted to make him accept her until she finished her free ride to her home. Maybe she just wanted him to consider what life would be like if they were together. She had shown him the most carnal side of her, maybe that was more that she showed she saw something in him that only Maggie did.

The storm was starting to smooth out, the waves not as rough, and light from the window was brightening.

His hands kept sliding from her sides to her back to her hips.

If he wanted something more, than he would need to take a big step. A question had to be asked. The thought of asking it worried him, and he knew he could feel himself tensing up with the prospect of how she would think of him to ask such a question at this with what they done with what could lie ahead.

"Lass," he began. "There is something I need to know, and I regret dat for all we know about each other ..." He gulped hard, looked deep to her eyes. "Lass? What be your name?"
Her eyes widened as she realized she had never told him her name. He had never asked. It was kind of sad to say about their relationship. But she forced herself to smile. She leaned forward and kissed his jaw.

"Julia". She whispered as her mouth was close to his ear.

"My name is Julia, Alister" she said as she leaned back slightly.

"I'm sorry I never told you sooner. It just seemed to slip through the cracks of our relationship. This has all been so fast and yet it seems like forever in a way."

The boat rocked less and she could see it was brighter outside.

"Alister, is the storm growing weak?" She asked softly.
He looked to the window, and thought letting the feel of the ship come to him. "She Donna weaken, but maybe she spit us out." There were some voices coming through the deck, voices and words he recognized. "They be pullin' the sheets, wind be aft, setting to the south. Worst maybe behind us."

The way she laid down to kiss him, the whole of her body came with it. She felt warm, safe, comfortable against him.

He shook his head with a smile, "And Don't blame yeself, Lass." He paused and said more meaningfully, "Julia." He like the way it rolled off his tounge, maybe not as much as the more general name he used for her but it was still nice. "I dinna want ta know. At first in un the least. Ya donnae name a puppy ya plan ta give away, else ya's ends up lovin' it."
"You didn't want to know my name cause you were scared you would want to keep me?" She asked with a small smile. "Alister, you're a silly man. A name doesn't make you want to keep a person."

And yet she knew his name... And wanted to keep him. The realization came out of nowhere and she blinked. She wanted to keep him for herself. The idea of him with another woman was enough to make her jealous.

But she could never admit that.

She pushed the thought from her head.

"Besides you wouldn't want to keep me anyway remember? I'm too stubborn according to my mama."

She grinned up at him playfully.