The "Implosion" of the Democratic Party

Fawkin'Injun said:
You know, people used to vote for the good of their country and not the good of their race...

Teddy Rooseveldt was spot on when it came to the hyphenization of America.

And I am SO in the minority with my family's melting pot attitude towards breeding!


As we speak the Latin community is growing, as a voting block, at the rate of 1%/year. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that in 30 years the black community will represent less than 5% of the voting population. At that point in time they become totally irrevelant to either party. No one will care what they say or do.

For the past 50 years they have pissed their votes away on the Democratic party. The Democrats have taken their vote for granted and the Republicans have basically written them off. They had many years of opportunity to "barter" their vote but neglected to do so.

If they think that the Latin community has their best interests in mind and that there's some kind of 'solidarity' there, they have a very rude awakening coming.

Actually, the two Mexican Parties have established offices in most of the Southwest and I expect them to soon start advancing their own candidacies.

I think the two-party system is dead and we're going to end up with a de-facto parlimentary system and multiple, regional parties. I think BOTH national parties are about to become toast.

It's the Internet. Any dolt can now find a like-minded group to stay in constant touch with and as Dean as shown, campaigns can now go virtual.
Fawkin'Injun said:
Actually, the two Mexican Parties have established offices in most of the Southwest and I expect them to soon start advancing their own candidacies.

I think the two-party system is dead and we're going to end up with a de-facto parlimentary system and multiple, regional parties. I think BOTH national parties are about to become toast.

It's the Internet. Any dolt can now find a like-minded group to stay in constant touch with and as Dean as shown, campaigns can now go virtual.

Go to the "immigration" thread I started. I posted an interesting link there last night.

tee hee
tee hee

Can you post a link?

Naw, Ahm just kidding...

I'll go look at the link, but you know, I never click!
Fawkin'Injun said:
tee hee
tee hee

Can you post a link?

Naw, Ahm just kidding...

I'll go look at the link, but you know, I never click!

Go to Drudge then and read the Dick Morris OpEd.

Fawkin'Inbred said:
It's exactly like Bob Geldoff (sp?) said when he praised Bush for delivering on some aid for African AIDS [A_J's big myth]. He said that all Bill Clinton ever did was talk about it ...

No he didn't. That was a misquote in yesterday's Moonie Times.

While he did praise Bush's initiative, it was a flunky accompanying him who made the Clinton crack.

(It's a link, which your Republican masters permit you to click)
Where in the world did the trial lawyer come from to turn his voting percentage around so far? What did Dean do to lose such a big lead so fast; piss on the press or through a temper tantrum or something?
In watching this speech by Dean, I see why Kerry and Edwards got so many more votes. He doesn't speak very well. His speech isn't clear and the message is garbled. Not very polished, not at all.
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CSPAN is reporting that Gephardt is conceding, but they pulled away from his speech to go to a commercial. I'd never vote for him, but I salute his record of public service.
CSPAN is reporting that Kerry got a lot of the undecided voters. They also said that John Kerry picked up a lot of Gephardt's union votes out of the heavily union counties.
I'm sure getting a lot of posts tonight. At least I'm keeping this thread bouncing up around the top of the boards.

Kerry is about to come out for a speech.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
Kerry's wife is still a registered Republican. LOL.

Teresa Heinz changed party affiliation about a year ago. She's a Democrat now.
Lasher said:
Teresa Heinz changed party affiliation about a year ago. She's a Democrat now.

Must have been an old article that I read. LOL. I wish the things had dates on them.
They're now showing Gephardt's concession. We just heard it. Didn't endorse one of the other candidates though.
Jesus Christ! Apparently Kerry has never met a cliche he didn't like. It's like watching Democrat Party Smackdown.