The Introduction of Willowthwisp.....please be nice

niteshade said:
Hey, don't be scaring the newbies... until she volunteers, bite someone who likes it. Me, for example :D

Pull your shirt & bra up & close your eyes ;)
Willow wishes to thank everyone for their warm welcome and would gladly do it herself, but there seems to be a technical hitch which welcomes her but is preventing her posting....we are working on it!!!!

Mmm thankyou for your very kind introduction Catalina and Francisco! And thankyou for the welcomes. *steps out from behind b(l)ushes* ….splash splash, feels ok so far….now for the other foot. Sorry I'm late.......

I have greatly enjoyed ‘lurking’ around these ponds. The rich variety of experiences leading to varying opinions and perspectives. It helps me recognise how my own experiences (and lack of) have shaped my vision. I am hoping to remain a ‘beginner’ as it is a great place to learn from.

Wonderful to meet you all. I look forward to participating in the discussions. (finally!)

You really should be afraid of Francisco you know, be VERY afraid!

enigma nocturne said:
... Jump on in the waters fine.
Sure it is ...

niteshade said:
Hey, don't be scaring the newbies... until she volunteers, bite someone who likes it. Me, for example :D [/QUO

I might be interested...seduce me honey
I am thinking I might need some protection wear.......goggles perhaps? Thankyou AA for helping me to feel so comfortable! Perhaps I am ready to slide further in. Time is not on my side right now, however. But in the words of the new Gov...... "I'll be back!"

Willow :)
willowthwisp said:
Mmm thankyou for your very kind introduction Catalina and Francisco! And thankyou for the welcomes. *steps out from behind b(l)ushes* ….splash splash, feels ok so far….now for the other foot. Sorry I'm late.......

I have greatly enjoyed ‘lurking’ around these ponds. The rich variety of experiences leading to varying opinions and perspectives. It helps me recognise how my own experiences (and lack of) have shaped my vision. I am hoping to remain a ‘beginner’ as it is a great place to learn from.

Wonderful to meet you all. I look forward to participating in the discussions. (finally!)

You really should be afraid of Francisco you know, be VERY afraid!


Thank's, I am always careful, but I appreciate your concern
catalina_francisco said:
Noiw are you trying to frighten unsuspecting virgins AA?!!:D


Well it's a damn site harder to frighten the suspecting virgins - isn't it???

Greetings and salutations to the new one!!!!!
Well it's a damn site harder to frighten the suspecting virgins - isn't it???

Greetings and salutations to the new one!!!!!

That is just because you are not frightening enough.

catalina_francisco said:
That is just because you are not frightening enough.


Thats the idea... :D

I don't want them to be scared ................yet
Squeezenplease said:
Yes this guy is a weirdo and to be avoided...should be obvious...Squeeze

No actually he appears pretty normal - given that normal is the middle sixty three percent of the bell curve. As applied to a given population. And given that the population is the BDsM threads of Literotica - well DAMN he's downright conservative...

Me.... wellll now I might just be a bit odd.
He what is that,

That is not nice EVIKTAR, calling me conservative I feel hurt and betrayed.

How could you?

catalina_francisco said:
He what is that,

That is not nice EVIKTAR, calling me conservative I feel hurt and betrayed.

How could you?


Well see you punch a bunch of these little button things and then you roll around the little trackballgizmo and then...........

I said normal for THIS GROUP. Have you LOOKED at this group lately?????

Well see you punch a bunch of these little button things and then you roll around the little trackballgizmo and then...........

I said normal for THIS GROUP. Have you LOOKED at this group lately?????


And to top it all off you misspelled my name - end up in Misspellheim that way if you're not careful. SNRK!!!!:D
Yes ok, you are correct, I did misspell you name.

Can I make believe I did it on purpose?

oooooh thats pretty............I'd believe anything with that one! Thankyou for gracing my intro thread with such a purifying image. It polishes away any grime. Makes everything all shiny and new......for now.


Welcome Willowthwisp.

I do not get here often as I would like, but a very BIG welcome.
Thankyou Rantalith! I love your AV! I think I have to wait before I can have one for my own.......
willowthwisp said:
Thankyou Rantalith! I love your AV! I think I have to wait before I can have one for my own.......

Cherish your virginity my dear... it will be gone before you know it.

Willow If I was you and wanted to get fast to a 100 posts I would go and investigate BDSM word association in the BDSM cafe. I am sure that before you know it you are at a 100 Posts.

I am letting you in know on one of the great secrets of Literotica.

It seems the key is more postings so...........

Submission is like a wonderful drug to me. It took me a long time to recognise it was not a sign of weakness in me but the window of new strengths. A discovery that I could make my wicked dreams come true was a blessing. My longing for submission seemed to conflict with my need to make my life 'my own' in the way I understood the term. Resisting 'the beast' took me further away from myself, and made the battle for inner strength even harder and certainly less enjoyable. (I did well to scare the Doms away!)
Without the opportunity to submit and know that my surrender is recieved with loving gratitude is a very important thing to me.
In my work I am relied upon for wisdom and personal advice. I give it with glowing compassion. I can do that only because I know I can be put 'back in my place' when the time comes. It balances me so I can finally offer more of what I have to give in other areas. As an artist, I find freedom of expression. I was for so long it seems, stifled in my own self inflicted, punishing way. A common trait I have learned. I found a way to hand that role over.

Ah.....blessed release!