The Isolated Blurt Thread XXXVII: You're Welcome, Fuckers

Not a chance, we had one woman as PM, rich white guys didn't like it so not a chance in hell a female will be PM again. See in that the US and Australia have stuff in common. The rest, nope.

Not anytime soon. I wouldn’t suggest ever.
Inside America vs Outside America

All economists agree that 5% unemployment is considered full employment. All economies are considered healthy if they have a certain % of unemployment.

In Australia the unemployment rate is currently 4.1% which is considered good for the economy.

In America the unemployment rate is also 4.1% but they call it a jobs crisis.
her: "Does my bum look big in this"......*no don't say it, do not say it* him: "It's dark in the club nobody's going to notice"

her: "Does this dress look ok"....the answer to this is "Yes" it's always "Yes" otherwise you are never ever leaving the house on time.

person: "Well you're on time for once".....him: "I got a divorce"
Gas is not petrol. America stop saying it.

If you're cooking with petrol your neighbours are going to get pissed, cause you are not only going to burn down your house but theirs as well.
When the orange dictator goes to the EU for trade talks, their politicians will have to consider wearing those ' I'm with stupid' T-shirts with an arrow pointing to a map of America.
When Americans go to a foreign country they don't seem to realise that they are the foreigners not the locals.

I suppose Americans will now pretend to be Canadians when they travel. I know Canadians get pissed at being mistaken for Americans. Then again what is Canada going to do, stop sending Canadian bacon and maple syrup
Getting marriage advice from a Catholic priest is like buying meat from a vegan butcher.
An American went to Ireland and landed in Dublin. He asked a local where he could find an authentic Irish pub. Nope not kidding, it's a true story.
Just got to wait till the old rich white guys die out.

If you’re Aussie you know that our politicians are all fucking idiots. Australia will never be good at politics because it does not fucking interest us as a collective. There’s always going to be someone who isn’t happy. We avoid politics like the fucking plague. When something matters, we fight. That’s it. We keep it simple. Male or female it does not matter one iota.
You think something is unfair? Say it. You think that’s a rip off? Say it. You can say whatever you like. As a citizen, you have the right to protest decisions made by the government -and often- we do.

Don’t get it twisted. As an Australian woman, I know for a fact we have a lot more say and standing and rights than women in other countries do. That does not mean that we don’t empathise. Because I do. And I know a lot of women in Australia who actually give a fuck what’s happening overseas. So while I compared Trump to Raygun I will absolutely stand by the fact that it’s not a joke what’s happening to women overseas and I think it’s sick. And I don’t mean it in a good way.

Waiting til the old rich guys die out is not a valid response.
There’s nothing more despised in Australia than a cunt who tries to create something or a scenario or a situation that simply isn’t there. Especially when it comes to people. We call people like that “Dog Cunts”.

If you would like to represent someone, try to think of your family and your children. Otherwise please shut the fuck up.


Bought a house.
Crashed into garage
Lucky for me it looks to be a 200$ dollar part. Timing is bad but whatever.
I bought a house
Awesome! I hope this has ended the stressful part of that process. Now, it's yours and you can do whatever you want. Unless, of course, the city, state, hoa, neighborhood, police, the bank or code, says you can't. The part I hate the most, packing, moving and unpacking.. But, it was better knowing it would probably be the last time I had to do that. I'd rather stay in this house, until I'm dead, than go through that one more time.

Seriously, congratulations!
we're busy watching the tv series made of The Stand... not overly impressed right now but that happens when you've really enjoyed a book. So many bits missed out, things that were kinda important to the reasons why about certain characters. Hell, they didn't even make Harold overweight—just a skinny nerdy type. It feels dumbed down. Maybe it'll improve.

My next outdoors job is cleaning out the henhouse, putting in their fresh hay.

Oh, and last night i watched Lioness... first season. Pretty good!
A 4 point buck crossed the bike path. I would like to try venison, but I can't carry an entire deer on a bike. I did not bring hunting and butchering equipment.