The Isolated Blurt Thread XXXVII: You're Welcome, Fuckers

i may have seen it... to be honest, not too many of the transitions from book to screen have worked out well for my taste; I did appreciate Green Mile, IT (1&2), The Stand, The Shining, Carrie (original), Christine, Stand by Me, Misery Shawshank Redemption, and kinda liked Cell and Hearts in Atlantis wasn't bad.

My biggest disappointment was the treatment of The Dark Tower... it just couldn't do justice to the book. I was so excited to hear Idris Elba had been cast that it came as an even bigger disappointment.
Agree, didn't like The Dark Tower movie, much prefer the novel series. They just can't capture King's books properly.
Community Announcement

Still see that Americans and people from the UK think Aussies drink Fosters. Nope we don't. You are being lied to by the advertising companies. We used to drink it but then the company that makes it, which is a Melbourne brewing company, changed the recipe to cater for the OS market, originally the UK. They fucked up the taste so we stopped drinking it decades ago, in the before times last century. So if you don't want to be laughed at when coming to the land down under. Don't order it.

Another smaller announcement, we don't eat shrimp, we eat prawns and we don't put them on BBQ's. We have been telling Americans this for decades, seems it hasn't sunk in yet. Again, just advertising to get Americans to visit Australia. Total bullshit. We only did it cause Americans have trouble with English so we had to put it in American words. Don't say you haven't been told. Sure if you want to look stupid keep calling them shrimp when you come here. We can always do with a laugh. And if you can't take a joke, don't come here. The harder you respond the harder will we wind you up. You can't win.

That's it. You guys can carry on demolishing your democracy now. I need to leave now and take my kangaroo for a walk.
Community Announcement

Still see that Americans and people from the UK think Aussies drink Fosters. Nope we don't. You are being lied to by the advertising companies. We used to drink it but then the company that makes it, which is a Melbourne brewing company, changed the recipe to cater for the OS market, originally the UK. They fucked up the taste so we stopped drinking it decades ago, in the before times last century. So if you don't want to be laughed at when coming to the land down under. Don't order it.

Another smaller announcement, we don't eat shrimp, we eat prawns and we don't put them on BBQ's. We have been telling Americans this for decades, seems it hasn't sunk in yet. Again, just advertising to get Americans to visit Australia. Total bullshit. We only did it cause Americans have trouble with English so we had to put it in American words. Don't say you haven't been told. Sure if you want to look stupid keep calling them shrimp when you come here. We can always do with a laugh. And if you can't take a joke, don't come here. The harder you respond the harder will we wind you up. You can't win.

That's it. You guys can carry on demolishing your democracy now. I need to leave now and take my kangaroo for a walk.

This is the GB.

The Yanks knew this shit at least 20 years ago.
I swear. Angelina Jolie is the female version of Thanos. Apply red lipstick and pout and half of the population would disappear.

Some women just have it. I fucking love that.
Community Announcement

Still see that Americans and people from the UK think Aussies drink Fosters. Nope we don't. You are being lied to by the advertising companies. We used to drink it but then the company that makes it, which is a Melbourne brewing company, changed the recipe to cater for the OS market, originally the UK. They fucked up the taste so we stopped drinking it decades ago, in the before times last century. So if you don't want to be laughed at when coming to the land down under. Don't order it.

Another smaller announcement, we don't eat shrimp, we eat prawns and we don't put them on BBQ's. We have been telling Americans this for decades, seems it hasn't sunk in yet. Again, just advertising to get Americans to visit Australia. Total bullshit. We only did it cause Americans have trouble with English so we had to put it in American words. Don't say you haven't been told. Sure if you want to look stupid keep calling them shrimp when you come here. We can always do with a laugh. And if you can't take a joke, don't come here. The harder you respond the harder will we wind you up. You can't win.

That's it. You guys can carry on demolishing your democracy now. I need to leave now and take my kangaroo for a walk.

I never believe the shrimp
On the bbq because 1) prawns and 2) a bbq would kind of defeat the purpose of having shrimp ( pawns).
How big do you’re prawns get, btw?
I never believe the shrimp
On the bbq because 1) prawns and 2) a bbq would kind of defeat the purpose of having shrimp ( pawns).
How big do you’re prawns get, btw?
yep that's why we usually either boil them, fry them in spices, put them in stir fry or what is known as curries.
Prawn size come in basically two types, Green Prawns or Tiger Prawns. Green is cheaper and smaller good for salads or cooking in Asian dishes. Tiger prawns due their larger size are usually a dish on their own. Then for some reason we also import frozen prawns. I don't use those. Why would I given we have excellent seafood here. Size wise, don't know I've never measured. Yes I'm still talking about prawns.

The only people who put prawns on a BBQ are TV chefs.

You know that a migrant has fully integrated in to American culture when they go ape shit in a fast food place about not getting enough fries or sauce packets.
We don't ride kangaroos in Australia, it's like trying to get a saddle on a horse standing on two legs. We ride camels. True. We even send our camels to Arab states cause we have more camels than they do. Fact.
Outside America vs Inside America

Dinner time conversation


Mother: "Honey what did you learn in class today."

Child: "We learned about all the native animals. Can I get a Koala for my birthday?"


Mother: "Honey what did you learn in class today."

Child: "We learned how to hide from a school shooter"

There are 8 billion people on the planet. 18% of them are white people. Therefore 82% of them are not. So how does the minority get to define the majority as "people of colour". Isn't that the tail wagging the dog?
I never believe the shrimp
On the bbq because 1) prawns and 2) a bbq would kind of defeat the purpose of having shrimp ( pawns).
How big do you’re prawns get, btw?
Ive cooked plenty of large shrimp (or prawns) on a charcoal grill.. Trick is, cook them in their armor and do it quickly. Some salt and olive oil before they go on, there delicious! If you're feeling lucky, sprinkle some more Cajun seasonings or old bay. Everything tastes good with old bay.
And, if anyone calls my coal or gas grill a BBQ? We have problems. BBQ is a state of consciousness, not an implement...

There are 8 billion people on the planet. 18% of them are white people. Therefore 82% of them are not. So how does the minority get to define the majority as "people of colour". Isn't that the tail wagging the dog?

White is generally accepted as “the absence of color” - so is suppose “people of colour” could be interpreted as “people of more color”???


And, of course - in some white majority countries, “people of colour” is certainly a discriminatory label.

got around to cleaning out the henhouse... smells delicious now, the hay still full of scent from the summer mowing. Added an additional perch to try and cut back on the squabbling that started when Lucky (the hen with the chicks) decided somewhere in the middle of the regular perch was a good place to sit, putting all the others out of their normal places along the roost.

chickens aren't that bright. Because i moved their feed trough and water dish, and because of the new branch, t took them a good extra half an hour to get into the henhouse tonight, and only then with some hustling from me! Once they did go over the threshold, they seem quite excited by the new perch. I couldn't be arsed to stand and watch them any longer but i'm sure they'll sort themselves out.
Couldn't get the internet to work at the new place. Called out a tech. Tested cables. Nothing.
Looked at the pole. Wasn't connected..ok still doesn't work.
Goes to electric panel.. dude cut the wire. ( the electrician)

When white people make you laugh

White people doing Yoga. Indians get a kick out of that one. Ever wondered why you don't see more brown people at your yoga sessions? Then there is all that farting. The cows nearby are saying "wasn't us this time"

Chicken Tikka Masala. Doesn't exist in Indian cuisine. Invented in the UK by a chef from Pakistan to get English people to eat as his restaurant. What! Racism in the British Empire, surely not.

Spices vs Chillies. The only reason Asian restaurants put the word 'Spicy' on their menus is because white people can't tell the difference between food containing spices vs food containing chillies. The word 'spicy' doesn't exist in Asian cuisine. If that blows your mind, wait for it...the word 'curry' doesn't exist in Indian cuisine. It is purely a word to explain Indian food to white people.

Lets end with breathing out and realigning our chaka kahns. Thanks everyone, good session. Numbyourstay.
Some Arab Americans voted for the orange dictator even though the last time he was in office, he implemented the Muslim ban and now he said he will let Netanyahu finish the job in Gaza

Millions of American women voted for a rapist

Latinos voted for a guy who wants to deport their undocumented relatives

Not sure if these things are ironic, sad or just stupid or all three. There is a lot of Yang going on and not much Yin.