The Jeffinator's Lounge

Greetings one and all, a little advert for you....

I'm being doing a small project over the past few years called Ultimate DC, where i have basically taken the DC comics characters and chucked them into my own world where their stories are quite changed, much like what marvel did with ultimate marvel.

Basically i have chucked up 2 such threads,

the outsiders


the teen titans

Basically feel free to join and look around. :D
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Sweet, the connection is still here, for now. Just got off work. I hate these late shifts, especially when the next day is an early shift, lol. It's going to take me several hours to wind down enough to sleep well, yet I have to be back up in about seven hours. It's 10:00 pm now, and I have to be back up at 5:00 in the morning so that I can be out my door by 6:30. I will probably drink five or six cups of coffee tomorrow, lol. My usual is three cups. Not those teeny ass cups either -- I use a big silver cup, hehe. A BIG cup. 12 sugars and 4 creamers in it. Normally, I would only use eight sugars, but my mouthwash masks sweet tastes, so I use extra sugar to overpower the Listerine aftertaste.

I'll take a look at your games when I'm back on, Nite :). BTW, I watched the first episode earlier of Love Hina on YouTube -- the American voice actors for it are retarded, but this has become commonplace in American-translated Anime series. Though, I have to say, I laughed my ass off every few minutes. Watching Keitaro's plunders is extremely entertaining.
SWEET! I discovered a geek dating site! It's called Geek2Geek. I'm signing up. May the Force be with us all...
actually, the openings are pretty much identical. Howver, I think they might be a season behind in openings in the US, thanks to that first one they showed
Well, They showed roughly the same opening song for the first three seasons of the American version, which different than the Japanese openings. It wasn't until Fighting Dreamers that the American opening matched the Japanese one. See, the Japanese series has a new opening every 20 to 30 episodes.
c'mon guys, take a look at my outsiders & Titans threads....I need more people and i'm sure you guys are up for it....
Soon as I'm back online for sure, Nite. I don't want to start any games as long as I'm on an unsecure connection, in case it goes out and I'm offline for a while. I'll start my games and take a look at yours once I get my own secure net hooked up next week.
Sometime next year I'm going to be leaving Lit, as far as RPing goes, just so you know. Well, hopefully. See, once I get Zialaga.Com back up and running, I'm going to be doing my RPing there, where I make all the rules. I'll do it on a dedicated server so that we can make it an adult forum. Thi most likely won't happen until Fall 2009, though. Eventually, I'll create the Dragon Depot, and online geek store. Or something like that :). Nothing set in stone yet.
Well, RT Connect has me down for a November 3rd hookup date, but will try to get it done sooner. I'll be getting a fairly tolerable DSL connection (3.0 mbps) with a modem/router combo, effectively creating my own wireless network. My phone hook up will also give me a "ten cents a minute" long distance plan. All in all, my bill will be about 80 a month, but I'm okay with that. I know those of you overseas can't call me, but I hope to talk on the phone with all my American Lit Family members :).

So, hopefully they'll hook me up sooner than the 3rd, but if not, at least we know I'll be back permanently by that date at the very latest.

Man, my brother and I were dying earlier. See, we were out doing a bunch of running around -- We walked to the RT Connect office to sign the papers and all, then to McDonald's for lunch, then to Pamida (like a mini Wal-Mart) for a few things, including Halloween make-up (hehe), then down to the Post Office so I could get a money order for my electric bill. Then we went and spent most of the day at my Mom's, since it was her birthday. I bought her a cheesecake and we ordered pizza for dinner.

Anyway, back to my point -- we were dying. When we left Pamida, we sat down on a bench for a bit to drink our Java Monsters and eat a little of the Halloween candy we got. Then, all of a sudden, we look up and see this old brown car entering the Pamida parking lot. It was being driven by a little old lady. Anyway, she bypasses all the parking spots, and then proceeds to park with her bumper against the sidewalk, facing directly at the building. We looked at each other and desperately tried to keep straight faces. We started walking faster and faster away to get out of her earshot, us both giggling the entire way. Once we were down by the main street, I turned to Nic and was like, "These parking spaces are too far from the building. I'm too lazy to walk, so I'll create my own parking spot right in front of the doors!" and we both lost it. We laughed loud and hard. *wipes eyes*
I think I'm going to change the Dragon World game a bit, because with it being a hotel and resort, some characters may be there for only a weekend or something, which may cause complications. Instead of an amusement park, I'll make it like a huge mall with draconic decorations and what not... Yeah. That'll be awesome. It'll be up shortly.
Whoa, cool. You know, this January will mark my seventh anniverssary as the Jeffinator. Seven years ago -- January 2002 -- I first took the mantle of the Jeffinator. My old yahoo, that was my very first use of the name. Then I used the same name to join a roleplaying site called Setting Sun Games. The owner of that site is still a good friend of mine to this day. I also joined for a while.

Mostly, I became an experienced roleplayer through SSG. That is also where I DMed my very first D&D campaign. After a few years at SSG, I moved on to my own site, Central Geek Network. CGN experienced many url changes and server hops, until finally I let it die and began roleplaying here on Lit in 2005. Last year, I left Lit and started roleplaying on my new site, However, due to financial issues, I could not continue to pay the host and my site went inactive.
How cool! :D

Now you've got me thinking about my user name... I've used Ssunstorm as a name alternately for things since 2000. Amber Sunstorm was my first fansty RP character. She later became a character for D&D campeigns. She's been with me for a long time...

-checks out Dragon World-
I scared the hell out of everybody at work today, lol. I took a rubberband, threaded it through a button, then tied it to an arched paperclip. I twisted the button and rubberband pretty tight, then slipped them into an envelope. I handed it to people and said "I have a note for you," and when they opened the envelope, the button unwound, making the little device hop around inside the envelope like a bug. A lot of people yelped out and threw the envelope to the ground, LMAO. My sides hurt from laughing so much today.
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Oh, guess what? They fucking cut back my hours at work. Even if I'm more experienced than some of the others, I still lost my seniorty when I left. Now that I'm back, I'm back at the bottom of the totem pole, and they cut me back to two eight hours shifts and a seven hour shift a week. Fucking 23 hours... See, with summer over, things are slowing down, we are over-staffed, and I was the first one to lose hours...

I'm going to use my four days off a week to work on some short stories and articles, and then try and get some extra money freelancing. I'm still getting my net, but I can kiss my new laptop, nicer TV, and new video game systems goodbye. I'll need to live on water and sandwiches for a while to save money to use for my freelancing, and hopefully I'll earn enough to live fairly comfortably.