The Jeffinator's Lounge

Princess!! You are supposed to lick the umm (cough cough) hot cream off of Dragon's body silly. (pokes you just because) LOL
Wow, lots of fun while I was away, lol. I only posted the first part of the Marvel intro, and the fucking signal cut out. So, if anyone's read the Marvel thread I posted earlier, that's only a part of the intro because it cut out as I tried to post the second.

I did go with a friend to Wal-Mart, and now I have everything for an awesome costume for tomorrow:

A large black robe with a hood
Black, white, and red face paint
A red lightsaber
Demon wings

My friend Tina, who gave me a ride to the store an hour away, helped me out financially so that I could be a Sith Lord returned from the dead. Hehe. What's worse than a Sith Lord? A ZOMBIE Sith Lord!!!

I have a quote to go with it too, "The Force is strong with you, but it is stronger with me! Bow before the might and power of Darth Dradius, lest my lightsaber sever your connection to the world of the living!" I have a dark voice for it too, hehe! *is so excited*

I'm borrowing a webcam, so I'll make a video tomorrow of me in my suit saying that line for everyone to see.
YAY! The Jeffinator is back online!!! My DSL and phone are now hooked up, so I don't have to worry about unstable connections any more. I'll start the IC thread for Dragon World shortly, but I'll wait for Marvel to see if we get more players. I may also start another game about magic users and the religious freaks who hunt them down, thinking they are Witches or Satanists or something. So, yeah, I doubt any Christians would want to play THAT game, lol. Unless they played the part of the hunters.
Just in case any of my Lit Family wants to call, my new number is 307-864-4074. Don't call today, though, the phone needs to charge.
whee, 200 left on my PS3....also, I'll soon be getting the upgrades I need for this...I mean, I'll be buying the replacement parts over the next few months, and hopefully, my state appointed therapist will give me the Toshiba Satellite he had me work on a few months ago. That will end up becoming my intarwebz computer, which will allow me to work on this unrestricted for gamage
*is upset cos no ones interested in his titans and outsiders threads*

*Hears the oven timer go off, which means that his food is ready*

*Suddenly cheers up and runs for his food!*
Yay!!! Iva finally sent me the pics she took of me on Halloween! These were taken back in the office-area behind the front desk at work. We call it the submarine because it's like an office shoved into the hallway leading back to the bigger main office. Anyway, say hello to Darth Dradius!!!



Yay!!! Iva finally sent me the pics she took of me on Halloween! These were taken back in the office-area behind the front desk at work. We call it the submarine because it's like an office shoved into the hallway leading back to the bigger main office. Anyway, say hello to Darth Dradius!!!




OMG, you look so mean! Glad you had a good time.
