The Jeffinator's Lounge

Hey, Jeff. Just wanted to say, sorry for not posting in Dragon World these last days. I´ve been feeling uninspired and had work to do. But I hope this coming week will be better.
Hey all, Shuu wanted me to let everyone know that in the very near future she is going to return to Lit.
Hm, how many people are playing in Dragon World, do you still need more players because I know I was supposed to make a bio for a character and couldn't feel inspired....but if you need more characters..
Dragon World kind of flopped. I am trying to think of a way to use some of the characters in a new direction. My Marvel thread seems unpopular too. I may change some of these elements into a pirate game or something, not sure. We'll see.
Dragon World kind of flopped. I am trying to think of a way to use some of the characters in a new direction. My Marvel thread seems unpopular too. I may change some of these elements into a pirate game or something, not sure. We'll see.

Okies, just wondering because I was feeling bad because I had said I would play in it.
I'm thinking about turning one of my story ideas into an rp. It's about magic users than are hunted down by a corrupt government.
sorry about my recent lack of posts, have being dealing with rp problems, should be back on full time soon.
LMAO. Dude, I'm, like, getting drunk, lol. I'm not shit faced drunk yet, but I'm currently on my fifth Mike's Hard Pomegranate Lemonade, and I've had two shots of Ten High Whiskey and three shots of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum... *dances* I have no intention of stopping anytime soon! LMAO! Dudes... I am gonna HATE myself in the morning! *does the Truffle Shuffle*
Wow... Six Mike's Hards, two shots of Ten High Whiskey, and six shots of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum... I am FUCKED UP!!! It's a miracle I can even fucking spell right, LMAO. My alcohol tolerance is fairly low because this is, like, the fourth or fifth time I've been drunk in my life... LMAO. Fucking A!
Velvet's patented hangover cure

Alka seltzer
I pint fresh squeezed OJ (vits)
200mg Ibuprofen (if you can take aspirin based meds) (painkiller and anti inflammatory)
Diarolyte (to replace lost tissue salts)
Wholenut peanut butter on granary toast (protein & complex carb)
I banana (potassium and more vits)

Mix and simmer in stomach for an hour or two and you'll be fine. :kiss:
Thankies Velvet! *kisses* Actually, I woke up just fine. I stopped myself after that last post, and let myself sober up for a few hours before passing out. I woke up ten hours later feeling just fine, no hangover or anything. Plus, you know, I had a ton of food in my system to help absorb the acohol -- burgers, pizza, chips, and cheez-its, lol. Actually, because I slept so soundly last night, I feel wonderful this morning.
Thankies Velvet! *kisses* Actually, I woke up just fine. I stopped myself after that last post, and let myself sober up for a few hours before passing out. I woke up ten hours later feeling just fine, no hangover or anything. Plus, you know, I had a ton of food in my system to help absorb the acohol -- burgers, pizza, chips, and cheez-its, lol. Actually, because I slept so soundly last night, I feel wonderful this morning.

That's it, 'fess up, exactly what percentage of you is cyborg?
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Sure! Come on in! And in case you all are wondering how I was able to throw that party last night, yesterday was payday, lol. Now I get to spend the rest of the gap till next payday penny pinching, lol. Before the party, I made sure to put aside the money for the internet and phone, then went down to the post office, got a money order, and mailed it off for my power bill. Making sure the necessities were taken care of before my judgment was effected by alcohol, hehe. I was drunk when I decided to order pizza, even though we already had burgers from McDonald's, chips, and cheez-its, lol.
wow a party .. umm havent ahd one in awhile as my mate is a loner so it limits my ability you

But back in the time .. ooh 4 yrs ago I cant rember when i was sober on the weekends..
Lol. OMG, I was thinking back to last night, and I could have kicked my friends' asses. While I was ordering the pizza, I was trying my very hardest to sound sober, then they start yelling random shit in the background trying to make me crack and laugh. I almost lost it when my friend Ron got close to the phone and said quite loudly, "Hey, ask them if they sell pussy on a stick!"

Yeah... Fun night, lol. Then I started throwing paper plates at my friend Jones like frisbees while he tried to hit them with my lightsaber like a baseball bat... Then the fucker decided to hold the blade end and swing with the hilt, and snapped the damn thing in half... Fucker broke my lightsaber, lol. He swears he'll fix it, but it was only ten bucks at Wal-Mart, lol.
I got drunk a few nights ago, and I'm pretty sure I made out with a few people. Just can't remember who =/
lol .. I like beer pong and pepes I party with when a beer is spilt we do the thump in the chest thing as it is acohol abuse lol ..

we have so many games I remeber one year we had a cagger and we where doing cag stands .. dam those days they where fun lol
lol .. I like beer pong and pepes I party with when a beer is spilt we do the thump in the chest thing as it is acohol abuse lol ..

we have so many games I remeber one year we had a cagger and we where doing cag stands .. dam those days they where fun lol

Beer pong... I rock at that game.

That or flip cup.

And then a few rounds of asshole

And then just... well you get the idea =^^=
yes I do as it can be very fun lol

I rember breaking an ankle doing those dam cag stands I was so drunk did not know it till the next morning
So why again can't you party anymore? Because of you mate? Well, he/she should accept you as you are and not try to change you.