The lowest of the low

saldne said:
The person who wrote that has no class. Fuck 'em! It's just another loser. To post that anon. proves my point.
They probably dont even know about the boards....they just found that while looking for porn
anon's= fuckem's
Tathagata said:
I'd like to see it done away with
comments are what matter

and Art
your behavior belies the fact that you may quote Zen but you have no "buddha mind'
You have no compassion, and your ego rules your interests
otherwise votes would mean nothing to you.
You would simply "write"

And no matter what you believe, no one is going to respect the opinion of a man who uses the word " non-shilant" in a poem
It's lazy
and if it's not lazy it's illiteracy.

I was raised that a man didn't disrespect a woman
Your attitude and behavior toward Lauren is boorish and ego ridden.

If you have a problem here leave and try selling your poetry at another site where people might not be so forgiving of your eccentricities

well now tath....

I have never claimed to be an intelligent factor of literary guinuess, I have done nothing but demonstrate how one learns from reading and interacting with others here at lit. My poems on other sites get a lot more praise and respect than they do here. But I am not skimming stones for respect or pats on the back as so many want to coin an inspirational remark.

I merely posted on this thread and was jumped on by those readily ready to attack those who want to post on this long winded thread. Lauren claims this thread was for the insane yet she is running it the funny farm.
Du Lac said:
Lauren now you are after me...
I'm not after you, Du, and I'm sorry if you think that. :rose:

The fact is that what I read in your post was "I sit here and shake my head sad that I have seen such fear of change and name calling displayed by people that others look up to." I didn't read "I sit here and shake my head sad that I have seen such rotten and unfounded accusations and name calling displayed by people that I used to look up to."
My Erotic Tale said:
I merely posted on this thread and was jumped on
Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm not after you, Du, and I'm sorry if you think that. :rose:

The fact is that what I read in your post was "I sit here and shake my head sad that I have seen such fear of change and name calling displayed by people that others look up to." I didn't read "I sit here and shake my head sad that I have seen such rotten and unfounded accusations and name calling displayed by people that I used to look up to."

Lauren read the thread again... it is all who are acting in low shots. Accusations, name calling, all of it is wrong. I am just telling you all from an outsiders view. That this is not the way to solve problems. Everyone looks like an asshole. lol... can you not be nice and detach from emotions YOU meaning all parties involved. You are not the only one that people look up to. Many also look up to Art. Regardless of how the two of you feel step out of it. And stop slamming each other on the boards. It does not seem reasonable. Now it is an insane thread and this is what makes me sad. Intelligent people are not behaving intelligent.
I am telling all to step out of themselves look at the thread and see through others eyes at how it looks. Is this how Lit wants to be seen? I would hope not.
But as I always say I am here to learn... and boy am I learning.

and if I may make a suggestion? I would change this if I would you it may help:
"Lauren is, naturally, quite right."
- BlackShanglan ·
My Erotic Tale said:
actually I can't see any HONORABLE reasons for voting anon.
I also laugh at the fact that most of the people claiming they wish to keep anon voting, don't comment? or do they? I find that strangely humorus.

Well, MET, it's not like the name "My Erotic Tale" nor your AV are anything but anonymous.

NOW THAT - is humourous, and honourable indeed. ;)
PatCarrington said:

try to vote with the curtain open anywhere.

the machine won't work unless the curtain is closed.

why is that, zenmaster?

4 billion dollars in federal funding is awarded by congress to instill a way to view all votes by computer after the initial curtain drawn vote. Vote then go home and look the vote up to ensure it is correct and the availability to see how the votes are talllied as well as search voters authenticity

I didn't post on this thread for a long time cause those who do get verbally attacked. FOR? Having a say about anons? So this merits verbal lashings because I come and posted on this thread? HEHEHE <funny>
My Erotic Tale said:
4 billion dollars in federal funding is awarded by congress to instill a way to view all votes by computer after the initial curtain drawn vote. Vote then go home and look the vote up to ensure it is correct and the availability to see how the votes are talllied as well as search voters authenticity

I didn't post on this thread for a long time cause those who do get verbally attacked. FOR? Having a say about anons? So this merits verbal lashings because I come and posted on this thread? HEHEHE <funny>

a voter can look up HIS OWN vote.

i can't look up yours, you can't look up mine.

sheeesh..........why do i need to explain this to a person who lives in a democratic society.
Du Lac said:
Lauren read the thread again... it is all who are acting in low shots. Accusations, name calling, all of it is wrong.
I'm sorry, but I'm past the point of caring about that. Together with Eve and Angeline, and at the expense of a lot of personal sacrifice, I have been moderating this thread for two years, and tonight I have been accused of tampering with votes on competitions in the forum, of violating Literotica rules by moving and deleting threads to protect friends, and of being a troll.

I'm not going to back down until I hear an apology or until he proves a single one of his accusations.
My Erotic Tale said:
I didn't post on this thread for a long time cause those who do get verbally attacked. FOR? Having a say about anons?
Say it, then. Respond to this:

Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm sorry, but I'm past the point of caring about that. Together with Eve and Angeline, and at the expense of a lot of personal sacrifice, I have been moderating this thread for two years, and tonight I have been accused of tampering with votes on competitions in the forum, of violating Literotica rules by moving and deleting threads to protect friends, and of being a troll.

I'm not going to back down until I hear an apology or until he proves a single one of his accusations.

Then no one wins because stubborness always breeds ignorance.
I leave you all to your ways... I have better things to do then waste my time with such angry individuals that will not see reason.
My Erotic Tale said:
For the nth time, what is your name, and where to you serve as a law enforcement agent? Are you ever going to stop hiding like a coward underneath this protective blanket that anonymity gives you?
( Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work?)

this statement actually shows you care about skittish people yet "wicked states what has been said many times...

Some of the newer poets are delicate. I know they may feel targeted for no good reason. Is it possible their poetry wasn't very good and some voters were simply expressing their opinions by voting lower numbers?

Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.

this shows two things, obviously do not know me...two grin>

the grammar police thread is not showing on the advanced search, don;t you all place them someplace, like a thread? And Ang claims she didn't remove it which means it was wicked or Lauren, one of you two did.

looking for the poem contest post now,...
I learned a lesson a long time ago over in the Author's Hangout forum, where I once posted quite regularly and the poetry feedback forum was a side bar.

Take a look at this thread, Confounding Feedback and see where posting private correspondence and bashing people anonymously gets you.

I'm hoping you all will learn, vicariously, exactly how nasty it smells when you go beyond burying shit and start stirring it.
My Erotic Tale said:
the last shoot out,

I also have had two threads removed by your defending your amigo. Which I truely understand helping friends out and all, that really didn't upset me and it actually kept peace in the forum which I am all for. Notice how emotions become high when others don't see things the way you do. Why do you feel the need to BARK alot?

As an Officer I realize I am not going to win every ones favor. But when hostility or anger is inflamed, usually that person has a reason for such an act. Be that honorable or not. Or just too much java.

I think this accusation is exceptionally assinine MET, and sadlyI have seen you write it to her before regarding other things like Survivour. I think that if you are indeed in law enforcement, you should reconsider your career, since good judgement doesn't become you.

By the way, my emotions never become high when I don't see eye to eye with Lauren, but damn I do get turned on! :catroar:

Lauren Hynde said:
For the nth time, what is your name, and where to you serve as a law enforcement agent? Are you ever going to stop hiding like a coward underneath this protective blanket that anonymity gives you?

you don't take people for there word? Sorry about that,
your angry and lashing and I am supposed to tell you where I live and work?
Last edited:
My Erotic Tale said:
the grammar police thread is not showing on the advanced search, don;t you all place them someplace, like a thread? And Ang claims she didn't remove it which means it was wicked or Lauren, one of you two did.

looking for the poem contest post now,...
There was a grammar police thread? Well... maybe it disappeared like anna's thread. Her thread is totally lost. It's not moved anywhere. It's not showing up.
Anyway, is it called grammar police? I'll go check that mod forum and see if I can find it.
My Erotic Tale said:

this statement actually shows you care about skittish people yet "wicked states what has been said many times...

Some of the newer poets are delicate. I know they may feel targeted for no good reason. Is it possible their poetry wasn't very good and some voters were simply expressing their opinions by voting lower numbers?
OK, now respond to this:

Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.

My Erotic Tale said:
this shows two things, obviously do not know me...two grin>
One I don't know you and two grin?

As for one, I have asked you to step out of your cowardly cloak and tell me your name and where you serve as a law enforcement agent.

As for two, try it in English:

Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.

My Erotic Tale said:
the grammar police thread is not showing on the advanced search, don;t you all place them someplace, like a thread? And Ang claims she didn't remove it which means it was wicked or Lauren, one of you two did.

looking for the poem contest post now,...
Show us anything!
My Erotic Tale said:
You must take me for a total fool lauren,
you don't tell angry woman where you live or work...
it may be in the thread, where are you published
but I don't have to account to you dear lady. I know what I do and
I know that I have the respect of my communty and plan to keep it that way <grin>
What are you afraid of? Why do you need to hide under anonymity? Have you no honour? "I can't see any HONORABLE reason" for you to want to remain anonymous...
My Erotic Tale said:
I am supposed to tell you where I live and work?
I'm in Lusitânia! What are you afraid of? That a light-weight woman will swim across the Atlantic to kick your ass? You were the one who said you "can't see any HONORABLE reason" to be anonymous.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'm sorry, but I'm past the point of caring about that. Together with Eve and Angeline, and at the expense of a lot of personal sacrifice, I have been moderating this thread for two years, and tonight I have been accused of tampering with votes on competitions in the forum, of violating Literotica rules by moving and deleting threads to protect friends, and of being a troll.

I'm not going to back down until I hear an apology or until he proves a single one of his accusations.

At the risk of incurring some of your incredible sarcasm, but really you did start it, with that you're all fucking insane comment, and kept it up.

Hello sugarlump,
These are your words, am I not correct?

form this thread:
Lauren Hynde said:
So, how do you know that some supposed trolls don't think the same way as you?How do you know they're trolls, and not simply people who have some free time and have taken on to them the task of re-ballancing the top lists by voting down poems they feel are not worthy?
from the ode... thread:
Lauren Hynde said:
Sorry, but no cigar. I have voted 1s and 2s before, and with good reasons. When I vote 1s and 2s, I don't do it on a whim, I do it because in my opinion as a reader, those are bad poems. I could write a long-winded feedback message and explain why I gave this poem and that a 1, but why should I waste another second of my time on bad poetry, when there is already so little time to read the good one? That's what the voting system is there for. High score or low, its purpose is to be a 1-digit opinion without any waste of time.

And no, choosing not to vote on those poems is not an option. By not voting down bad poems, you're allowing them to stay afloat based solely on fluff. If you don't vote on every poem you read, using the entire spectre, it means that every time you give a poem you like a 4, you're effectively shooting it down in favour of all the poems you didn't like but for which you didn't vote. Yay on you.

Lauren Hynde said:
No, I did not say that. I said that every poem I read without exception gets a vote from 1 to 5. If I have any comment to make and if I have the time to make it, I will do it regardless of the vote. I have left comments with votes from 1 to 5, and never anonymously.

But if I am pressed for time, or - quite frankly - if I know that the author couldn't care less about the reasons of a low vote, I will vote the way I want without leaving a comment. And if you don't like that, shut down voting altogether and leave only feedback on. I never heard you complaining about any of the un-commented 5s I left on your poems and stories...
Lauren Hynde said:
I leave a name when I comment, and I leave a trace when I vote, to which Lit has access. If my vote is fraudulent, Lit will eliminate it for you.

The reason for there to be a voting system is so that readers don't have to bother with explaining themselves. And they shouldn't have to.

If you don't really care, if you just want a name and a reason, there's a very easy way to get it: turn voting off, turn public comments off, turn anonymous feedback off, and leave only identified private feedback on. I guarantee it will work.

anonamouse said:
read it again

so what I infer from this is that you vote 1's but do not leave a name, but rather a "trace", is that correct?
Lauren Hynde said:
Of course. You can't exactly sign votes, can you, sweetie-pie?
Lauren Hynde said:
OK, sugarlump. I'll say it again. The purpose of having a voting system is letting your vote speak for you when you don't have anything else to say, when you don't have time to say it, or when you know the author could give a damn about what you think. I vote the way I vote because it reflects what I think of the poem. If the author doesn't like it, he or she can perfectly well disable voting altogether and stick to the public comments.

When I leave public comments, it's because I have something to say - something other than "yeah, I voted". And I do it the same way I vote. The thermometer may read 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%, and my name is right there next to it in every occasion.
Bold has been added by me

at this point, I can understand Art's confusion, because it does look like you contradicted yourself.
Art, the grammar police is not in the mod forum. I did a search and found a grammar police thread in AH but not yours. This is the same thing that happened with anna. You do realize the forums have gone through changes and maybe some data got lost. Sorrry about your thread. If I had found it, I would have asked Laurel about moving it back to the poetry forum.
twelveoone said:
at this point, I can understand Art's confusion, because it does look like you contradicted yourself.
What, praise tell, was so contradictory that you couldn't quite grasp?
My Erotic Tale said:
the last shoot out,

NOW THIS IS WAY over the top MET! LOL How does one change scores or anything in a shoot out exactly? From what I recall from my participation, all Lauren does is post the WRITTEN COMMENTS OF THE THREE JUDGES. Now she must be a mighty fine Houdini to pull off such a trick without the judges knowing. LOL

Damn this is an incredibly stupid or totally paranoid thought you have. Please remember to take your meds this evening!

Oh, I just saw one of PatC's posts, and it appears I had the same thought two posts ago. Have I told you how smart you are lately, Pat? :D
The Poets said:
Art, the grammar police is not in the mod forum. I did a search and found a grammar police thread in AH but not yours. This is the same thing that happened with anna. You do realize the forums have gone through changes and maybe some data got lost. Sorrry about your thread. If I had found it, I would have asked Laurel about moving it back to the poetry forum.
Search for Grammer Police.