The Monthly Poetry Challenge - Logistics & Reveries

annaswirls said:
YEP! Give me three more hours and it will be done :)

AND just for the HELL of it, there will be prizes just because I like giving away prizes :)
I hope the prize is not a cute and happy relocated kangaroo rat. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
At least not one of those brought in by the dog.
Well, at least she wouldn't have to punch air holes in the package she shipped it in.

That makes me think of Normal Jean's poem.
It is October
Where is challenge?
I smash my head against the keyboard.
Never said:
It is October
Where is challenge?
I smash my head against the keyboard.

oh darling, I think violence against oneself with throw you right down to level seven.

eh hem

seems like a good place to start darlin'
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Has anyone heard from Boo, lately? She was supposed to come up with this month's challenge...
Lauren Hynde said:
Has anyone heard from Boo, lately? She was supposed to come up with this month's challenge...
Lauren, I think I can fill in for Boo-dear if she can't make it. I have an idea to keep us in the spirit :)
I haven't seen Arienette in a while. I hope everything's going okay. Someone will, hopefully, step up. I have next month's to work out :) or I would.
Saw her a couple weeks ago, nada since. I too hope everything is well.

so... i sent her a pm asking if she were still interested in hosting the March Challenge and have yet to hear back - been several days.

i will happily take March if no one else is interested. i don't want the monthly challenge to die off.

let me know, thanks! --jenn
i've got a challenge.

anyone interested?


it's tough and might require a little research...
thread made :)

The Monthly Poetry Challenge - March 2007

can it please be stickied Lauren/Mod? and i apologise in advance for any necessary post deletions this topic may induce.

i've also PMed arienette asking her if she'd would like to swap with my month (the one after next i think) and to let me know. if i don't hear from her, i'll do another.

still up for the challenge 2D? :D
Lauren Hynde said:
I guess it's your turn, then.
To do what?
I'm leaving this coming weekend to go the beach with small, bad children. ;)
Post a monthly challenge. Going away is no excuse, the challenge will be there whether you are or not. :D