The Monthly Poetry Challenge - Logistics & Reveries

It's stuck and I'm sure I'm suppose to give them some info about deadlines and whatever. Well, I didn't.

Lauren Hynde said:
Well, it's the June monthly challenge. I'm sure people will get it. :p
Most of the poets on this forum are quiet clever. Most.
Lauren Hynde said:
OK, who's taking July?
I cannot take any responsibilities, duties,... Thus I will just suggest a theme independent of and in addition to the institutional Monthly Challenge:

write a poem (or a song) about a virgin porno writer.
Good luck,
Senna Jawa​

PS. I don't know about "all", or even "most", but this forum for sure has two clever poetesses.
This idea seems to have petered out a bit. The original schedule ran through last month. For the most part, I found it interesting--challenges at least usually get me to write something.

Anybody want to sign up for another year?
manipulatrix said:
I'll sign up if I'm up fairly soon. I'm spacey and not afraid to admit it. If I'm scheduled for some time next year... I'll flake out. Guaranteed.
Pick a month, m'dear. I have a topic or two I could propose as well. The way these things get done is just to do them.

Wanna do this month? Have at 'er. :)
"It is now October," the Poet says sententiously. "Would someone like to propose a Challenge for This Month?"

Thank you, manipulatrix, September went pretty well, I think.
All I ever do is same title challenges and everybody complains about my titles...
Tzara said:
"It is now October," the Poet says sententiously. "Would someone like to propose a Challenge for This Month?"

Thank you, manipulatrix, September went pretty well, I think.
Do you want a Hollow weenie challenge? Should it be a form poem? How about Tricky Triolets or Ghostly Ghazals? I wouldn't think of anything so evil, no, I would avoid a Vile Villanelle, for sure.
champagne1982 said:
Do you want a Hollow weenie challenge? Should it be a form poem? How about Tricky Triolets or Ghostly Ghazals? I wouldn't think of anything so evil, no, I would avoid a Vile Villanelle, for sure.

okay, we're a week in and there's no challenge.

I don't know what sort of authority I'd need to have to actually propose something, but if I could propose something to someone IN authority so that they could propose it officially... or something...

scariness is wonderful for october, of course. but I'm liking this sort of Sex-oriented thing that is happening occasionally around here, and I'm deducing that the monthly challenge is often focused on a particular form. So, in whatever form (I won't suggest one; I'll leave that to the People In Authority) but something that suggests October but would still be sexy might be a theme like "costumes" or "disguise". How I would dress you for halloween, or how I'd dress myself, if I could. There might be some potential there.

If I were going to propose a challenge that was meant to hone people's skills (another assumption, but oh well) I'd choose a meter, but not necessarily a rhyme scheme. Alexandrines, or englyns, or something. Or maybe syllable counts - since were in the tenth month, maybe ten-syllable lines, or a ten-line poem.

i dunno. just brainstorming here. I failed so miserably at the last one. I really want to try again.
