The Most Corrupt, Political Activist Supreme Court in American History

This iteration of the United States Supreme Court is the most appalling and destructive one we've ever seen. After striking down Roe v Wade after 50 years of "settled law", as all of the Republican-appointed justices had affirmed during their confirmation hearings. After taking up Trump's claim of absolute presidential immunity and slow-walking it. This court is now determined to allow and empower racially-motivated congressional gerrymandering. It's absolutely disgusting and unAmerican, and there's not a goddamn thing we can do about it.

You can always do something. You have the right to bear arms.
The most disgusting part is your ignorance of the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and its purpose. The SCOTUS does not exist to amend the Constitution to conform to the policy agendas of the looney left or right every time it gets a bright idea about what is right or wrong. That is the job of the states and the people therein. Roe v Wade was never settled law it was constantly challenged everywhere. That's how it got back before the Court. The SCOTUS is there to interpret the Constitution according to text, history, and tradition, not the “freestanding ‘interest-balancing’ approach” that has been used by the left for years to create illusionary penumbras in the Constitution that justify social policies clearly unsupported by the black letter text of the Constitution. Yes, it's way past time to get back to "amending" the Constitution by the states instead of warring in the Senate to put a new policy-driven leftist on the court to advance what the majority of Americans would not support.
IIRC all three of the justices seated during the McConnell hypocrisy stated under oath that Roe v Wade was settled law.
IIRC all three of the justices seated during the McConnell hypocrisy stated under oath that Roe v Wade was settled law.
The Dred Scott decision was settled law for 8 years. Should it have been left alone and not corrected?
Irrelevant to the point that the three justices effectively lied under oath during their hearings
They didn't lie. At that point, it was the law as far as the SCOTUS was concerned. But to say it was settled law is in error. The Roe decision has been challenged in courts and state legislatures across the land since its inception. Justice Alito explained the fundamental problems with Roe:

"Roe was incorrectly decided, but that decision was more than just wrong. It stood on exceptionally weak grounds. Roe found that the Constitution implicitly conferred a right to obtain an abortion, but it failed to ground its decision in text, history, or precedent. It relied on an erroneous historical narrative; it devoted great attention to and presumably relied on matters that have no bearing on the meaning of the Constitution; it disregarded the fundamental difference between the precedents on which it relied and the question before the Court; it concocted an elaborate set of rules, with different restrictions for each trimester of pregnancy, but it did not explain how this veritable code could be teased out of anything in the Constitution, the history of abortion laws, prior precedent, or any other cited source; and its most important rule (that States cannot protect fetal life prior to ‘viability’) was never raised by any party and has never been plausibly explained."
Angry and vindictive, yes. Asshole, maybe. Bitch, definitely not.
Well you do identify as a female and you certainly come off as an assholish angry bitch. What is one to assume when faced with your seething ovarian outbursts? Just asking.:D
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Well you do identify as a female and you certainly come off as assholish angry bitch. What is one to assume when faced with your seething ovarian outbursts? Just asking.:D

And he wonders why he has to pay for sex....
So much free porn on the interwebs I don't see how Onlyfans makes a dime.
Well you do identify as a female and you certainly come off as an assholish angry bitch. What is one to assume when faced with your seething ovarian outbursts? Just asking.:D
You're such a fucking retard. My avatar is just a hot girl. Everything else in my profile, and everything I've ever said clearly indicates that I'm a guy. So go fuck yourself with a worn toilet plunger.