The Most Corrupt, Political Activist Supreme Court in American History

The right-wing majority of this Court were groomed by the Federalist Society, which has a right-wing agenda.

It is indeed a highly politicised Court, and two of the right-wing Justices have a history of sexual abuse.
As apposed to the left wing minority of this court being groomed by Karl Marx which has an extreme left wing agenda!!!
You're such a fucking retard. My avatar is just a hot girl. Everything else in my profile, and everything I've ever said clearly indicates that I'm a guy. So go fuck yourself with a worn toilet plunger.
So why would a "guy" stating his frustration with life by claiming to jack his dick to a burnt frazzle, identify himself with a puffing nude girl chasing a case of lung cancer?
As apposed to the left wing minority of this court being groomed by Karl Marx which has an extreme left wing agenda!!!
One might find a little alarm in Jackson's statement in Murthy v. Missouri, when she observed, “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods,” Jackson said to Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga. This is an alarming sentiment since the First Amendment was not written to protect the speech rights of the government but to protect the people's right to free speech against government censorship.

Supporting Trump’s lies about the election being stolen has nothing to do with interpreting the Constitution.

You are so strange. 😆
Not at all. You said Alito was openly partisan, when it was his wife who flew the flag upside down which has nothing to do with Alito's judicial casework or his personal feelings about Trump, if any.
One might find a little alarm in Jackson's statement in Murthy v. Missouri, when she observed, “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods,” Jackson said to Louisiana Solicitor General Benjamin Aguiñaga. This is an alarming sentiment since the First Amendment was not written to protect the speech rights of the government but to protect the people's right to free speech against government censorship.
These progressive Marxist have lost the true meaning and purpose of the constitution. It was crafted to PROTECT US FROM OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT not surrender our rights to it.
Not at all. You said Alito was openly partisan, when it was his wife who flew the flag upside down which has nothing to do with Alito's judicial casework or his personal feelings about Trump, if any.
The neighbor called his wife a * CUNT * that pissed her off.
Not at all. You said Alito was openly partisan, when it was his wife who flew the flag upside down which has nothing to do with Alito's judicial casework or his personal feelings about Trump, if any.

Alito’s upside down flag had nothing to do with “interpreting the Constitution”. It’s an open display of support for Trump’s election denial.

Why can’t you just admit when you make a dumb comment?
So why would a "guy" stating his frustration with life by claiming to jack his dick to a burnt frazzle, identify himself with a puffing nude girl chasing a case of lung cancer?
What the fuck is a "burnt frazzle"? And I'd rather fuck a hot girl enjoying a cigarette than a male sheep like you do.
Someone's going to come along and say it was Alito's wife, not him, who flew the flag (although where was he over the days it was flying?), just as they say Thomas's wife doing it doesn't get partisan paint on Thomas's robes (but that the hush money trial judge's grown daughter being political paints him partisan according to the same purposely myopic folks who defend Thomas).

Until recently, though, a close family member of a U.S. government employee was expected to remain nonpartisan in public as well (I know; that was made clear to me on what I had to do not to compromise my parents' positions during the Vietnam War protests).

This is all part of the corruption and deplorable positioning brought to us by Donald Trump and today's Republicans.
They didn't lie. At that point, it was the law as far as the SCOTUS was concerned. But to say it was settled law is in error. The Roe decision has been challenged in courts and state legislatures across the land since its inception. Justice Alito explained the fundamental problems with Roe:

"Roe was incorrectly decided, but that decision was more than just wrong. It stood on exceptionally weak grounds. Roe found that the Constitution implicitly conferred a right to obtain an abortion, but it failed to ground its decision in text, history, or precedent. It relied on an erroneous historical narrative; it devoted great attention to and presumably relied on matters that have no bearing on the meaning of the Constitution; it disregarded the fundamental difference between the precedents on which it relied and the question before the Court; it concocted an elaborate set of rules, with different restrictions for each trimester of pregnancy, but it did not explain how this veritable code could be teased out of anything in the Constitution, the history of abortion laws, prior precedent, or any other cited source; and its most important rule (that States cannot protect fetal life prior to ‘viability’) was never raised by any party and has never been plausibly explained."
You’re arguing one thing and I’m arguing another. Again, IIRC, all three were asked in some form or directly if they would overturn Roe v Wade and all of them said in their opinion it was settled law. So they said what they had to say to get seated, then went against their sworn testimony.
Someone's going to come along and say it was Alito's wife, not him, who flew the flag (although where was he over the days it was flying?), just as they say Thomas's wife doing it doesn't get partisan paint on Thomas's robes (but that the hush money trial judge's grown daughter being political paints him partisan according to the same purposely myopic folks who defend Thomas).

Until recently, though, a close family member of a U.S. government employee was expected to remain nonpartisan in public as well (I know; that was made clear to me on what I had to do not to compromise my parents' positions during the Vietnam War protests).

This is all part of the corruption and deplorable positioning brought to us by Donald Trump and today's Republicans.

Scene from a Supreme Court Justice household:

Justice Alito: “Maybe we shouldn’t flaunt our support for Trump’s election denial lies by flying that upside down flag?”

Mrs Alito: “Shut the fuck up, you god damn weasel. Fucking wimpy piece of shit. I’m going next door to fuck my boyfriend. Don’t you dare touch that flag!”

Justice Alito: “I won’t, honey. Have a good time!”
You’re arguing one thing and I’m arguing another. Again, IIRC, all three were asked in some form or directly if they would overturn Roe v Wade and all of them said in their opinion it was settled law. So they said what they had to say to get seated, then went against their sworn testimony.
But they did not say they wouldn't overturn it either if the occasion arose. No Justice applicant is expected to say how they will rule in the future.
What the fuck is a "burnt frazzle"? And I'd rather fuck a hot girl enjoying a cigarette than a male sheep like you do.
It's what's apparently left after you jack yourself off to the point of seeing smoke:

Fap: To masturbate. Used of a male

Scene from a Supreme Court Justice household:

Justice Alito: “Maybe we shouldn’t flaunt our support for Trump’s election denial lies by flying that upside down flag?”

Mrs Alito: “Shut the fuck up, you god damn weasel. Fucking wimpy piece of shit. I’m going next door to fuck my boyfriend. Don’t you dare touch that flag!”

Justice Alito: “I won’t, honey. Have a good time!”
Would you like a tissue?
TV commentators today are posing the question of whether Alito now should be recusing himself from 6 Jan cases.

Well, no, both he and Thomas should retire and Thomas, at least, should be prosecuted.
TV commentators today are posing the question of whether Alito now should be recusing himself from 6 Jan cases.

Well, no, both he and Thomas should retire and Thomas, at least, should be prosecuted.
BS! Which "TV commentators?"
Certainly not ones you could listen to without your pointy little head exploding.

Although I can't see why it would upset you so much that there would be TV commenters asking that question.

Your blatant hypocrisy is that if it were a liberal (or these days even a strict constructionist) justice who didn't recuse him/herself in cases her/his spouse was being political partisan to the extreme in public in connection with, you'd be the first one here to squeal like a stuck pig.
Amendment removed on a technicality.
Overwhelming public support for abortion in NY passed very swiftly.
NY Attorney General needed to decide whether the amendment was "constitutional" (which it certainly was) but NY didn't wait for the AG opinion. The opinion that the amendment WOULD be constitutional (duh!) arrived five days after the ballot was approved.
As I said, they're too dumb to be in government.
But they did not say they wouldn't overturn it either if the occasion arose. No Justice applicant is expected to say how they will rule in the future.
They did not say they wouldn’t, correct. But the implication they wouldn’t was clearly there by them saying they considered it settled law, as in done and dusted.
Certainly not ones you could listen to without your pointy little head exploding.

Although I can't see why it would upset you so much that there would be TV commenters asking that question.

Your blatant hypocrisy is that if it were a liberal (or these days even a strict constructionist) justice who didn't recuse him/herself in cases her/his spouse was being political partisan to the extreme in public in connection with, you'd be the first one here to squeal like a stuck pig.
Liberal TV commentators are the only ones you listen to. The same ones who are historically wrong about everything. I choose to listen to others.