The New Isolated Blurt BDSM Thread

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So the eye bag plot thickens!

I woke up to find an email in which I was told I was pretty and that the comment about my eye bags was genuine. The person found them cute and thought it was a witty thing to say rather than just say I'm pretty. :rolleyes:
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4am is good. Better than 3am. Since I was up, I stayed in bed until 5am to see if I could fall back to sleep, but I couldn't. Thanks to the extra time I made rolls to go with Mister's lunch. I dunno where all this energy has come from. I'm sure it means I will crash later. :rolleyes:
What the hell.

My sister wants to "purify me" the next time we meet. I don't know what that means but I'm pretty sure I don't want anything to do with that. :confused:
Knowing my sister it probably has to do with chrystals and chanting. Maybe sacrificing a chicken. I don't know.

All I know is that I want nothing to do with such things. :rolleyes:

Make a little seela voodoo doll and send it to her. Tell her to have her way with it, all she wants! :D
Make a little seela voodoo doll and send it to her. Tell her to have her way with it, all she wants! :D

Yeeeah, probably not. Sounds like she wants to do some kind of weird exorcism to everybody in the family. Nobody's on board with her except my mother reluctantly. I wonder if she's gonna stop talking to all of us if we don't play along and participate in her newfound pseudo spiritual whatever. :rolleyes:

On another note, I found a cat in the hall of our building when I came home today. A cute black one. I wondered who she belongs to and went checking if any of the apartment doors were open. Our mysterious neighbor's was, but nobody was home. I carried the cat into the apartment, but I couldn't close the door because I couldn't be sure if it was left open on purpose or not. So I taped the door close with duct tape so that the cat can't push it open.

Now I just hope I returned the cat to the right address. Otherwise the mysterious neighbor, whom I've never seen, might be less than thrilled about the kitty surprise behind the taped door. :D
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I found my umbrella! o(^▽^)o

After I had already gone out in the storm. (T_T)
How long would it take? I have a really good bodyworker person who believes devils or demons or something causes the pain. :rolleyes: But the treatment etc is so good i just let them whitter on and enjoy it:eek:. I know its nothing to do with paranormal. Of the person were a sibling it could get annoying :D. But in my family we are used to different faiths. Yeah. And oddballs. :D

I have no idea how long it would take or what the aim of it is other than "purifying" me, whatever that means.

She's a very problematic person for me to be around. She's very loud about the things she believes in and doesn't really understand the concept of someone not sharing her views or not wanting to do the same thing. Being around her is draining, it's like walking on a tight rope covered with egg shells. :rolleyes:

Honestly I've thought for years she has serious mental issues and I know mom has talked to her about it. That conversation didn't go so well. :rolleyes:

She can have the prayer circles and magnetic spoons all she wants, but I don't feel comfortable participating in them. I can participate in them as an audience, if that's important to her, much like I go to the church for weddings. I'm there, I witness the ceremony but I don't pray. So the same goes to her thing. I can watch it, but I'm not going to hold hands, chant and get rid of whatever demons she wants to exorcise from me.
I like churches and places of worship. Even though I am not Christian ( any more) I still like going to churches. One of our village holds lots of arts events in the church, I like and so on. But I don't feel as comfortable as in our last place, or when in a city, to just go in and think.

I love churches and places of worship. I don't care for the religious ceremonies there but I love visiting churches etc. :)
I like the ceremonies too. :)

I have been in to evensong by one of the choir members ( they know I am not a believer) , but they get NO congregation now for evensong, but holdevensong regularly anyway some days of the month. I am going to go because its a beautiful service. Its not for the belief but for the beauty, the art and indeed the beauty of the belief others have. I think it is beautiful. I am envious often I cannot find this in any faith, it must be a truly wonderful thing to feel.

The art I can completely understand.

I play a lot of medieval and baroque music, so by default that means a large portion of what I play and listen to is religious.

G.P. da Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli is one of the most beautiful creations ever. Listening to MPM's Agnus Dei is probably the closest I've ever gotten to a religious experience. :)

And on that note, I'm gonna go out and get a beer or two. Hoping for a different kind of near religious experience. :D

I keep seeing really lovely umbrellas, but it am NOT buying another one. I usually not bother, and when I do I lose them. The last two I bought, one went mouldy:(. And the other I left I. A taxi the same day. :eek:

I would like a new umbrella, but this one does what I need. :) It fits in my purse and has polka dots. I had this really great green umbrella that was perfect! :( But I lost it while I was out one day...
I like the ceremonies too. :)


I think it is beautiful. I am envious often I cannot find this in any faith, it must be a truly wonderful thing to feel.

Not sure if this is what you mean or not, but I am often jealous of people who have religious faith. It's not for me at all. I knew before I was even old enough to go to school that I thought the whole Christianity thing was an elaborate fairy tale and nothing more. How great would it be to believe in having your life all sorted out and waiting for you forever ever death? Yep. Jealous.
Yes..what I mean. :).

Envious of that peace an surety. Thinking about it I suppose its in a way quite pyl, an ultimate faith and god or master, on. Choose one that fits best....:D. You even get One true way faiths, like true doms. :).

Twoo Kwistians? :p
What to say...

She calls me stupid every time we talk. It's always gone uncontested. I never would have thought... How strange when someone else can see something that you can't. I am stupid and it's a good thing. :heart:
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