The New Poems List

smithpeter said:
Thanks again for mentions, dog and _Land.
An E? Now what do I do?
I know who to thank but it is nice to just sit here and thing, I mean think.

hmmm... looking over at your AV.....
Lu. being carefull and cautious...

of course... what do i know

lu , is carefull work, like treading on tigers tail...
Thank you for taking the time to read my poems, I like to tease, please, and write. Hopefully through time I can express much more. My favorite was Exploration
by E-Nymph
Good Morning Ya'all

I want some Eskimo Pie

I Can't Tell a Lie
by Rybka ©

This is probably does not have the verbage some of us would use, but i like it for its simpleness.

by VanessaCarolyn ©

Fantastic read, Foreplay art.

Mental Foreplay
by boomdik ©

I felt this was the best read this morning, its vivid mental image provided me such enjoyment, that i had to read it again, and again, and again, and..............If i dont quit re-reading it ill never get this post done *sigh*

by raself ©

Happy Reading:cool:
darn , you all!!

i sit here, un writing, suffering silently, in my stiltifying writers block , and you all out there creating, return to me my inspiration... :) :p
actually, ive been writing up a storm today , and yesterday.. theonly problem is ... its not "Quite" lit style poetry.....

For Example....


My head heavy with antlered growth
My heart overflows with all I have seen
Newborns capering in the spring grow,
Only to watch frightened from the bushes as mother is slain
Tears in fawns eyes burn into my spirit

Weary I am, of walking
Many the miles of woodlands imprinted from my hoof
I hear the bugling of the young bucks in the distance
My heart soars and races to meet the challenge

But my body must stop, by this watered pool
Head down to drink reveals grizzled graying muzzle

I know now, in but a few moments,
I will stand for the hunter and look him in the eye
Await the release of the arrow.

( oh , and note to anyone, yeah , i am a hunter, and would love to find the buck i saw this morning, that inspired the poem, on opening day.... oil the bow, and straighten the arrows.. fall is coming)
Re: Re: Good Morning Ya'all

WickedEve said:

Are you sure you didn't like it for the pussy on a stick? lol

No, i got that from SP's broomstick thread this morning :p
I am happy to see you are writing, I love this!

beths-virtue said:
darn , you all!!

i sit here, un writing, suffering silently, in my stiltifying writers block , and you all out there creating, return to me my inspiration... :) :p
actually, ive been writing up a storm today , and yesterday.. theonly problem is ... its not "Quite" lit style poetry.....

For Example....


My head heavy with antlered growth
My heart overflows with all I have seen
Newborns capering in the spring grow,
Only to watch frightened from the bushes as mother is slain
Tears in fawns eyes burn into my spirit

Weary I am, of walking
Many the miles of woodlands imprinted from my hoof
I hear the bugling of the young bucks in the distance
My heart soars and races to meet the challenge

But my body must stop, by this watered pool
Head down to drink reveals grizzled graying muzzle

I know now, in but a few moments,
I will stand for the hunter and look him in the eye
Await the release of the arrow.

( oh , and note to anyone, yeah , i am a hunter, and would love to find the buck i saw this morning, that inspired the poem, on opening day.... oil the bow, and straighten the arrows.. fall is coming)
Rybka, thanks, i love outdoors poems....
actually, just like any fickle reader of poetry , i only really like poems i can relate to.... so therefore.. i guess its sex football and hunting.... damn.....
I wont be doing new poems today

So if some one else would like to take the time to read the new poems for today and tell us what they liked, well jump right in the waters warm. If not i will have a lot of reading to do Monday:p
september 8th

Greek Garden
by perky_baby ©

perky fills this poem with beautiful lush images:
Summer haiku weaves me past orchid scents
while butterflies flit by on quatrain wings

by kotori ©

This is simply a must-read.
Here's a taste:

Two lovers huddle under an umbrella, and are gone;
A moment captured like a Doisneau photograph,
Soft focus provided by the streaking rain and drowsy eyes,
Cigarette smoke and the lingering taste of stale Guinness
On my lips. The lingering taste of you.

I immediately fell in love with...
by smithpeter ©

a fallen tree resting
in the arms of a wider, sturdier oak.

sand seen below icy
creek water complete
with goose pimples.

the back side of curiosity.

Fascinating images once again, sp. I also like Parts Bound ;)

9/11/01 (New York Stories)
by Angeline ©

Definitely worth reading. Thanks Angeline.

Thin Line Crossed
by Angeline ©

I can relate.

as if makeup could make me whole,
as if a rose ripped from a vine and
sprayed with wax and tarted up
with baby’s breath and ribbon
made up for years of time
you never had to talk or
take your child for a walk or

Angeline has a way of writing poetry that I, and I'm sure many others, can relate to.
Also, check out her Fly on Ivory Wall

Sherwood Forest
by Rybka

Ha ha!

a slow leak
by nakedangelina

I very much enjoyed both of these little poems. Please read them. I would give you a little taste of each, but they aren't very long. Go check them out.

There are more new poems, so I hope you read, vote, and send feedback.

Great reads...

[color=bright blue]Angeline's 9/11/01 (New York Stories) and her Thin Line Crossed are both unbelievable poems. Must reads.

I also enjoyed perky's and kotori's poems, as well.[/color]
Thank you

for the mentions. I debated posting the 9/11 poem, but decided to go with it. I hope I didn't offend anyone. It's still hard to confront the enormity of it, but my intent was sincere.

There's been so much good poetry here of late. We bring many different approaches and interests, but we find common ground in our love of language. I love the way we all help each other along.

I have been really knocked our by nakedangelina's work of late. To me, it's consistently powerful and so well constructed. You have to really feel and then be a really precise writer to pack so much into those short poems. Thanks na.
A New Talent

Lex Luther, a new (I think) talent, has appeared on the poetry site. While I am not crazy about the moniker the poetess has chosen, I have enjoyed the six poems that she has posted so far, and I do recommend that you give them a read and a vote.

Her works include:
All I Want for Christmas
(I slept till way past 40!) :)

(How does she do the spacing? I am jealous!) :)

Ever Ever Blues
(People hold their breath when I enter the room, but for a different reason.) ;)

(I got a dog. She ATE your picture.)

Mr. Perfection
(And I never even knew she cared!) :)

(At least she was only "meditating" in the bathroom!) :D

Regards,             Rybka
OK DAMNIT who hit the back button

what a moron, thats what i get for posting two messages at once!

OK I will start over now................

Have you read the New Poems? NO!!!!!!!!! Well Shame on You~~

Here is the Link READ THE NEW POEMS

i know
by Senna Jawa ©

Senna, i love the poem, but could you explain the intent behind the lower case usage?

by lex luthor ©

I found the subject distasteful, but enjoyed the format!

by MalikalimX ©

I wouldnt call it a poem, but it is some pretty good prose:)

In Dreams I Love You
by WickedEve ©

You know I can't tell you,
can't allow those feelings.
I would let you go
to roam other gardens,
but I'm not ready -
in dreams I love you.


WE, I love this poem, F___ the ones that will say it is cliche.........

Big Daddy & dirty baby
by Elda Furry ©

I know I wasnt sposed to laugh but this was funnier then shit.

Little panties damp and white,
jerk them down, give me a fright!
Spank me hard and make me cry.
There's wetness spreading to my thigh.
I'm your naughty dirty baby;
Big Daddy, do you think maybe
you could spank my ass rosy red,
then let me kneel and give you head?

by beths-virtue ©

I liked this poem for several reasons, first, it takes us out of our own reality and gives us the view from the hunted......Also it is a terrific metaphor for growing old............... great Read BV

chew me
by smithpeter ©
I love your little shorts ;)
Last edited:
Land, it is cliché but I like it. lol Hey, I have rhymes, clichés, and sappy poems in me like the rest of you people! If I don't let it out on occasion, I'll explode. Do you want Wicked Eve exploding?

If you laughed at Elda's poem, then that was the correct reaction. Elda is a dirty slut that just has to get the crap she writes out of her twisted system. Her pussy boy poem "seven inches of tear maker" was slammed by low votes. I told her that the pussy boys of the world were gonna get her for that one. :D
Then came the Dawn

I can see clearly now the rain is gone.

Pssst....... tell elda, that she really needs to give ted back :p

WickedEve said:
Land, it is cliché but I like it. lol Hey, I have rhymes, clichés, and sappy poems in me like the rest of you people! If I don't let it out on occasion, I'll explode. Do you want Wicked Eve exploding?

If you laughed at Elda's poem, then that was the correct reaction. Elda is a dirty slut that just has to get the crap she writes out of her twisted system. Her pussy boy poem "seven inches of tear maker" was slammed by low votes. I told her that the pussy boys of the world were gonna get her for that one. :D

When I first saw the title I thought the poem was going to be, literally, about phlebotomy, which is an interesting subject -- especially since there's an antique bloodletting instrument in my family. And I still find it amazing that George Washington was bled to death, but that was the practice at the time.

Oh, your poem... I did enjoy your poem. Well-written and nice imagery. I didn't find it distasteful. Land's just squeamish, probably. I'm sure he faints during vampire movies. lol

Land, my Big daddy/dirty baby poem wasn't meant to be funny. It was meant to send you into conniptions of passion so violent that the only cure would be to slice you and bleed you back to good health. :)
Re: Thank you

Angeline said:
I have been really knocked our by nakedangelina's work of late. To me, it's consistently powerful and so well constructed. You have to really feel and then be a really precise writer to pack so much into those short poems. Thanks na.

Angeline, that is a huge compliment coming from you, I am always so impressed with your work. Thank you very much. :)

I have also enjoyed lex luthor's poems. Her work is very expressive, I feel it through the words on the screen.
WE, as always, I look forward to reading your submissions daily.
Today's were especially a treat.
And Elda, oh Elda. When I quit rolling on the floor laughing over "seven inches tear maker" I will let everyone know how much I enjoyed this one. (I have a certain male friend that I MUST share this one with!)
Re: OK DAMNIT who hit the back button

_Land said:

i know
by Senna Jawa ©

Senna, i love the poem, but could you explain the intent behind the lower case usage?
You got it upside-down. It's the upper case which requires in poetry justification each time it's used.

You know, _Land, it's nice to have poems mentioned, thank you, however I do feel awkward that my poems are in such a varied company. It's ok, never mind. It's just that half of the time, when you say that you like one of my poems I wonder.

BTW, it must be a statistical fluke or the effect of exposure here that my poems which you mention get suddenly 1-3 votes, and none of them gets top averages like some of those unmentioned. This one got 3 votes, including one 1, and average 3.33. Just trivia. All numbers are beautiful :).

Unfortunately, I botched up the layout of my poem. Now, about this I am indeed unhappy. Editing on Literotica is such a pain to me though, that I might leave the poem as is (but I do feel bad about it).

Thank you _Land for reading and mentioning my poems (regardless of voting :). I myself even stopped voting on my own poems already for some time).

Best regards,
Re: Re: OK DAMNIT who hit the back button

While I may not like everything you write, I do enjoy some of your poetry..... I read every new poem that comes out every morning.
Its like a good cup of folgers, and sometimes i wish it were starbucks. This poem caught me for several reasons. First and foremost the subject matter is one I can relate to. Then there is the imagery of the poem itself.

"fate i know i just know "

"u know u'r kind of obsessive"

"u can't stand
my belly up eyes in the sky(This describes me to a tee, I'm
style " very laid back)

I like the way the poem lays out, the way it reads..... it is a lot like a lovers quarrel....easy going banter but expresions flow very well. Not like the terse arguments of a war torn marriage.

OK the Poem Is Light Hearted.............

I dont know why you find it odd that I woul find something you wrote to be worth reading, or worth mentioning. My taste would not be that of anyone else, and when I read the poems, I dont look at who the author is. I read the poem. I could care less if the mention draws votes. I enjoy doing this post, and it seems others do as well. I dont harbor ill will towards you, Sometimes you make me madder then did my mother
Se la vi, forgive and forget Regards_Land

Senna Jawa said:
You got it upside-down. It's the upper case which requires in poetry justification each time it's used.

You know, _Land, it's nice to have poems mentioned, thank you, however I do feel awkward that my poems are in such a varied company. It's ok, never mind. It's just that half of the time, when you say that you like one of my poems I wonder.

BTW, it must be a statistical fluke or the effect of exposure here that my poems which you mention get suddenly 1-3 votes, and none of them gets top averages like some of those unmentioned. This one got 3 votes, including one 1, and average 3.33. Just trivia. All numbers are beautiful :).

Unfortunately, I botched up the layout of my poem. Now, about this I am indeed unhappy. Editing on Literotica is such a pain to me though, that I might leave the poem as is (but I do feel bad about it).

Thank you _Land for reading and mentioning my poems (regardless of voting :). I myself even stopped voting on my own poems already for some time).

Best regards,