The New Poems List

Thank you land. Yet again another great poem.
I enjoyed Prez
by Angeline ©,

and Daddy
by someones dream ©
Re: september 8th

WickedEve said:

by kotori ©

This is simply a must-read.


Wow, thanks so much for the kind words, guys. I've never been over to this part of the island. Spend most of my time on the General Board. It's very encouraging.

I have a question about the voting thing (of course I look): when I checked this morning, it said that there were two votes, but only one read. How's that work? I did a double take, and went back and checked the column headings again, and sure enough.
Re: Re: september 8th

kotori said:

Wow, thanks so much for the kind words, guys. I've never been over to this part of the island. Spend most of my time on the General Board. It's very encouraging.

I have a question about the voting thing (of course I look): when I checked this morning, it said that there were two votes, but only one read. How's that work? I did a double take, and went back and checked the column headings again, and sure enough.
Welcome to the poetry board, K.

The views count is only updated once or twice per day, but the votes are immediately. ;)
Thank-you, Lauren, for the greeting and the explanation.

I wondered if maybe I had stumbled across a broken slot machine or something--the kind that doubles your money every time.

Seems like an entirely different dynamic here than over on the G.B.
We move slower here, so anything you post will surely be read by everyone in here. It's a nice place.

Re: Re: september 8th

kotori said:
I have a question about the voting thing (of course I look): when I checked this morning, it said that there were two votes, but only one read.
The inexperienced Literotica participant first read your poem, then voted. The experienced one used ESP and voted without reading.

Best regards,
Re: september 8th

WickedEve said:

by kotori ©

This is simply a must-read.

Yup, agree absolutely. Kotori captures that certain mood so beautifully. Great work.

Re: _Land / Re: SJ

Senna Jawa said:
the average of the 8 votes is: 2.65
Sorry :))) for a typo--8 votes cannot average 2.65. This average is only 2.625. It was an honest typo, I didn't try to falsely impress you with the poem's high average vote.

Re: Re: september 8th

TheDR4KE said:

Yup, agree absolutely. Kotori captures that certain mood so beautifully. Great work.

You guys keep this up, and I may not go back over to the G.B. But Dr4ke, a little bird's told me all about your work. Well, duck actually.
Re: Re: Re: september 8th

kotori said:
You guys keep this up, and I may not go back over to the G.B. But Dr4ke, a little bird's told me all about your work. Well, duck actually.

lol ... she's completely biased, take no heed of any of it. ;)


the D
Re: Re: Re: Re: september 8th

TheDR4KE said:

lol ... she's completely biased, take no heed of any of it. ;)


the D
Biased? I thought you were "just friends.";)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: september 8th

kotori said:
Biased? I thought you were "just friends.";)

hahahaha :D

Oh yeah. Of course.

Reminds me of the 'um-friend' label.

"This is Kelly, she's my ... um-friend."



the D
Land, thanks again !

i appreciate your mentioning my poems. I should also mention how wonderful i think it is that you've been doing this list each day. Like I said before--a giver! Thank you Land.

And lilkateyes thank you, too, and welcome. This is a very cool place--I was new here myself not so long ago. Lots of nice peple here, like that what's his name--oh yeah Land.

Good morning

Now that the Hoooplah is over, we are left to ponder the meaning of it all. Hope that each of you that reads this post is doing well, and that grief of the last year has not resurfaced, Why cant the media leave it burried? I doubt the honorability, of Re-hashing the events in "memorium"! I quite think a wake would have been more appropriate. Ok I'll get on with Life now.

Perfection from Imperfection
by littlekateyes ©

Lilkat, this is a well crafted poem, full of meaning and hope
thank you for sharing it with us.:rose:


A prose of memorys
Thanks for sharing _Bone

Gleaning The Golden Moments
by Blue Dolphin ©

I enjoyed the read Blue, but i think if you put it in to stanza's it would be a lot better ;)

by just pet ©

"this picture
nestles in a secret corner "

Possession Litany
by kotori ©
Possession Litany

Help Help Im possessed :)

Bud of a Smile
by TheDR4KE ©

a simple fragrant smile

Summer 2002
by WickedEve ©

Creature comforts terminated I love this Line :)

Ya'all have a great day and be prolific.........ummmmmmm that doesnt sound right does it....... Write a bunch ;)
Last edited:
Thank you -Land. :rose:
The poems were all great reads. I am really beginning to love it her at lit.

Re: Re: Good morning

TheDR4KE said:

Thanks _Land. :D

I did notice though that you left out another wonderful short poem. I found it a lovely counter to mine for that day...

Twilight of Waiting by _Land ©

Short, but oh so long....


the D

Thanks for the mention DR4KE, dont feel right tooting my own horn ;)

This is a fun thread to participate in.
thanks from me too, for the kind mention. this is a fun thread. sure, there's a little log-rolling, but it's nice to know someone's noticing.
Re: Good morning

_Land said:

I had a read of this, and (given that this part of the board is about discussion and feedback ;) ) I would say that it was good, I loved the twist of the last line, but the constant "I want"s hurt. They are too weak for a poem that would otherwise be strong. Want, at least to me, doesn't express need enough.

I would edit the poem and take them all out, thus:

Possession Litany
by kotori

to hold you, keep you, hug you, kiss you.
to possess you.
to enfold you, enter you, fill you, behold you.

your independence - depend on me.
your self-reliance - rely on me.
your heart: to open your chest and feel it beat in my hands.
your soul: the breath of your life to fill my lungs.
to possess you.
to come to you, take you, fuck you, love you.

to make you my good girl.

your brain - I'll think for you.
your skin, to wrap myself in.
your hair, to dry my tears on.
your eyes, to see my fears.
your fingers to wrap around my own.
your lips to cool my burning flesh.
your voice to soothe my pain.
to possess you.
to come to me, be with me, fit me, come for me.

to be my good girl.

your cunt to make my home in.
your breasts to feed me.
your ass to brand you as my own.
your womb to carry on my blood-line.
to possess you.
to take you away, keep you where you are.

to want me.
to possess you.
the way you possess me.


the Drake
Re: Re: Good morning

TheDR4KE said:

I had a read of this, and (given that this part of the board is about discussion and feedback ;) ) I would say that it was good, I loved the twist of the last line, but the constant "I want"s hurt. They are too weak for a poem that would otherwise be strong. Want, at least to me, doesn't express need enough.

I would edit the poem and take them all out, thus:

Possession Litany
by kotori

to hold you, keep you, hug you, kiss you.
to possess you.
to enfold you, enter you, fill you, behold you.

your independence - depend on me.
your self-reliance - rely on me.
your heart: to open your chest and feel it beat in my hands.
your soul: the breath of your life to fill my lungs.
to possess you.
to come to you, take you, fuck you, love you.

to make you my good girl.

your brain - I'll think for you.
your skin, to wrap myself in.
your hair, to dry my tears on.
your eyes, to see my fears.
your fingers to wrap around my own.
your lips to cool my burning flesh.
your voice to soothe my pain.
to possess you.
to come to me, be with me, fit me, come for me.

to be my good girl.

your cunt to make my home in.
your breasts to feed me.
your ass to brand you as my own.
your womb to carry on my blood-line.
to possess you.
to take you away, keep you where you are.

to want me.
to possess you.
the way you possess me.


the Drake

Heyas duck now there are to many you's at the front LOL, maybe alternate or use a pattern ;)
Re: Re: Re: Good morning

_Land said:

Heyas duck now there are to many you's at the front LOL, maybe alternate or use a pattern ;)

It wasn't the repetition that was the problem, but the attitude that "I want" portrays.

Winners don't 'want', they take. :p

the Alpha-Drake LOL