The New Poems List

Thanks for the nod, UP. The two parts of "Coming Down" are about drug withdrawal, and probably aren't for everyone. So, I was surprised to see that anything I submitted today was on your list.

BTW, thanks for the tip on "cinnabar rouge;" really nice work, Eve.

Your very welcome,

I enjoyed "Coming Down" both parts a great deal. (I try hard to limit myself to one poem per day per artist.) It was a difficult choice so I picked my favorite. I love the swell of non-erotic poetry making it's way to the board. It seems we are more than just our naughty bits and our ibidos.

BTW, thanks for the tip on "cinnabar rouge;" really nice work, Eve.

Thank you, RisiaSkye. I just now read Other World. Very nicely done!

About cinnabar... I'm already submitting an edited version. garyblue sent a PM and changed the original from this:
Cheeks livid!
Thoughts vivid.
Body is inclined...
hesitantly decline.

to this:
Cheeks livid,
Thoughts vivid,
Body inclined,
Lips declined.

I like that better! Thanks garyblue!

P.S. He even reworked my little jack be nimble thingy that's below! lol
"His Gift" on new poems Savage Kitten

Just saw this new poem by Savage Kitten......I felt
it to be quite spiritual in nature....the colors reminded
me of "chakras"; the color in purple in particular
stands for spirituality. I saw the "rainbow" in terms
of opening up to a whole new world, and ultimately,

here are a couple lines to start:

<<The first day, a soft pink glow entered my life.
Absently, I enjoyed its presence.
The next day a streak of red flashed before my eyes.
And I was taken aback, momentarily. >>

To read more........
"His Gift"

To read more of Savage Kitten's poetry....
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Re: "His Gift" on new poems Savage Kitten

tigerjen said:
Just saw this new poem by Savage Kitten......I felt
it to be quite spiritual in nature....the colors reminded
me of "chakras"; the color in purple in particular
stands for spirituality. I saw the "rainbow" in terms
of opening up to a whole new world, and ultimately,

thanks for the heads up on this one. I've been studying chakras lately with a friend and this poem is so on point. It really is completely spiritual.

wet thighs and white t-shirts,
Re: "His Gift" on new poems Savage Kitten

tigerjen said:
Just saw this new poem by Savage Kitten......

wow thank you! i am so flattered that you listed one of my poems here! it really means a lot to me *big grinz* what an ego booster! if mine get's any bigger it just might PoP!! hehe

please please!! hold the applause!! ;) hehe

Seriously, thank you tigerjen *hugz* this was a nice, unexpected suprise to find here today. I'm glad you liked this poem.

and.. i learned a new word.. "chakras" ;)


hey hey....
thanx for the hug! that was a surprise! :D
it is always nice to to find *good* surprises!
and to learn one thing new today....."chakras"!

just a quickie on chakras....
red= "grounding"= at feet
orange="sexual"=i think that's a given!
yellow= "solar plexus"=your tummy area
green= "heart"=love
blue= "throat"

(just a layperson's definition.....just go to any
New Age type book on chakras/healing for more info..
also can check the web too!)

smithpeter must know how to play a woman like an instrument....

From a new poem:

"Between our B and D
A place for solace
A Starting place "

Ahhhhhhh the starting place for pleasure.....smithpeter
hit the right key when composing this poem......reading it,
i saw proof that i've been right all along; that a woman's
pussy is an instrument, and the "right keys" need to
be played with.......

"Middle C"
smithpeter must know how to play a woman like an instrument....

From a new poem:

"Between our B and D
A place for solace
A Starting place "

Ahhhhhhh the starting place for pleasure.....smithpeter
hit the right key when composing this poem......reading it,
i saw proof that i've been right all along; that a woman's
pussy is an instrument, and the "right keys" need to
be played with.......

"Middle C"

To check out more of smithpeter's writings:

Hi U.P.

Just a little slow on the draw here but better late than never to thank you for recommending my new poem Foreign Sensations. You have no idea how I agonized over hitting that "submit" button.
You gave me a much-needed boost. Thanks! I needed that in the worst way! Why, I just may take a stab at writing another sometime! Now see what you've gone and done! ;)

drugs, sex, and blackmail

Hey, tj. Remember me telling you about the tooth and the pain killers? This was a drug induced poem! I swear... lol
When you read it, did it make sense? I'm interested to hear feedback on this one. :)
Re: drugs, sex, and blackmail

WickedEve said:
Hey, tj. Remember me telling you about the tooth
and the pain killers? This was a drug induced poem!
I swear... lol
When you read it, did it make sense? I'm interested
to hear feedback on this one. :)

I just re-read it at your
that you mentioned that you were on heavy painkillers
for that tooth of makes sense....oh,
what kind of painkillers were you on? :D Still a goodie
but one of those "drug-induced" compositions...heehee...
except that in your case you had to be on those type
of meds to ease the pain.
Re: drugs, sex, and blackmail

WickedEve said:
Hey, tj. Remember me telling you about the tooth and the pain killers? This was a drug induced poem! I swear... lol
When you read it, did it make sense? I'm interested to hear feedback on this one. :)


I don't care if you were high or sober. You have a propensity for using humor when examining complex matters. You have a knack for pulling it off.

Stop justifying and apologizing for your work. Good or bad, it's yours. Claim it. Respect yourself. I do.

Thanks for the read. I enjoyed it.


Hey, KP, just read it. I really liked it. Gave it a 5.

Masterful use of the language.
I'm floored.

I like the way the poem felt, not just read.

The words were soft and feminine,
They gave off a feeling of anxiety
A little nervousness
A lot of sensuality.
You didn't stick in a bunch of overt sex-isms
But there was a lot of eroticism.

Whatever you set out to do with it, it worked.

Why am I writing in fragments.

Too much prose over-analyzations today. black by emptyhed is kicking my butt right now.
KatPurrs, I just saw KM's post on your poem foreign sensations. I see why she likes it so much. It feels very real when you read it. I like the way it ended. The two, for most of the poem, are trapped in a moment of anticipation. I'm glad you didn't take them much further.
tigerjen, thanks. It is a goody... or is it goodie? lol It was something that popped into my head. Those kind of poems seem to turn out better than the poems I agonize over.
daughter, thank you. I don't know how I pull it off. I guess it comes naturally. I'll claim the good and the bad. I really have to since I have both types posted on Lit! :eek:
Thanks KM and WE

KM....What I set out to do was to make you feel me this time. Well, you know what I mean ;) But, the truth is you made me think, and you ultimately made me a bit of a better writer. THAT is what this forum is all about, is it not? I can't thank you enough for that! To see your comments this time, especially about you being "floored" floored me! Whew! I feel redeemed! LOL!

WE....Thank you too for your kind words. I'm glad you "felt" what I was trying to get across. I really wasn't sure about the ending...I almost took it a bit further, and that probably wouldn't have been a bad thing, just felt right to let it be. I was a bit concerned that I might be considered a "p.t." but what the hell...leave 'em wanting more, right? LOL

soccerstud's first sweet n' sensual

An invitation to sensual romance.....

"We lay on the ruffled bed,
Your sweet hair is in my face,
A smile speads across your face,
Your eyes sparkle in the twilight, "

So familiar......but in soccerstud's own words........


Ohhhh just checked out his profile....sounds like a sweet guy to
me......I hope that he is a gentleman in real life, from the words
of the poem he wrote..... ;)
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Erogenous Zone's new poem

You're a Married Woman

the poetry of reality comes to life in the words here. This does not feel like fiction. My new favorite. Thankyou EZ...kudos, excellent work.

wet thighs and white t-shirts,
Catching up.

Here what perky-baby was talking about:
You’re A Married Woman –
Submitted by Erogenous Zone (Erotic Poetry) 12/10/01

Howdy folks,

When last I left there was most often the mildly amusing and often irritating sound of my own voice. I felt like the comedian on the stage that keeps tapping the microphone “Is this thing on?” It’s stimulating to see all this activity on the thread.
Now if only someone would lessen my incessant droning on the “New #1” .

Here’s what I liked on the 9th.

My choice was between three poems two were heartfelt and sincere the other frivolous. I choose the frivolous.

Bad Poetry –
Submitted by Giggles (Erotic Poetry) 12/09/01
Believe the title some of it is amusing.

The 1oth was a busy day many offerings to read through. Some have been listed already. Here is what I liked:

the X (Lonely Hearts Club) Files –
Submitted by rnabokov (Erotic Poetry) 12/10/01
some call poetry nothing more than a mad rant see what they mean

If you read it, please vote on it.
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thanks 'zactly do I do that?

wet thighs and white t-shirts,

thanks 'zactly do I do that?


He means he wants to hear other critics in this thread besides himself. :D

You're more than qualified baby. LOL



U.P. you have me giggling! I dug up some of my "bad" poetry and decided to submit it. If you found some that amusing, then just wait until I submit "Worse Poetry" Yes, ol' giggles has worse. :eek:
Re: perky

daughter said:
thanks 'zactly do I do that?


He means he wants to hear other critics in this thread besides himself. :D

You're more than qualified baby. LOL



thanks poet guuuuuurl.....but I meant the underlining thingie, I'm a puter dork....with no puter nohow.....HELP!!!!!

wet thighs and white t-shirts,

ps......and please daughter dear, write me a poem of my very own, I dig your style