The Official Authors Hangout Winter Holiday 2023 Contest Support Thread

I've submitted it. We'll see how long it takes to get posted. New Year, New Experiences, about a younger unmarried and an older married couple that meet at a New Year's Eve party and take the celebration back to the older couple's home.
What is the minimum length for a contest story? I’m usual long winded, so Ive never really thought about it here, though I’ve written for ‘60-word fiction’ contest and the like. Thanks.
What is the minimum length for a contest story? I’m usual long winded, so Ive never really thought about it here, though I’ve written for ‘60-word fiction’ contest and the like. Thanks.
Same as any other story, I believe. That is, 750 words.
My story has been accepted, so will be live at 7am GMT.

I don't expect it to score highly for various reasons, though not many people will want to read 31,000 words, so who knows?
Success!! I resubmitted it as a new story, made some small edits to the actual text and then added a paragraph of gibberish at the end after the story to hopefully push it past the ai detection. Also added a link to the image of my version history from google docs as proof. Not sure which thing did it, but it’s slated to go live tomorrow!!! So if anyone has trouble with false ai detections, those are some things you can try to get your story through with minimal/no edits to the actual writing!! :)
My story is published, I can breathe easy. Bad news though: it doesn't seem to be included in the contest list. 😭 I know I copied and pasted the thing into the notes to admin, and I submitted a day before the deadline. I think I'm just tired of fighting with this story at this point, so I'm just gonna leave it be haha. I will post it here though! I've been writing my holiday stories with these characters for three years at this point! Let me know what you think if you decide to read it! :)
My story is published, I can breathe easy. Bad news though: it doesn't seem to be included in the contest list. 😭 I know I copied and pasted the thing into the notes to admin, and I submitted a day before the deadline. I think I'm just tired of fighting with this story at this point, so I'm just gonna leave it be haha. I will post it here though! I've been writing my holiday stories with these characters for three years at this point! Let me know what you think if you decide to read it! :)
It might take a moment for the list to be updated.

That said, I know that for the Halloween contest some stories weren't added to the list. Another author managed to get theirs added by PMing Laurel, but mine never made it on.
My new story "I Saw Stepmom Kissing Santa Claus" got in a few hours before the deadline. I fear I have a bad habit of submitting contest entries on the last day possible, and missing out on early votes and views from appearing on the contest list. Ah well.
It might take a moment for the list to be updated.

That said, I know that for the Halloween contest some stories weren't added to the list. Another author managed to get theirs added by PMing Laurel, but mine never made it on.
Oop, you were right, I just saw that it's on there, I was too hasty! I don't usually look at my stories right when they come out haha, now I know for next time!
"Too Early Not to Fuck" has been approved for publication tomorrow. Hopefully that's enough time to get a decent amount of exposure before the score levels out.

"Fairytale of New York" has reached the required 25 ratings, but the score is nowhere near high enough to be a challenger. "Too Hot Not to Fuck" has stabilised at around 4.53.
A Tale of Two Christmases is up - a few hundred views, no votes yet because it's 10 pages.

It would have been nice to have time to edit some clunky wording, but it is OK for typos etc, until near the end when I managed to use the name of the wrong male character. Ah, well. It's a heartwarming happy-end tale, with a slight obsession with Christmas food. Hope some people enjoy it, not just those who asked for more stories with Richie and Laura.
My story went up this am.
UK time... I looked and regretted it..
Looked again just and it's recovering...