The Predator

Thanks Zip. This is a very interesting thread to read, and learn from.
All of this above discussion is the reason while I am a very read up on the lifestyle sub, I am virtually non-experienced when it comes to real-life, and that is why I do not share much information, and also why I want a mentoring IRL sub with much experience, possibly before I get a dom


Blessed Be,

artful said:
(This thread is in response to spankableBelle's recent-Striving to find a place here.)

Sad to say,the REAL predators (online or offline),
are REAL people, and their VICTIMS are REAL people.

Their evil exists in our societies the world over.
They continuosly seek to improve their worth by trying to make others feel, they themselves are worthLESS.

It is an evil which exists in human behavior, whether it is BDSM related or not. In BDSM circles, it is a PREDATORS natural feeding ground.
(JMHO)-Why? Because it is more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Their FOCUS is not on the welfare of the relationship, even on a scene-by-scene basis. Long
Term or Short Term. Their focus is on themselves.

The problem is, BDSM,...there is an abundance of people,(men and women both), who send out signals-"I need someone to Dominate me."

Most NEW people, who are SUBMISSIVE, are usually identified quickly. Whether in real life or web based communications. These people are the ones who are the EASY targets.

They are not necessarily EASY victims. Why, you ask? Because people in general are cautious, (there ARE exceptions), and they realise what they
are NEWLY approaching, is a "NEW" experience for them.

With the first bit of attention to their newfound
desires, their emotions tend to be BUZZED. They are easily confused in this mental state.

Often, ONE who can recognise and CAPTURE that 'subs' attention FIRST, has a short measure of success in their effort to control and Dominate.

Some PREDATORS have an inordinate amount of skill, in manipulating a NEW 'sub' into a controlled environment. Insulating them against discovery and knowledge.

Sometimes, lasts a lifetime, but the 'sub' will forever be feeling worthLESS. BDSM, as WriterDom has stated in one of his recent posts, IS a "Big Tent", but THAT type of relationship, should never be construed as acceptable.

Does this mean a 'sub' should stay in the closet?
Not let their needs be known? I say NO! The answer is not to hide, the answer is take your time, use patience, communicate, seek knowledge and understanding.

Not just of the "Lifestyle", but of yourself. CHOICES,...we all have them, use them. Don't give away your trust, but allow those who are worthy to EARN it. It takes TIME for that!

Having read THIS Forum for some time, when I acquired Artful's dream as a 'sub', I encouraged her to make friends, read, and post to this Forum.

Why? Because I sensed our relationship had the possibility of becoming more than just a "FUN" type of excercise. I wanted her to gain knowledge
not of just the BDSM aspects,...but of herself.

The above post is only my expressed opinion, but it's MINE, and I OWN it. Comments and opposing thoughts are welcome.

spankableBelle, in my opinion, you have found a place here. :rose:

No opposition here, i agree!!!!