The Real Chubby Tummies Of Lit


Been working up the nerve to share my tummy here for a few weeks 😳🫣
Sexy, glad you shared. Ready to peel another layer off.
My tummy isn't in this photo but my back is. I'm very self concious about my back rolls. I couldn't post a picture without wearing the shawl, but maybe one day I will. ❤️
Well your back is a delightful sight and your hair colour highlights it extremely well

An old AV from last year. Just showing a little bit of tummy as I was feeling good about myself that day.

(please be respectful with any comments)
Very beautiful pic. You and the lingerie look amazing. You should feel good about yourself everyday with that figure.

EDIT: Thank you very much for sharing!
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My tummy isn't in this photo but my back is. I'm very self concious about my back rolls. I couldn't post a picture without wearing the shawl, but maybe one day I will.
I hope you continue to share because every inch of you is 🔥
An old AV from last year. Just showing a little bit of tummy as I was feeling good about myself that day.

(please be respectful with any comments)
Be respectful?? Ok, delete and retry 🤭
Rosie you are so beautiful and I’m thrilled to see you sharing again 😍