The Sinful Vixen Burlesque and Bordello

"So, its business and not pleasure then, " he stated, foot hooking a stool he pulled it over and sat so he wouldnt be as "imposing" to her sensibilities. "No the kitchens not technically open, but there are a few cooks here yet still helping stock and set up their cook stationsz im sure i could persuade one lf them to make a "test" dish, quality control is important, cant have sick guests, see something to catch your interest?" He reached over the bar and grabbed a leather-bound hard backed menu with breakfast, lunch, and dinner options and handed it to her*

"Wise, holding the menus back. If I wanted to start my own restaurant I could just steal these and then you know, learn how to make all the same stuff." She tapped her head as if to say 'there's thinkin' but her tone was light and playful, not quite flirtatious but definitely laughing with not laughing at. "Give me a half dozen lemon ghost pepper wings and some fries please? If you have the stuff." She passed the menu back over "No rush. I have a 4 o'clock but nothing before then. I guess I'll take a beer too. If they're really hot I'll need the alcohol to dissolve the capsaicin."

She looked around the bar "So I guess you're anticipating a rowdy crowd? I mean with having not just a bouncer but a whole 'head of security and all." She looked up at him, reminded of some old movie 'you are the brute squad' as the guy seemed capable of taking on the rowdiest of drunks. "or ... well I guess if there's uh... certain kinds of entertainment maybe a little more dissuasion comes to bear than with your normal bar crowd huh?" She drained her cranberry juice. "Maybe before I bring clients here I should come back and see the place in full swing. Don't want to explain to my boss how I got some poor doctor locked up over his lunch break."
Rain was back in the kitchen, checking stock as opening day was fast approaching and she wanted to confirm that all the needed supplies were in.

She heard Logan speaking to a woman out at the bar, it appeared they were discussing business... But she did hear the woman wanting to sample the food. They certainly did have supplies in place already and a chef, so Rain passed along the request for the ghost pepper wings and fries. A great choice, she had tried them already herself just the other day...

Once they were cooked and plated, Rain brought the steaming hot dish out to the bar. She made sure to include ketchup as well, and the required utensils and a napkin, setting them before the so very pretty woman.

"I believe you ordered these, and a beer, if I am not mistaken" a smile curling her lips as she stepped back, acquiring a frosted mug from the fridge behind the bar and filling it from the tap of Coors Light.

Setting the now full mug before her... "if you prefer a different brand, simply let me know. I just went with my favorite"

"Logan, do you need or desire anything?"
she turned dark eyes to him.
"Wise, holding the menus back. If I wanted to start my own restaurant I could just steal these and then you know, learn how to make all the same stuff." She tapped her head as if to say 'there's thinkin' but her tone was light and playful, not quite flirtatious but definitely laughing with not laughing at. "Give me a half dozen lemon ghost pepper wings and some fries please? If you have the stuff." She passed the menu back over "No rush. I have a 4 o'clock but nothing before then. I guess I'll take a beer too. If they're really hot I'll need the alcohol to dissolve the capsaicin."

She looked around the bar "So I guess you're anticipating a rowdy crowd? I mean with having not just a bouncer but a whole 'head of security and all." She looked up at him, reminded of some old movie 'you are the brute squad' as the guy seemed capable of taking on the rowdiest of drunks. "or ... well I guess if there's uh... certain kinds of entertainment maybe a little more dissuasion comes to bear than with your normal bar crowd huh?" She drained her cranberry juice. "Maybe before I bring clients here I should come back and see the place in full swing. Don't want to explain to my boss how I got some poor doctor locked up over his lunch break."
"i know, we thought it was genius move too, all our cooking secrets!" he merely nodded agreeing with her statements, the smirk that had tugged at his lips and turned into a full easy smile now as he relaxed. Handing off the ladys order to a passing server he nodded then focused back on her watching as she again looked around, eyeing the poles and stages "actually we are looking to maintain a higher caliber establishment, but we will cater to all walks of Life. We want people to Mingle and feel comfortable, some come to drink and chat, others looking for something a little more intimate. But well, im sure you know how it can be, we sometimes get rabble in here" he smiles, the bartender bringing him his usual, Bourbon on ice and he takes a second to take a swallow

"we are going for a low key kinda approach as well as the upscale appearance, our clientele im sure will appreciate having more privacy for their endeavors, or tastes, whatever that may entail, we just wish to offer place.......for them to experience it. My role here, apart from being one of the Strongest Wolf Shifters this side of the country, is just to merely keep the peace, in any form" he looked up as Rain approached

"I believe you ordered these, and a beer, if I am not mistaken. if you prefer a different brand, simply let me know. I just went with my favorite, Logan, do you need or desire anything?" he just merely smirked at Rain "No darlin, maybe later" he said, the amber of his Iris's glowing before he turned that gaze back on Siobhan motioning his hand "please, dont let me stop you, dig in, let me know what you think."

he snickered at her mention of a Dr. getting Jailed his shoulders quivering a bit "well, i will have to do my level best to keep that from happening wont i?"
Siobhan took the beer "I'm not fancy." She smiled at the lovely waitress? staff member of some sort for sure.

She took the wing and bit into it. Instantly it hurt in just the best way. Her mouth was on fucking fire. Endorphins released instantly in response and she sighed, feeling that hot food high immediately "that's the shit right there" she sucked the meat off the bone and moved onto another. The heat of the wings was almost so much it killed her ability to taste, another reason that the beer didn't have to be anything highbrow and expensive. It was there to cut the heat and that was that "That's a good wing, Ma'am" She flipped her head to get errant bangs out of her face, then blew out a breath. Her ivory skin was flush from the heat of the wings but her eyes were glazed over with a bliss akin to subspace. She licked her lips, then licked the sauce off of them. She took the second wing and sucked the bone to get the chicken off it, then sipped at her beer "Whew. That will take the paint off the walls right there." She sniffed as her nose was watering a little from the spice of the wings, but she felt good.

In response to the guy's comment she nodded "It is nice its low key in here. I couldn't really take clients somewhere cheap. The whole goal here is to be memorable in a good way. So you're opening what, in a few days? Is that like... full service opening then? Everything and anything?" She grabbed another wing and ate, loving the burn, craving it really. "These wings are on fucking point."
She let that wicked smile play on her lips for him for a moment, along with the slightest wink.. she then turned, not one to listen in on conversations.

But she caught the patron's smile and returned it with a nod of her head.

"I'm Rain" she simply said. "You'll find me... well.. almost anywhere around here. My sister runs this place... so if you need anything, and Logan is not around, just find me."

Checking to see that the bar was stocked and cleaned, and noting that the time was getting a bit later, she'd been up early this morning, and was now beginning to feel it, actually having to stifle a yawn that tugged at her lips. Shaking her head "boy I am tired" she said to herself.

Making her way back into the kitchen, she let the staff know they could clean up and head home for the night. She'd check to make sure all was well before she actually went to the the furs.

Back out at the bar, Rain curled herself onto the large, overstuffed chair in the quiet corner, one of her favorite spots. Legs tucked under her, she had poured herself a Coors Light as well, and enjoyed the ice cold beer as it slid languidly down her throat, she brushing back the long tendrils of her dark mane with a glide of fingers.

She loved to just sit and watch, people, the world, interactions. She already knew this place was going to be a gold mind for just that....
Siobhan took the beer "I'm not fancy." She smiled at the lovely waitress? staff member of some sort for sure.

She took the wing and bit into it. Instantly it hurt in just the best way. Her mouth was on fucking fire. Endorphins released instantly in response and she sighed, feeling that hot food high immediately "that's the shit right there" she sucked the meat off the bone and moved onto another. The heat of the wings was almost so much it killed her ability to taste, another reason that the beer didn't have to be anything highbrow and expensive. It was there to cut the heat and that was that "That's a good wing, Ma'am" She flipped her head to get errant bangs out of her face, then blew out a breath. Her ivory skin was flush from the heat of the wings but her eyes were glazed over with a bliss akin to subspace. She licked her lips, then licked the sauce off of them. She took the second wing and sucked the bone to get the chicken off it, then sipped at her beer "Whew. That will take the paint off the walls right there." She sniffed as her nose was watering a little from the spice of the wings, but she felt good.

In response to the guy's comment she nodded "It is nice its low key in here. I couldn't really take clients somewhere cheap. The whole goal here is to be memorable in a good way. So you're opening what, in a few days? Is that like... full service opening then? Everything and anything?" She grabbed another wing and ate, loving the burn, craving it really. "These wings are on fucking point."
He smiled watching as she bit into the first wing, the scent of heat and pain that washed from her making his noise twitch as he grinning watching that look of pain turned to bliss, he was glad their cooks met with her approval, was a good sign for future clients. Handing her a monogram towelette he chuckled. "You praise will be passed to the cook, im glad it meets your approval." His head canted to the side slightly as he watched her demolish her food with a hunger to rival his wolfs. "a few days yes, we are still looking to hire Dancers and.......entertainers.....for the house yet, our Madame is still going through applications yet. if you happen to know anyone looking for a job. but yes, some of us will probably be filling some.....entertainer roles, though really anyone is available, if they wish to play, or socialize, for private endevours, among the staff."

He finished his Bourbon with a swallow setting the glass aside, the bartender quick to refill
Ish would be in the back of the kitchen area. Doing whatever the madame wrote on there. "I guess it's just for one day, it's not gonna hurt." He then would just get things done there and in no time at all. "I mean it is for one day anyway. If they had me do that shit at my old job, the manager would be pissed for sure." He said to himself lamenting back at his time at the bar and motel he worked at. Although he was only just doing some of the kitchen duty, he wasn't slacking either.
If liquid were a state human's could attain, she was in that state. Drained of her life essence she felt like a rag doll trying to find her breath once more and make her muscles work. She felt him hungrily drinking from her taking everything she had to give and some she didn't. She could feel the heat leaving her body, could feel the colder air blowing across heated flesh. Her nipples tightened even more now that she lay there panting.

Having heard his low primal growl she giggled, she actually giggled and she covered her mouth as another escaped her lips. The orgasm had been so intense she could find no other way to release the euphoria that he had given her. She didn't think she could move, her legs felt like jello and trembled as she tried to shift and move. She was so very dizzy, the combination of the alcohol and his power over her orgasm made her giggle again.

As he rose over her like a hungry God she watched him and she shivered her eyes flashing up to meet his gaze in the dim light of the card room her breathing ragged still. He was all fire and lust and she felt like his hunger had not been sated with his feast upon her sex. The chair skittering across the floor drew attention and she bit her lip a slight shiver of fear slid up her spine. and still he rose higher between her thighs. and she could feel the heat of him to her core.

When his hands gripped her and tugged her back to the edge of the table she couldn't have resisted him if she had wanted too, and she didn't want too. He was in full control at this point and she reveled in the silent command of his dominance on her body. When he drew her up to kiss him she was glad of his strength because she had none and she pressed in close to him her lips parting under the onslaught of his lips. Her taste on his flesh made her moan softly against his lips and she placed her hands to his shoulders to hold herself steady to his need. When he broke the kiss she almost cried out in want when he spoke....

"Watch with me."

When he rolled his head down meeting her own to his, she look down, along his chest the taunt ridged length of him and she shivered and trembled in his arms looking further and further down her body soft against the hardened muscled length. She watched the hard ridge helmet of his cock begin to part the curls of her sex. Open her effortless with the coating of her nectar still there to give him ease of access. it was almost obscene how much larger his cock was then her pussy was and the way it stretched around him to take him deeper. The lips of her pussy widened more and still she watched him sink to the hilt and fill her to completion.

His thick cock was so hard and long she moaned low in her throat her breathing ragged as she whispered softly,"I.. I you are soo ..." her voice was amazement as she finished," didn't think it would fit.. .but you feel so good inside of me... " She lifted her head up her eyes drawing his gaze as she spoke," fuck me.. " her plea soft.
Her laughter was a sweetness. It poured past her pouted lips, perfect and full, and ran between them through the electric heat that kept them bound. More so, really, than even his strong arms or the lean, coiled perfection of her silk-clad legs, it was the chemistry that held them now. An anchor, like gravity, to which they could not escape. He was shameless in appreciating her. The lean, elegant line of her torso and narrow shoulders. A gentle flair of girlish hips. The full, heavy sway of full breasts and tight, pink nipples. Desire was a force. It took hold entirely now. It rooted in his belly, dug deep with its claws, and pulled at him.

He liked her little hands along his broad shoulders. The muscles tense bunches beneath her lean, manicured fingers. He liked arm running up the length of her lean little spine and his fingers buring in her hair at the base of her little head. The other spread his broad palm across the arch of her hip, pinning her to the rail of the table, so that even if she was rocked by what would certainly follow she'd be rooted to that place for his pleasure and hers.

"Tight." He grunted in a short breath wracked solidly by pleasure. "Feels fucking good."

The words a confession that carried his praise as, almost reluctantly, his rugged hips rolled backwards amidst the rolling of his muscular frame and the ripple of movement. The length that withdrew from the tight, clinging grasp of her little petals was shining wet and throbbing visibly for them. Unable to help himself, partly overwhelmed, he kissed her before looking back down with her. The vision of it so fucking erotic he could hardly stand it. She was so beautiful. The elegance of her, the raw sensual power of how they clung together in this empty parlor, a potent drug to which he found himself suddenly and thoroughly hooked.

All at once his hips surged forward and up, leveraging his strength and height to reclaim all that he'd lost in a hot rush that spread her silken walls around the thickness of him while the length plowed the broad velvet head of his crown roughly across her G-spot. It did not stop, though, until it crushed up against her cervix, stuffing her entirely full of his throbbing, pulsing cockflesh. No room left. Just the base of his pelvis, slick from her wet, grinding into her clit before he withdrew slow and surged forward again.

This rhythm an indulgent thing. A consequence of how impossibly hot her little pussy was. Slow to abandon it. Quick to reclaim it. The force of his strokes rocking her little body so her breasts offered a pretty sway and her little sounds sung soft in the air.

"Fuck." He groaned. The restraint slipping. Beneath her hands the muscles drawing tighter and tighter. Hints that the disciplined pace of their fuck could shatter to bestial ruin at any moment. His cock relentless. His hands strong. And the next kiss devouring as he took her in the darkness.
He smiled watching as she bit into the first wing, the scent of heat and pain that washed from her making his noise twitch as he grinning watching that look of pain turned to bliss, he was glad their cooks met with her approval, was a good sign for future clients. Handing her a monogram towelette he chuckled. "You praise will be passed to the cook, im glad it meets your approval." His head canted to the side slightly as he watched her demolish her food with a hunger to rival his wolfs. "a few days yes, we are still looking to hire Dancers and.......entertainers.....for the house yet, our Madame is still going through applications yet. if you happen to know anyone looking for a job. but yes, some of us will probably be filling some.....entertainer roles, though really anyone is available, if they wish to play, or socialize, for private endevours, among the staff."
Siobhan grinned again "well ... I'm really here to help the client relax. Not here to relax myself. As a woman in business you can't get a reputation for sleeping around. That doesn't mean I can't facilitate some of these old coots getting their freak on though. Like I can be the gateway to fun, even if I'm not all that fun myself." She gestured "that's actually part of the deal right. Like... I'm not a ten. I'm attainably cute. That's the company model. But, you can't actually be attained. Familiarity breeds contempt. Besides, being some rich doctor's wife. blah." She made a face "honestly I wouldn't even do pharmaceutical sales but... turns out getting an English degree from an expensive girl's college in the middle of nowhere is not really conducive to paying your student loans." She winked and finished off her wings with a sigh, then drained the last of her Coors. She saw Ish wandering around and gave him a friendly nod. "Anyway, this is a real nice place you have here. So even if we just end up coming for the food. Worth the stop. Damn those wings are good. Goes right to a girl's head" She turned and discretely blew her nose, then looked around a bit, sort of high from the pain and heat of the wings and just loving her life at the moment. "Seems I'll be coming back at least for a few lunches."
Siobhan grinned again "well ... I'm really here to help the client relax. Not here to relax myself. As a woman in business you can't get a reputation for sleeping around. That doesn't mean I can't facilitate some of these old coots getting their freak on though. Like I can be the gateway to fun, even if I'm not all that fun myself." She gestured "that's actually part of the deal right. Like... I'm not a ten. I'm attainably cute. That's the company model. But, you can't actually be attained. Familiarity breeds contempt. Besides, being some rich doctor's wife. blah." She made a face "honestly I wouldn't even do pharmaceutical sales but... turns out getting an English degree from an expensive girl's college in the middle of nowhere is not really conducive to paying your student loans." She winked and finished off her wings with a sigh, then drained the last of her Coors. She saw Ish wandering around and gave him a friendly nod. "Anyway, this is a real nice place you have here. So even if we just end up coming for the food. Worth the stop. Damn those wings are good. Goes right to a girl's head" She turned and discretely blew her nose, then looked around a bit, sort of high from the pain and heat of the wings and just loving her life at the moment. "Seems I'll be coming back at least for a few lunches."
"well im glad to hear we at least meet muster for you and these clients of yours, and i assure you any and all....activities....that happen within these walls, stay....... in these walls" he added with a wink, picking up his fresh glass of Bourbon and taking a sip "and that our food is up to your standards, the chef will be happy to hear, and you are more then welcome to come at any time" he nodded at her
Siobhan nodded "you do at that." she put a twenty on the bar to cover her food and a tip. "Good meeting you. I'll be sure to come back after the grand opening" She slid out of her stool, figuring she had enough time to brush her teeth and get the beer off her breath before her 4 oclock. "See you around."

She flashed the enormous guy a smile, then headed out to the parking lot. She'd be back, for sure. Just when it was open and really jumping. When she wasn't an imposition on the staff.
Siobhan grinned again "well ... I'm really here to help the client relax. Not here to relax myself. As a woman in business you can't get a reputation for sleeping around. That doesn't mean I can't facilitate some of these old coots getting their freak on though. Like I can be the gateway to fun, even if I'm not all that fun myself." She gestured "that's actually part of the deal right. Like... I'm not a ten. I'm attainably cute. That's the company model. But, you can't actually be attained. Familiarity breeds contempt. Besides, being some rich doctor's wife. blah." She made a face "honestly I wouldn't even do pharmaceutical sales but... turns out getting an English degree from an expensive girl's college in the middle of nowhere is not really conducive to paying your student loans." She winked and finished off her wings with a sigh, then drained the last of her Coors. She saw Ish wandering around and gave him a friendly nod. "Anyway, this is a real nice place you have here. So even if we just end up coming for the food. Worth the stop. Damn those wings are good. Goes right to a girl's head" She turned and discretely blew her nose, then looked around a bit, sort of high from the pain and heat of the wings and just loving her life at the moment. "Seems I'll be coming back at least for a few lunches."
Ish returned the nod and then went back to what he was doing. He liked how one person was giving him the time of day a bit and enjoying their food. Even though was he making the food? One could wonder. He would then try to know what was next for him to do.
Ish returned the nod and then went back to what he was doing. He liked how one person was giving him the time of day a bit and enjoying their food. Even though was he making the food? One could wonder. He would then try to know what was next for him to do.
Rising as she left he spotted the kid looking around, nodding "great job youngin, go ahead and call it a night, i know its been slow and you can only clean things so many times, busy work is a bitch, just help where you can right now, but im glad to see people are starting to trickle in and ask questions, hopefully that means we will be busy come opening day.

*moving passed Ish he clapped him on the back* i think im calling it a night, not much else we can do now, Grabbing Rain around the waist he hauled her over his shoulder, the echo of his palm smacking her ass as he stalked off with her giggling like a lunatic towards his office, closing the locking the door*
Rising as she left he spotted the kid looking around, nodding "great job youngin, go ahead and call it a night, i know its been slow and you can only clean things so many times, busy work is a bitch, just help where you can right now, but im glad to see people are starting to trickle in and ask questions, hopefully that means we will be busy come opening day.

*moving passed Ish he clapped him on the back* i think im calling it a night, not much else we can do now, Grabbing Rain around the waist he hauled her over his shoulder, the echo of his palm smacking her ass as he stalked off with her giggling like a lunatic towards his office, closing the locking the door*
Ish just laid his head on the counter as he was moving around where he can. "Wonder what's tomorrow gonna bring me." He said to himself a bit groggy but wasn't gonna leave yet.
Her laughter was a sweetness. It poured past her pouted lips, perfect and full, and ran between them through the electric heat that kept them bound. More so, really, than even his strong arms or the lean, coiled perfection of her silk-clad legs, it was the chemistry that held them now. An anchor, like gravity, to which they could not escape. He was shameless in appreciating her. The lean, elegant line of her torso and narrow shoulders. A gentle flair of girlish hips. The full, heavy sway of full breasts and tight, pink nipples. Desire was a force. It took hold entirely now. It rooted in his belly, dug deep with its claws, and pulled at him.

He liked her little hands along his broad shoulders. The muscles tense bunches beneath her lean, manicured fingers. He liked arm running up the length of her lean little spine and his fingers buring in her hair at the base of her little head. The other spread his broad palm across the arch of her hip, pinning her to the rail of the table, so that even if she was rocked by what would certainly follow she'd be rooted to that place for his pleasure and hers.

"Tight." He grunted in a short breath wracked solidly by pleasure. "Feels fucking good."

The words a confession that carried his praise as, almost reluctantly, his rugged hips rolled backwards amidst the rolling of his muscular frame and the ripple of movement. The length that withdrew from the tight, clinging grasp of her little petals was shining wet and throbbing visibly for them. Unable to help himself, partly overwhelmed, he kissed her before looking back down with her. The vision of it so fucking erotic he could hardly stand it. She was so beautiful. The elegance of her, the raw sensual power of how they clung together in this empty parlor, a potent drug to which he found himself suddenly and thoroughly hooked.

All at once his hips surged forward and up, leveraging his strength and height to reclaim all that he'd lost in a hot rush that spread her silken walls around the thickness of him while the length plowed the broad velvet head of his crown roughly across her G-spot. It did not stop, though, until it crushed up against her cervix, stuffing her entirely full of his throbbing, pulsing cockflesh. No room left. Just the base of his pelvis, slick from her wet, grinding into her clit before he withdrew slow and surged forward again.

This rhythm an indulgent thing. A consequence of how impossibly hot her little pussy was. Slow to abandon it. Quick to reclaim it. The force of his strokes rocking her little body so her breasts offered a pretty sway and her little sounds sung soft in the air.

"Fuck." He groaned. The restraint slipping. Beneath her hands the muscles drawing tighter and tighter. Hints that the disciplined pace of their fuck could shatter to bestial ruin at any moment. His cock relentless. His hands strong. And the next kiss devouring as he took her in the darkness.
She felt claimed and desired. His arms around her body were strong and warm holding her up keeping her secured to his body. As he thrust into her body the shear pleasure of it drew another moan past her lips and she tightened around his girth as he thrust to the hilt and further. The connection to his body was primal and she felt it deep in her soul.

Sliding her hands up and into his hair she closed her eyes enjoying the cares of hairs along her fingers and then her arms tightened around his neck as she began to cling to his frame. He made her feel deliciously small when his hands slid up her spine to her hair holding the nape of her neck and when his other hand slipped to her hip. She could feel the power he was about to take to another level and she braced for the onslaught of his passion.

Opening her eyes once more to continue to watch his body buried so deep, and her lips spread around him she shuddered in his arms. His guttural words were an affirmation to his pleasure and she reveled in the lust she inspired in him. When she shifted slightly to come closer he moved to hold her still in silent commands of touch and caress and she followed his lead, in a dance as old as time. When he moved to withdraw and she felt every ripple and vein along his cock watching the skin glitter with her juices. The kiss was quick and brutal as if he felt like he need to assure her with it and she felt it to her sex that rippled along his turgid shaft.

He didn't' wait to reclaim what he had already conquered with his thrust came a long slow moan of pleasure from her lips. A slight hiss past her lips when he shoved deep into her core and bottomed out to hit the door to her womb and then moved drawing a moan of pleasure. As he began to thrust in and out of her body she could hear the wet slick sounds with each thrust and she watched still his fucking her pussy. The friction building with the movements and her breathing began to rise," of yes... fuck me... make me yours."

Lifting her head up now as he began to truly thrust in earnest to his need, the driving passion that had set this all in motion and building with the teasing of the card game. What had started as a battle of the mind now was a battle of the body, and she didn't feel like the loser as he continued to plunge his ridged fuckmeat into her honeypot like a hungry bear needing more.

She could feel his skin almost like a burning wave over her and the muscles tightening around her the crescendo building to take her and him over the precipice in a crashing of two bodies. Tightening her hold as he seemed so close tot he edge she didn't want to fall without him. burying her face in his neck she sank her teeth into his skin and her nails into his back the force of her orgasm rocked her into oblivion. Her release was a force unto itself her whole body tightening and gripping even his fuck stick pounding away inside her body. "So fucking good," She finally echoed his praise of his earlier words.
Ish just laid his head on the counter as he was moving around where he can. "Wonder what's tomorrow gonna bring me." He said to himself a bit groggy but wasn't gonna leave yet.
She had finished up her paperwork, glanced at the screen again and saw Logan was still busy so she headed out of his office. She'd catch him another time. It hadn't been important. The rest of the came and went. In the morning as she was dressing, got butterflies. Opening night was tomorrow. Would they be slow? Would they continue to exist at all? She had watched many businesses fall away and disappear, but she forever hoped, not this one. This morning she had donned black jeans with a black tank top tucked into them and her black leather jacket. How odd how the weather had cooled down for the moment. Entering the Sinful Vixen, she spotted Ish. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked up to him.

"Ish? What did I tell you about sitting down when you're on the job?"

Her voice wasn't harsh or scolding but soft with a hint of steel.

"Here you go," she tossed something at him, "starting tomorrow night when you come on duty, you will report to Logan. He will be your immediate boss. Don't make me regret this decision."

The young man had learned this. He had done everything she had told him to do and stuck it out, showing her his desire to be part of the team. After she had tossed him the t-shirt, her heel clicked on the floor once more as she headed for her office as she went, she called over her shoulder, "If you see Logan, please ask him to come to my office."

The t-shirt was for the Security Team.

Her office door closed quietly behind her. She picked up the phone on her desk.

"This is DW, would have someone bring me a pot of coffee and lots of creamer, please. Oh and a huge bottle of aspirin. Thank you."

*click* The receiver was replaced. She sat down in her chair and tweaked her ponytail. There were a pile of papers on her right. The applications for the dancers. Yes, she was pulling this off at last minute, but she had no doubt that the girls for the pole dancing would snap it up right away. The ones that reported late or not at all, wouldn't have a job. Her costume director was well pleased with the costumes for the girls. He had everything in hand for their opening. The Burlesque company had been hired and been rehearsing since last week. She was going to have to hunt down RL and see if he would be interested in handling the stage set up, including lights. All the girls could actually sing so all they needed was the music and she had hired a small band for that. Everyone was in today at some time or another. Rehearsals. Final costume fittings. Band rehearsals with the Burlesque Troupe. yes, it was all coming together. Now... if only she can get through this final hiring.*

There was a knock on her door.

"Come in."

It was a kitchen staff member with her coffee. She smiled.

"Just set it on the desk, Harry. Thank you. You're an angel."

She poured herself a cup of the hot brew and laced it with creamer. Between all the other things, she had several meetings today to conduct as well. Business partner and Madame. She sighed.
Stepping inside the establishment he quickly straightened his tie and made sure his suit was presentable. Looking around he took in a deep breath and steadied himself. Never comfortable being the new guy and never ready to talk to a new boss.

He took in the scene around him, the setting of the stage, the positions of the lights, the placement of the speakers and soundboard. It all looked good to him.

He walked closer to the stage and ran his fingertips along the polished wood. What wonderful beauty will grace it soon enough.
She had finished up her paperwork, glanced at the screen again and saw Logan was still busy so she headed out of his office. She'd catch him another time. It hadn't been important. The rest of the came and went. In the morning as she was dressing, got butterflies. Opening night was tomorrow. Would they be slow? Would they continue to exist at all? She had watched many businesses fall away and disappear, but she forever hoped, not this one. This morning she had donned black jeans with a black tank top tucked into them and her black leather jacket. How odd how the weather had cooled down for the moment. Entering the Sinful Vixen, she spotted Ish. Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked up to him.

"Ish? What did I tell you about sitting down when you're on the job?"

Her voice wasn't harsh or scolding but soft with a hint of steel.

"Here you go," she tossed something at him, "starting tomorrow night when you come on duty, you will report to Logan. He will be your immediate boss. Don't make me regret this decision."

The young man had learned this. He had done everything she had told him to do and stuck it out, showing her his desire to be part of the team. After she had tossed him the t-shirt, her heel clicked on the floor once more as she headed for her office as she went, she called over her shoulder, "If you see Logan, please ask him to come to my office."

The t-shirt was for the Security Team.

Her office door closed quietly behind her. She picked up the phone on her desk.

"This is DW, would have someone bring me a pot of coffee and lots of creamer, please. Oh and a huge bottle of aspirin. Thank you."

*click* The receiver was replaced. She sat down in her chair and tweaked her ponytail. There were a pile of papers on her right. The applications for the dancers. Yes, she was pulling this off at last minute, but she had no doubt that the girls for the pole dancing would snap it up right away. The ones that reported late or not at all, wouldn't have a job. Her costume director was well pleased with the costumes for the girls. He had everything in hand for their opening. The Burlesque company had been hired and been rehearsing since last week. She was going to have to hunt down RL and see if he would be interested in handling the stage set up, including lights. All the girls could actually sing so all they needed was the music and she had hired a small band for that. Everyone was in today at some time or another. Rehearsals. Final costume fittings. Band rehearsals with the Burlesque Troupe. yes, it was all coming together. Now... if only she can get through this final hiring.*

There was a knock on her door.

"Come in."

It was a kitchen staff member with her coffee. She smiled.

"Just set it on the desk, Harry. Thank you. You're an angel."

She poured herself a cup of the hot brew and laced it with creamer. Between all the other things, she had several meetings today to conduct as well. Business partner and Madame. She sighed.
He grabbed the shirt she tossed him. "Thank you, Ma'am you won't regret this decision. and also Logan returned to his quarters for the night." He said to her, smiling. "And if he does come around, I will send him your way, miss."
He grabbed the shirt she tossed him. "Thank you, Ma'am you won't regret this decision. and also Logan returned to his quarters for the night." He said to her, smiling. "And if he does come around, I will send him your way, miss."
He roused himself from the the mountain of Furs, growling softly he placed a tender kiss to his sleeping mates neck, taking some time to shower, rolling out a particular kink in his shoulder where rain had bitten him a little "too" enthusiastically, not that he was complaining with the grin he felt on his lips, he washed up and threw on a clean shirt and jeans, stuffing his feet into his boots he kissed Rain again who only grumbled at him and snuggled into the furs, making him chuckle. Stepping into his office he grumbled making a note to clean up some. Yawning he stepped into the bar area, seeing a Security Shirt on Ish he arched a brow and grinned "Hey, you got promoted, nice, i told her she should have had you clean toilets" his voice was teasing, but he clapped Ish on the back
He roused himself from the the mountain of Furs, growling softly he placed a tender kiss to his sleeping mates neck, taking some time to shower, rolling out a particular kink in his shoulder where rain had bitten him a little "too" enthusiastically, not that he was complaining with the grin he felt on his lips, he washed up and threw on a clean shirt and jeans, stuffing his feet into his boots he kissed Rain again who only grumbled at him and snuggled into the furs, making him chuckle. Stepping into his office he grumbled making a note to clean up some. Yawning he stepped into the bar area, seeing a Security Shirt on Ish he arched a brow and grinned "Hey, you got promoted, nice, i told her she should have had you clean toilets" his voice was teasing, but he clapped Ish on the back
"Speaking of such, the Madame needs you to swing by her office." He said to him a bit smiling at him. "And well thank you, mister." He said to him a bit ecstatic too.
"Speaking of such, the Madame needs you to swing by her office." He said to him a bit smiling at him. "And well thank you, mister." He said to him a bit ecstatic too.
"Please, just, call me Logan, Mister makes me feel old" he smirked and nodded, "yeaaaa, ill go so what the Fuhrer wants, thanks for the heads up" the bartender sliding him a glass of Bourbon he takes a healthy drink as he meanders his way to DW's office, knocking on the door before opening it, two can play that game, he poked his head in "you wanted to see me darlin?" he asked as he stepped in and shut the door, noticed the 6 gallon tub of coffee on her desk smirking*
"Please, just, call me Logan, Mister makes me feel old" he smirked and nodded, "yeaaaa, ill go so what the Fuhrer wants, thanks for the heads up" the bartender sliding him a glass of Bourbon he takes a healthy drink as he meanders his way to DW's office, knocking on the door before opening it, two can play that game, he poked his head in "you wanted to see me darlin?" he asked as he stepped in and shut the door, noticed the 6 gallon tub of coffee on her desk smirking*
Ish, just standing there wondering to himself. Is there more than meets the eye when he said that to Logan. "Sorry, my folks always taught me to make sure to mind my P's and Q's." He said to him although he didn't wanna say mister at first but he always gave his coworkers higher up than he the respect and admiration they deserve.

He then walked up to the bar, sighing to himself. "Maybe Tomorrow, I might take one of the motorcycles." He said to himself, feeling a bit good.
"Please, just, call me Logan, Mister makes me feel old" he smirked and nodded, "yeaaaa, ill go so what the Fuhrer wants, thanks for the heads up" the bartender sliding him a glass of Bourbon he takes a healthy drink as he meanders his way to DW's office, knocking on the door before opening it, two can play that game, he poked his head in "you wanted to see me darlin?" he asked as he stepped in and shut the door, noticed the 6 gallon tub of coffee on her desk smirking*
She looked up from her paperwork and arched a brow, "Why is it you always look like you've been rode hard and put away wet. Logan?"
She grinned and sat back in her chair, twirling a pen between her fingers.
"Um, I gather you've seen Ish. Despite your suggestion, which I did take in serious consideration, he's working for you now. Please bring him up to speed about how you want him to do his job. So far, he has shown determination to go the course. I like that. We'll see how he does for 30 days, then I need an evaluation on him and we'll go from there."
"Why is it you always look like you've been rode hard and put away wet. Logan?"
He smirked at her, his eyes gleaming at her with mischief “well you’re half right” he quipped back “but you know that already, don’t you” he asked back, a growl edging his words, but he listened as she explained things and nodded his understanding to her as she explained Ish. “I will get things sorted out first thing in the morning Madame “he said, giving her an insincere bow, but the grin never leaving “anything else you wish of me m’lady?”
He smirked at her, his eyes gleaming at her with mischief “well you’re half right” he quipped back “but you know that already, don’t you” he asked back, a growl edging his words, but he listened as she explained things and nodded his understanding to her as she explained Ish. “I will get things sorted out first thing in the morning Madame “he said, giving her an insincere bow, but the grin never leaving “anything else you wish of me m’lady?”
She looked him up and down slowly with her eyes, her coffee cup resting on her lower lip before she moved it lower. Her voice just a husky whisper.

"Oh, I wish a lot of things from you, Logan, but at the moment, I'm too busy to see if you'd indulge me and I gather it wouldn't take much to convince you to do it."

There was a wicked, sexy twinkle in her eyes. The air in the room had gotten heavy and hot as she stared into those amber eyes of his. She knew that body now. The heat, the scent of him. How he felt pressed against her and he knew her body just as well.