The State of American Education.

All educational standards as we understand them today will fall by the wayside under the woke agenda of Marxist Randi Weingarten who have made a life's work out of propagandizing children in Marxist anti-American values after having her communist ideas rejected by a majority of American parents writ large.
Calling someone a "Marxist" has the same inhibiting effect on an intelligent debate as calling someone a "racist." There are hardly any Marxists in the United States. There are people whose thinking has been influenced by the writings of Karl Marx, but that is different.

One should read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. Marx had two valid insights. He was mistaken about everything else. He did not advocate the totalitarian methods used in his name during the twentieth century. He did inspire them, so he is not completely innocent. During the twentieth century millions of people were not killed in the name of John Stuart Mill.

So, let's be done with name calling and insults. They are favored by those without intelligence and learning.
Labeling someone a Marxist would be a badge of honor in some circles, wouldn't it? Weingarten is most definitely a Socialist at the minimum. She has put herself out there as a champion of school reform while steadfastly blocking any creative attempts to reform the schools. She has also used the children as a shield to further the causes of her union. I don't fault her for trying to further the causes of her union, after all that is her fiduciary responsibility. What does irritate me is that she, and she's not alone in this, paints all benefits she gains for her constituents as "for the children." And that is a serious falsehood. Very little that any teachers union does is "for the children." I can only hope that one day the politicians, and most importantly the public, wake up to that fact.

Addressing the 500 lb. gorilla in the room, that being the serious problem with the black and latino community. It is no secret that they are doing poorly in the public school system, most especially the boys. The girls seem to muddle through and go on to become productive members of society saving they don't get tied up with the 'bad boys.' Given that there is no IQ difference between men and women of any given group this disparity can only be blamed on culture. A glaring example of this is the fact that Cuban-Americans have thrived in the US. They, like the Asians, are sticklers for education. They are also very much family oriented with low single parent family numbers (read that as out of wedlock children). Racially they are essentially Latins with a high degree of mixed race blood (African). They, also like the Asians, arrived here dirt poor. So having dispensed with the racial differences, and the financial differences, we are left to consider cultural differences. And this speaks of the reference that Comshaw made concerning the parents and he is entirely correct on that point. But the parents are also steeped in the culture in which they live so the generational short comings cascade through the years. Neither the schools nor any laws passed by man can fix this problem, the communities themselves have to fix them. Catering to, and providing excuses for, those communities does nothing to move towards a solution. I will submit that that is actually doing great harm. And that IS an area where the schools might be able to provide some element of change. Not by providing excuses, but by demanding exceptional effort. Bad behavior, by anyone at anytime, must be criticized, not excused.
I don’t suppose you can prove it’s not happening. Can’t understand why you’re so anti-American, being the full blown Marxist explains a lot. You have that elitist tinge.

I put my two daughters through college we always talked about their course selections, about what they’re being taught, always reviewed their syllabuses and discussed career paths.
Please do discuss what is so anti-American?

Those enslaved people kept themselves from freedom? They liked being beaten?

How about Native Americans? The just all decided to relocate countless times of their own free will?

Irish immigrants, escaping the potato famine, took jobs no one wanted to do and were punished for it, all their choice.

Asian Americans decided during WWII the best place for themselves was to go camping?

We have a history that is full of more of these stories and your answer seems to be don’t talk about it.

Living up to the ideals of the founders, who were far from perfect, is what makes America. However for folks like yourself who only see looking at the past mistakes as a present weakness, is more the reason why we keep having many of the issues we have.

So please keep yelling about how America isn’t about discrimination, or if it were it was a while ago. As long as you do, it’s clear we still have that and other issues to reconcile- but since basic facts escape your grasp, those discussions will bring no resolution since you are an unable observer. Not even an unwilling one, since that implies a base level ability to begin with.
Dude, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Your posts sound like a mess of advanced plaque entanglements. It sounds like you are trying to sound deep and philosophical, but instead it is just a confusion so thick you forget forgetting.
I'll bet that your college experience was a miserable one.

There are a lot of people out there that are hard to read.
Just wondering, what was the job and the career?

Don't worry about doxxing, you won't have to identify the company in order to explain this.
Labeling someone a Marxist would be a badge of honor in some circles, wouldn't it? Weingarten is most definitely a Socialist at the minimum. She has put herself out there as a champion of school reform while steadfastly blocking any creative attempts to reform the schools. She has also used the children as a shield to further the causes of her union. I don't fault her for trying to further the causes of her union, after all that is her fiduciary responsibility. What does irritate me is that she, and she's not alone in this, paints all benefits she gains for her constituents as "for the children." And that is a serious falsehood. Very little that any teachers union does is "for the children." I can only hope that one day the politicians, and most importantly the public, wake up to that fact.

Addressing the 500 lb. gorilla in the room, that being the serious problem with the black and latino community. It is no secret that they are doing poorly in the public school system, most especially the boys. The girls seem to muddle through and go on to become productive members of society saving they don't get tied up with the 'bad boys.' Given that there is no IQ difference between men and women of any given group this disparity can only be blamed on culture. A glaring example of this is the fact that Cuban-Americans have thrived in the US. They, like the Asians, are sticklers for education. They are also very much family oriented with low single parent family numbers (read that as out of wedlock children). Racially they are essentially Latins with a high degree of mixed race blood (African). They, also like the Asians, arrived here dirt poor. So having dispensed with the racial differences, and the financial differences, we are left to consider cultural differences. And this speaks of the reference that Comshaw made concerning the parents and he is entirely correct on that point. But the parents are also steeped in the culture in which they live so the generational short comings cascade through the years. Neither the schools nor any laws passed by man can fix this problem, the communities themselves have to fix them. Catering to, and providing excuses for, those communities does nothing to move towards a solution. I will submit that that is actually doing great harm. And that IS an area where the schools might be able to provide some element of change. Not by providing excuses, but by demanding exceptional effort. Bad behavior, by anyone at anytime, must be criticized, not excused.
Labeling someone a Marxist would be a badge of honor in some circles, wouldn't it? Weingarten is most definitely a Socialist at the minimum. She has put herself out there as a champion of school reform while steadfastly blocking any creative attempts to reform the schools. She has also used the children as a shield to further the causes of her union. I don't fault her for trying to further the causes of her union, after all that is her fiduciary responsibility. What does irritate me is that she, and she's not alone in this, paints all benefits she gains for her constituents as "for the children." And that is a serious falsehood. Very little that any teachers union does is "for the children." I can only hope that one day the politicians, and most importantly the public, wake up to that fact.

Addressing the 500 lb. gorilla in the room, that being the serious problem with the black and latino community. It is no secret that they are doing poorly in the public school system, most especially the boys. The girls seem to muddle through and go on to become productive members of society saving they don't get tied up with the 'bad boys.' Given that there is no IQ difference between men and women of any given group this disparity can only be blamed on culture. A glaring example of this is the fact that Cuban-Americans have thrived in the US. They, like the Asians, are sticklers for education. They are also very much family oriented with low single parent family numbers (read that as out of wedlock children). Racially they are essentially Latins with a high degree of mixed race blood (African). They, also like the Asians, arrived here dirt poor. So having dispensed with the racial differences, and the financial differences, we are left to consider cultural differences. And this speaks of the reference that Comshaw made concerning the parents and he is entirely correct on that point. But the parents are also steeped in the culture in which they live so the generational short comings cascade through the years. Neither the schools nor any laws passed by man can fix this problem, the communities themselves have to fix them. Catering to, and providing excuses for, those communities does nothing to move towards a solution. I will submit that that is actually doing great harm. And that IS an area where the schools might be able to provide some element of change. Not by providing excuses, but by demanding exceptional effort. Bad behavior, by anyone at anytime, must be criticized, not excused.
If all things are equal across all races then why do we need affirmative action? Why elevate opportunity for one race and restrict opportunity for others through reverse discrimination. That breeds racism. I was around when the Polish took quite a hit from society and were the butt end of many tasteless jokes, but they didn't riot in the streets, they put their nose to the grind and worked hard, they especially were too proud to take a hand out, same with people of asian descent.

74 and Laz would have you to believe that due to social constructs the african American is a victim and at a disadvantage. There was a time that that was true to a degree. There is factual evidence proving time and time again that the urban black community can be its own worst enemy. Somewhere during the 1950's something clicked, for some reason the degradation of the nuclear family started to take place in black communities, fatherless children went on the increase, child birth out of wedlock skyrocketed, abortion rates in the urban community accelerated past all other races, religious affiliations decreased, even the music changed. One thing that happens all too many times is violent social reactions leading to violence in the streets, the destruction of their own towns. WHY? Why would they turn on themselves. Bring back the nuclear family, bring fathers back into the family unit, and bring back family prayer. IMHO I believe the breakup of the family unit and the lack leadership and discipline that comes with having a dad has a proportional impact on child rearing and learning at a very young age. White elitist and black race bators have produced a culture of victimhood, a quicksand that has left urban communities with a sense of despair where they believe nothing they do will raise their stature to a point of equality, that only government intervention can save them. When convinced "that" to be their truth then it's easy to sell them the idea of affirmative action and the new ideology of equity, inclusion and reparations, that the white man is responsible for all that ails them, systemic racism shoved down their throats leads to more despair.

I'm not convinced that IQ plays as big a role as John would have you believe. I'm not convinced that DNA ( brain power ) is as big a differential as some people believe. If you compare two towns where one is the urban community fraught with a degenerative existence and compare it against rural community where fairly successful affluent black americans reside you could make an argument that environment plays a bigger role in a successful existence than DNA (belief in lower IQs )(school choice as an option to elevate from poverty). You could argue why doesn't this degradation happen to white or asian communities, IMHO it stems to strong cultural and religious beliefs. There is no doubt that racism exist but it's a multi headed monster and exist in all races,especially in the 60s and 70s and especial in the South but what's always missing in today's dialogue are the positives that have taken place over the years. Race bators like BLM, white elitist, the Al Sharptons of the world and even the congressional black caucus are quick to tears off the scabs of past sins and keep racism a primary point of contention continuously fanning the flames of victimhood. The intellectually dishonest rhetoric of the congressional black caucus during the Ferguson riots did more harm fanning the flames of racism.

Friends of mine that are AA go absolutely berserk with anger when they hear the bile from white elitist virtue signalling intellectuals that African Americans need special treatment and can't flourish on their own merits. 74 can't deal with facts, facts aren't racist, facts allow non biased intellectuals regardless of what persuasion to analyze and formulate a hypothesis and initiate change.

To eliminate accountability within the black community for their own actions and direct blame everywhere else leads to a weak culture. In white and asian communities if a person commits a crime there's a general acceptance of responsibility to charge, convict and punish that individual not riot in the streets. 5 black cops committed a despicable crime and now the reason for anger is perpetuated by agitators towards police in general. The five cops are incarcerated, perhaps on bail, awaiting trial through our justice system but because of a few agitators nation wide with a marxist agenda the white cop black victims has shifted to all cops are bad once again.

The African community isn't bad, it's the scum, lowlife virtue signaling race bators preying on less fortunate black american communities amplifying and channeling their lies to perpetuate racism. Al Sharpton and Patrisse Cullors are millionaires many time over and gained notoriety at the expense of the black community. They perpetuate the victimhood status by race bating, blame white men for all their misery.

For all you caped crusaders for African American causes I suggest you educate yourself, read the book:

"RED, WHITE and BLACK: Rescuing American History from Revisionist and Race Hustlers" by Robert L Woodson Sr. Being an black activist himself he sheds light on the inaccuracies and outright lies perpetuated by Jones and her version of black history and 1619 project.
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IQ is the single largest predictor of success in life, perseverance is the second. Further, at the median the IQ differences aren't all that huge, it's when you get out to the second and third standard deviation that the differences begin to seriously manifest themselves.

There's big money in victim hood and it's not restricted to race. While the evangelists for victim hood status preach how money and special status are the answer what they are really saying is that their constituency are incapable of making it through life on their own. A sad label to hang around anyone's neck.
Labeling someone a Marxist would be a badge of honor in some circles, wouldn't it? Weingarten is most definitely a Socialist at the minimum. She has put herself out there as a champion of school reform while steadfastly blocking any creative attempts to reform the schools. She has also used the children as a shield to further the causes of her union. I don't fault her for trying to further the causes of her union, after all that is her fiduciary responsibility. What does irritate me is that she, and she's not alone in this, paints all benefits she gains for her constituents as "for the children." And that is a serious falsehood. Very little that any teachers union does is "for the children." I can only hope that one day the politicians, and most importantly the public, wake up to that fact.

Addressing the 500 lb. gorilla in the room, that being the serious problem with the black and latino community. It is no secret that they are doing poorly in the public school system, most especially the boys. The girls seem to muddle through and go on to become productive members of society saving they don't get tied up with the 'bad boys.' Given that there is no IQ difference between men and women of any given group this disparity can only be blamed on culture. A glaring example of this is the fact that Cuban-Americans have thrived in the US. They, like the Asians, are sticklers for education. They are also very much family oriented with low single parent family numbers (read that as out of wedlock children). Racially they are essentially Latins with a high degree of mixed race blood (African). They, also like the Asians, arrived here dirt poor. So having dispensed with the racial differences, and the financial differences, we are left to consider cultural differences. And this speaks of the reference that Comshaw made concerning the parents and he is entirely correct on that point. But the parents are also steeped in the culture in which they live so the generational short comings cascade through the years. Neither the schools nor any laws passed by man can fix this problem, the communities themselves have to fix them. Catering to, and providing excuses for, those communities does nothing to move towards a solution. I will submit that that is actually doing great harm. And that IS an area where the schools might be able to provide some element of change. Not by providing excuses, but by demanding exceptional effort. Bad behavior, by anyone at anytime, must be criticized, not excused.
Aren't you afraid that your pointy hat will fall off during these long-winded good-for-nothing diatribes?
Aren't you afraid that your pointy hat will fall off during these long-winded good-for-nothing diatribes?
Clearly you are not afraid of looking hateful, petty and beyond stupid. Good for you. Let your true colors show.

I'll bet you're covered in little red rings where people keep touching you with a ten-foot pole.
Clearly you are not afraid of looking hateful, petty and beyond stupid. Good for you. Let your true colors show.

I'll bet you're covered in little red rings where people keep touching you with a ten-foot pole.
Who the fuck are you?
He quotes me, but doesn't answer my question.

My kid teaches in St Louis, high school. She is a total liberal, says her students are 90% black, and 90% illiterate........
My kid teaches in St Louis, high school. She is a total liberal, says her students are 90% black, and 90% illiterate........
That sounds about right for an inner city school. If you get the chance ask her how many blame someone else.
74 and Laz would have you to believe that due to social constructs the african American is a victim and at a disadvantage. There was a time that that was true to a degree.
Have a conversation with a black man or woman sometime. It's not about being a victim ...there are systemic discriminatory practices still in society that need to be addressed.
WRT funding. Some years ago I did a deep dive into the relationship of funding to SAT scores and found that there was actually an inverse relationship. The greater the per pupil per year funding, the lower the SAT scores. I will readily admit that there are some hidden components to this but in general the trend held. More recent research, not as deep shows that this trend still holds...

Re. the lowering of standards. I can think of no better example than the recent legislation in WA. state where the ability to pass the standardized test (regardless of how dumbed down that is) was eliminated from the requirement for graduation from High School. The openly stated reason for passage was that "black and latino students failed to pass the test in much higher numbers."

It is ridiculous to end a test that qualifies one to graduate from high school because black and Hispanic students fail more often than white and Oriental students. A high school degree should mean something to prospective employers.
Have a conversation with a black man or woman sometime. It's not about being a victim ...there are systemic discriminatory practices still in society that need to be addressed.
Affirmative action lowers standards for black.
It is ridiculous to end a test that qualifies one to graduate from high school because black and Hispanic students fail more often than white and Oriental students. A high school degree should mean something to prospective employers.
The SAT is not used by employers.
Have a conversation with a black man or woman sometime. It's not about being a victim ...there are systemic discriminatory practices still in society that need to be addressed.
How about they go fuck themselves?

"Victim of this, Victim of that.
Your momma's to thin and your daddy's to fat."

How does being a 'victim' of "White Supremacy" prevent them from being able to learn to speak, read, write, and do general math properly?

"It doesn't" is the only appropriate answer.