The State of American Education.

Not sure why you keep trying to change the definition of racism. Its in the dictionary and has been provided multiple times to you.
Whenever you post your definition of racism I am able to show how it does not refer to me, not that I really care. When we have the dialogue on race President Clinton called for we need to talk about racial differences in average intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy, and how countries dominated by whites and Orientals differ from countries dominated by Negroes.
Whenever you post your definition of racism I am able to show how it does not refer to me, not that I really care. When we have the dialogue on race President Clinton called for we need to talk about racial differences in average intelligence, crime, and illegitimacy, and how countries dominated by whites and Orientals differ from countries dominated by Negroes.
It isn't my definition. And it absolutely refers to you.

You don't want dialogue, you want validation and agreement.
It isn't my definition. And it absolutely refers to you.

You don't want dialogue, you want validation and agreement.
Cambridge Dictionary

Racism: policies, behaviors, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race

This sounds like a definition of affirmative action. It gives unfair advantages to Negroes, and promotes harmful treatment of whites and Orientals based on race.


Racist: someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races and who does or says unfair or harmful things as a result

I readily, and almost enthusiastically acknowledge the racial superiority of Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals to what I am racially, which is a white Gentile of European ancestry.

Cambridge Dictionary

Racism: policies, behaviors, rules, etc. that result in a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race

This sounds like a definition of affirmative action. It gives unfair advantages to Negroes, and promotes harmful treatment of whites and Orientals based on race.


Racist: someone who believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races and who does or says unfair or harmful things as a result

I readily, and almost enthusiastically acknowledge the racial superiority of Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals to what I am racially, which is a white Gentile of European ancestry.

I provided the oxford definition. It's simple and more succinct.

Keep whining about being a racist. It doesn't change a damn thing.
I provided the oxford definition. It's simple and more succinct.

Keep whining about being a racist. It doesn't change a damn thing.

Oxford Dictionary on Racism​

racism /ˈreɪsɪz(ə)m / ▸ noun [mass noun] prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized


I do not believe that anyone should be discriminated against on the basis of race. That is why I am opposed to affirmative action.
I find JE’s contributions of ignorance and prejudice a befitting accompaniment to a thread about the state of American education.

His spurious ‘superior race’ arguments can of course be dismissed as nonsense by many, but they do speak to the uncomfortable fact that, even in today’s enlightened times, plenty of folks still believe those type of distinctions and fuel their hate and discrimination with it.
I find JE’s contributions of ignorance and prejudice a befitting accompaniment to a thread about the state of American education.

His spurious ‘superior race’ arguments can of course be dismissed as nonsense by many, but they do speak to the uncomfortable fact that, even in today’s enlightened times, plenty of folks still believe those type of distinctions and fuel their hate and discrimination with it.
Emerson40, the implication of your comment is that in order to avoid racial hate one needs to disbelieve facts about average racial difference that are easy to prove, and obvious to anyone who has had extensive experience with Orientals, whites, Hispanics, and Negroes.
Emerson40, the implication of your comment is that in order to avoid racial hate one needs to disbelieve facts about average racial difference that are easy to prove, and obvious to anyone who has had extensive experience with Orientals, whites, Hispanics, and Negroes.

There are plenty folks out there who will confront your ignorance with knowledge and complete, factual information. Others who will tolerate your obvious racism and bigotry.

I am neither of these. I don’t have the patience to walk you through a forest when you refuse to see the trees, nor do I feel my time is best used for rational discussion with someone who is not rational, or interested in a discussion, but instead only wants to promote intolerance and have others validate their racist nonsense.

Your posts and thoughts - even those you ridiculously claim as facts - reveal far more about you, than the people you attempt to prejudice with your hateful ramblings.
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If slavery is taught it should also be taught that blacks were not enslaved by whites. They were enslaved by other blacks and sold to whites.

The French Encyclopedia was published in France before the French Revolution. Diderot, d'Alembert, Voltaire, and others contributed essays to it.

The essay entitled "Negroes" was written by a man named Le Romain. Le Romain was opposed to slavery, and described it as "this loathsome commerce, which is contrary to national law."

He also wrote:

[Some Negroes] "are prisoners taken during wars or in the course of the raid with no other object than to get slaves whom they bring back with them: the young, the old, the women, girls even with babies at their mothers' breasts.

"There are Negroes who ambush each other while the European vessels are lying at anchor, and they bring those whom they have captured to the vessels to sell them and have them loaded on board against their wills. Thus one sees sons selling their fathers, fathers their children. Still more frequently one sees Negroes who are not linked by family ties put a price of a few bottles [of liquor] or bars of iron on each other's freedom."

This is quoted from page 261 of my translation of the Encyclopedia, published by The Library of Liberal Arts.

Until modern medicine was invented after the end of the White and American slave trade, African diseases prevented whites from entering the interior of Africa.

Slavery was commonplace among Negroes in sub Saharan Africa. Black slaves were sometimes the victims of cannibalism or human sacrifices.

I have read, although I no longer have the book, that Negro slaves in the United States usually lived longer and grew taller than free Negroes in sub Saharan Africa. This indicates better health.

I am not in any way justifying the slave trade. I think the worse mistake European settlers made in the Americas was to bring Negroes here as slaves.

If black history is taught in K-12 schools it should also be taught that blacks have lower average intelligence than whites, and higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. It must be taught that black rates of crime and illegitimacy rose after 1963, when the civil rights legislation was signed, and the War on Poverty was declared.
I learned about slavery as a child and I was never in doubt that the slaves mostly originated as prisoners of other African tribes, captured either as prisoners of tribal warfare or from inter-tribal raids (much the same thing really).

The way right-wingers continually repeat this as a newly discovered revelation seems to indicate the poor quality of their own education (as loved by TFG).
There are plenty folks out there who will confront your ignorance with knowledge and complete, factual information. Others who will tolerate your obvious racism and bigotry.

I am neither of these. I don’t have the patience to walk you through a forest when you refuse to see the trees, nor do I feel my time is best used for rational discussion with someone who is not rational, or interested in a discussion, but instead only wants to promote intolerance and have others validate their racist nonsense.

Your posts and thoughts - even those you ridiculously claim as facts - reveal far more about you, than the people you attempt to prejudice with your hateful ramblings.
If I am ignorant, what don't I know that if I learned would change my mind? How are my claims invalid? You are promoting intolerance, not me. You dislike the facts I post, you cannot disprove my assertions, so you condemn me morally. There is nothing immoral about telling the truth.
I learned about slavery as a child and I was never in doubt that the slaves mostly originated as prisoners of other African tribes, captured either as prisoners of tribal warfare or from inter-tribal raids (much the same thing really).

The way right-wingers continually repeat this as a newly discovered revelation seems to indicate the poor quality of their own education (as loved by TFG).
I am not a right winger. I always vote a straight Democrat ticket in general elections. In the 2016 primary I voted for Bernie Sanders. Then I voted for Hillary Clinton in the general election. I have always liked the Clinton's.

Nevertheless, I am deeply committed to knowing and telling the truth. For too long it has been fashionable to lie about inherent racial differences.

After the Second World War revelations about the Holocaust discredited race realism, without disproving it. The Nazis did not try to exterminate the Jews believing that they were inferior, but knowing that most of them are superior.
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OK, Big Guy. Show me areas other than athletics, where Negroes tend to be superior to whites.

I am often accused of "cherry picking" as though the data I post about racial differences in average intelligence, as well as rates of crime and illegitimacy are somehow irrelevant.

Oxford Dictionary on Racism​


I do not believe that anyone should be discriminated against on the basis of race. That is why I am opposed to affirmative action.
I lost the job of my dreams (a career start) to affirmative action, scored 30 points higher but lost it to two black men who were both terminated within 2 years. Their only qualification was being a minority.
Just wondering, what was the job and the career?

Don't worry about doxxing, you won't have to identify the company in order to explain this.
There are plenty folks out there who will confront your ignorance with knowledge and complete, factual information. Others who will tolerate your obvious racism and bigotry.

I am neither of these. I don’t have the patience to walk you through a forest when you refuse to see the trees, nor do I feel my time is best used for rational discussion with someone who is not rational, or interested in a discussion, but instead only wants to promote intolerance and have others validate their racist nonsense.

Your posts and thoughts - even those you ridiculously claim as facts - reveal far more about you, than the people you attempt to prejudice with your hateful ramblings.


For the length of my tenure at Lit, there's been a hearty barrel full of motherfuckers exactly like Engleman's shitty dogwhistle cipher just farting out the same tripe for the same reason...and I remember them all.

Life's happened to the majority of them and they don't yap anymore, but some of 'em keep popping back up from time to time out of boredom.

when Engy goes poof (and he will, like clockwork), there'll be another one to step in his empty bowling shoes. You doing the Lord's work, I no longer have time to fuck around with these shitstains no more. 🤷‍♂️
Oddly enough I tend to agree with much said this post................with caveats.

WRT funding. Some years ago I did a deep dive into the relationship of funding to SAT scores and found that there was actually an inverse relationship. The greater the per pupil per year funding, the lower the SAT scores. I will readily admit that there are some hidden components to this but in general the trend held. More recent research, not as deep shows that this trend still holds.

Another aspect is that my research showed that the same inverse relationship held for school district size. Now, there is a relationship between district size and funding and classroom size as well. The bigger the district the greater the per student funding and the larger the average classroom size. It should come as no surprise that the larger districts were colocated with large cities. This is a result of the district consolidation that took place after the creation of the Dept. of Education. The working theory behind that consolidation was that the schools would have a bigger chunk of change to work with, and that is true. The downstream effect was that those districts became extraordinarily top heavy with administration and administrative salaries. So although the districts showed more money available on a per student basis, when administrative overhead was deducted there was LESS money available on a per student basis. And that, in part, speaks to the inverse relationship I found in my research stated in my second paragraph.

Even within those large districts monies are not allocated equally among the various schools with those schools located in poorer portions of those districts receiving even less money per student. The tenure system starts to show itself here as well with the less qualified teachers, teachers that should really be let go, being assigned to those schools as well. The making of the perfect educational storm. Less money and poorer quality teachers assigned to those schools that would actually show that the exact opposite is required.

Re. the lowering of standards. I can think of no better example than the recent legislation in WA. state where the ability to pass the standardized test (regardless of how dumbed down that is) was eliminated from the requirement for graduation from High School. The openly stated reason for passage was that "black and latino students failed to pass the test in much higher numbers." Given that those minorities are clustered in the larger cities with the consolidated districts and live in the poorer areas subject to the phenomena that I spoke of in the preceding paragraph is it any wonder?

Then there is the curricula. More and more the schools, especially in those consolidated districts, are teaching material catering to those minorities. The original thought behind this was to bolster their "self-esteem." The result was to teach them that they were "victims." That they were not responsible for, or in control of, their lot in life, it was all someone else's fault. I submit to you that you can not on the one hand tell someone they aren't responsible and then turn around on the other hand and hold them responsible. Self-esteem comes from surmounting the hurdles placed before the individual in life, NOT from providing them a ready excuse for failure.
If you’ve done this “deep dive” you would have posted the methods and data you’ve found so others could review it.
You also seem unfamiliar with the 10th Amendment.
When did I claim to not be a racist?

You're kidding, right?

What have I said about the Negro race that is not true?
Nice dodge there. But you always claim not to be a racist on the grounds that "what [you] have said about the Negro race" is true. Here, you claim to have never said that, and when I called you on it, you say exactly the same thing you have always said in defense of your claim not to be a racist. Even you can't keep track of your bullshit anymore.

I learned about slavery as a child and I was never in doubt that the slaves mostly originated as prisoners of other African tribes, captured either as prisoners of tribal warfare or from inter-tribal raids (much the same thing really).

The way right-wingers continually repeat this as a newly discovered revelation seems to indicate the poor quality of their own education (as loved by TFG).
I still can't get over "A a lot of people don't know Lincoln was a Republican." He said that at least twice after winning the presidential nomination of the party that calls itself "the party of Lincoln"! But yes, the entire party that wants to whitewash history seems to be remarkably ignorant of it in the first place. Which says a lot, doesn't it?
unions exist to protect workers from unscrupulous or corrupt employers
what then does that say about government as an employer that its workers need protection

when a public sector union bargains it bargains as a part of government with government
the people have no say
they are only there to fund government
then government demands the fealty of their children and diminishes the role of the parent as counter productive to the whims of the government unions and the equally useless and politically motivated department of education whose sole role is to enforce a governmental uniformity upon its newly won wards

the moment a child survives abortion ti becomes property of the state
a slave
a matrix copper top

this controlling mentality has even sunk in to the school board level where parents are deemed the equivalent of domestic terrorists if they dare question the goals of a government education which is under the government bureaucracy an indoctrination worthy of any communist socialist fascist nazi top down majesty of control

one rule for the rulers
another for the ruled
the tell of the properly indoctrinated government tool or should we say product or commodity is not the defense of the government per se

it is the proclivity to use the label racist to diminish free speech he or she or insert gender identification here does not wish to hear or witness because it counters their government education

the tell of the mendacity of government education is its plasticity of terminology when it comes to definition and thusly words like racism and science are constantly moving targets like a buffalo herd upon the prairie

it would be intellectually prudent to remember that the weapon word democracy is on that list and a moving target

therefore a true democrat can at once hate that charter of negative liberties known as the constitution while at the same time employing it as a weapon against those lacking a proper indoctrinating education

thus by way of example we can challenge another on their lack of understanding of the tenth amendment to their face while gnashing our teeth in frustrated anger that our high court would turn the holy sacrament of abortion back over to the states behind their back
Dude, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Your posts sound like a mess of advanced plaque entanglements. It sounds like you are trying to sound deep and philosophical, but instead it is just a confusion so thick you forget forgetting.