The State of American Education.

How about they go fuck themselves?

"Victim of this, Victim of that.
Your momma's to thin and your daddy's to fat."

How does being a 'victim' of "White Supremacy" prevent them from being able to learn to speak, read, write, and do general math properly?

"It doesn't" is the only appropriate answer.
How bout you go fuck yourself?
Calling someone a "Marxist" has the same inhibiting effect on an intelligent debate as calling someone a "racist." There are hardly any Marxists in the United States. There are people whose thinking has been influenced by the writings of Karl Marx, but that is different.

One should read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. Marx had two valid insights. He was mistaken about everything else. He did not advocate the totalitarian methods used in his name during the twentieth century. He did inspire them, so he is not completely innocent. During the twentieth century millions of people were not killed in the name of John Stuart Mill.

So, let's be done with name calling and insults. They are favored by those without intelligence and learning.
Go to the CPUSA website and search her name and see how she is regarded by them.
Go to the CPUSA website and search her name and see how she is regarded by them.
I have known and liked members of the American Communist Party. We disagreed on many issues, but they were able to disagree without being disagreeable, quite unlike the anti racists who harass me here.

The American Communist Party consists of several thousand members. It has never been a factor in American Politics, not even during the Great Depression.
Your momma's to thin and your daddy's to fat."

How does being a 'victim' of "White Supremacy" prevent them from being able to learn to...write...properly?


The State of American Education, ladies and germs. 🤷‍♂️
How about they go fuck themselves?

"Victim of this, Victim of that.
Your momma's to thin and your daddy's to fat."

How does being a 'victim' of "White Supremacy" prevent them from being able to learn to speak, read, write, and do general math properly?

"It doesn't" is the only appropriate answer.

Probably in a completely different way than your bigotry and racism prevents you from reading and writing.

The fact that you’re not interested in speaking to them, angrily spout racial stereotypes like some bigoted hick, and have no desire to even try and understand the issues, confirms - not that anyone who’s been here longer than 5 minutes needs the confirmation - your overt racism.

There is nothing subtle about your prejudice and racial hatred Ishmael. In fact you are a big part of the problem, the ‘white supremacy’ problem. You’re a shit human being.
"Studies" classes are virtually useless as life's tools. Essentially they are indoctrination classes configured to confer an easy grade for those stupid enough to take them. The only purpose they serve is to separate the student from their money and recruit followers into what by any other name can only be referred to as a "lynch mob." A mob designed to extort concessions, usually financial, from those that had nothing to do with any historical wrongs, real or imagined. They will not in any way contribute to your advancement in life, nor will they save you any of the heartache and pain that you're going to suffer.

History is replete with examples of one group visiting wrongs on another. If you dig back into your own families history far enough you'll find that some ancestor was a serf, a slave, and/or the victim of some wrong visited on them unfairly. That is the story of the human race. Tribal societies are among the worst of all and a regression into tribalism is the worst possible outcome. And that is exactly what the "studies" classes are fostering whether intended or not. Yet in spite of that history more and more Universities are instituting "studies" classes causing one to ask "why?" The only answer I can come up with is "cash flow."
Probably in a completely different way than your bigotry and racism prevents you from reading and writing.

The fact that you’re not interested in speaking to them, angrily spout racial stereotypes like some bigoted hick, and have no desire to even try and understand the issues, confirms - not that anyone who’s been here longer than 5 minutes needs the confirmation - your overt racism.

There is nothing subtle about your prejudice and racial hatred Ishmael. In fact you are a big part of the problem, the ‘white supremacy’ problem. You’re a shit human being.
And you know this how? Hmmm? You don't know who my circle of friends are, their race, creed, or place of origin. Yet you speak as if you do. Which is typical of individuals that in reality don't know shit but think they do.

The fact is that my statement that you quoted refers to ANYONE that wallows in victim hood and blames others for their lot in life regardless of race, creed, or place of origin. Any sympathy I have for them can be found in the dictionary between 'shit' and 'syphilis'. If they are doing everything in their power to advance themselves then I will do anything in my power to help them. It really is just that simple.
And what, exactly, are we to take away from that drivel? That anything anyone who has enjoyed any modicum of success has to say is to dismissed out of hand? Should we then take to heart the obverse of that notion, that only the down and out whiner's are to be listened to? Learning from failure, your own or others, is a good thing. Focusing on, and identifying with, failure isn't going to get anyone very far in life.
AFQT. Armed Forces Qualification Test. By any other name an IQ test administered to prospective candidates under US law.
So if someone got drafted they could score poorly on the test and the military wouldn’t employ them?
And what, exactly, are we to take away from that drivel? That anything anyone who has enjoyed any modicum of success has to say is to dismissed out of hand?
No one said that.
Should we then take to heart the obverse of that notion, that only the down and out whiner's are to be listened to?
No, but we should consider the reasons why they're down and out, and keep in mind that they may include forces beyond their control. Nothing wrong with expecting Blacks, women, GLBTs or any other historically oppressed group to take responsibility for their own actions, but we also ought to consider our own privilege and the fact that not everyone has it.
Learning from failure, your own or others, is a good thing. Focusing on, and identifying with, failure isn't going to get anyone very far in life.
True but irrelevant.
So if someone got drafted they could score poorly on the test and the military wouldn’t employ them?
That is, and was, correct. The law allows for waivers and those waivers were granted during Vietnam with disastrous results. Read the book "McNamara's Folly." The current Sec. of Defense has applied for such a waiver.

The current threshold is approx. an IQ of 83.
No one said that.

No, but we should consider the reasons why they're down and out, and keep in mind that they may include forces beyond their control. Nothing wrong with expecting Blacks, women, GLBTs or any other historically oppressed group to take responsibility for their own actions, but we also ought to consider our own privilege and the fact that not everyone has it.

True but irrelevant.
In your estimation of course.
That is, and was, correct. The law allows for waivers and those waivers were granted during Vietnam with disastrous results. Read the book "McNamara's Folly." The current Sec. of Defense has applied for such a waiver.

The current threshold is approx. an IQ of 83.
The test doesn’t measure IQ.
The IQ level of 83 was set so that many Republicans could avoid the draft without having to pay for a doctor to invent 'bone spurs'.
My kid teaches in St Louis, high school. She is a total liberal, says her students are 90% black, and 90% illiterate........
public education is white oppression replacing African culture
you have to fight the powers that be and rail against the man
you need teachers that look like you and a curriculum centered around your culture not the culture of white europe
study Egypt not rome

segregation was fought for by whiteys rules and now its time to resegregate
then true measures of literacy can be established with the reemergence of oral traditions
Have a conversation with a black man or woman sometime. It's not about being a victim ...there are systemic discriminatory practices still in society that need to be addressed.
IQ is the single largest predictor of success in life, perseverance is the second. Further, at the median the IQ differences aren't all that huge, it's when you get out to the second and third standard deviation that the differences begin to seriously manifest themselves.

There's big money in victim hood and it's not restricted to race. While the evangelists for victim hood status preach how money and special status are the answer what they are really saying is that their constituency are incapable of making it through life on their own. A sad label to hang around anyone's neck.
Perhaps you should reserve a couple of pages to explain what a standard deviation actually is? :D