The Wallflower and The Star Athlete (closed for Poprockz)

She jumped at his voice, blushing slightly as he approached in only a towel. What a handsome guy... Olivia moved up to kiss him back before she said, "good morning. Are you... going to train soon? I realized I don't really know your schedule."
‘Not this morning. It’s one of my few free mornings all week’. He grabbed some clothes, unsure whether to change there in front of her or in the bathroom. Well he was practically naked now and they had been intimate the night before. He dropped the towel and started getting dressed.
Oh shit. There was his dick, right there in the open. She hadn't actually seen it yet, seeing as she had jerked him off in his pants yesterday, but looking at it now she had to admit that it was a very nice dick. Not that she had seen a lot of them, but she assumed that his was handsome, as that was the feeling she got when she looked at it. Speaking of which, she found she was staring.

Quickly looking away in embarrassment, she started putting on her socks and shoes. "Oh, okay. Well I usually get back at about two and then I work, but I got the next couple days off."
Adrian smiled at her as she talked, standing up tall once dressed.

‘I have classes for the morning, and then training and tactics discussion with my coach in the afternoon. I’ll be back by 5. You have your key, so please come and go as you need’.
"Sounds good." Now that her shoes were all done, she popped into the bathroom to use it and wash her hands before coming back to wish him farewell.

"I'll see you later," she said as she headed out with her backpack. She had a bright smile on her face under her mask as she went to her two classes, though she heard a strange rumor that Adrian and Lexi were dating. That was a bit odd, considering that she was the one actually dating him. Apparently, someone had heard that Adrian took a young, pretty girl out to dinner the other day, and people had become enamored with whispering and trying to figure out who it was. Naturally, most assumed that it was Lexi.
‘See you later’, smiling as he watched her leave.
He left soon after, heading to his first class of the day. He also heard the same idle talk, almost having to suppress a laugh at the notion of dating Lexi. Which got him thinking about Olivia, and then he really smiled. Between classes, his mind was on her. But in class and at training, he has developed the skill of turning his mind quiet to focus on what he needed to.
When she was done with classes, she headed back to the apartment. It was weird having so much free time- she wasn't quite sure what to do with it. So, she decided that it might be nice to cook dinner for the two of them. She had ordered groceries the day before, so she had everything she needed.

Olivia set to work making some chicken tikka masala, wanting to show off her cooking skills. It took a while, but soon the apartment had the mouth-watering scent of Indian cuisine on the air. Her rice was fluffy and filling, while the naan was warming up in the oven. She wasn't quite sure if he would like it. If he didn't she supposed there was always more for herself.
Finally done with his coach, Adrian headed back to the apartment. As soon as he opened the door, the delicious smells hit his nostrils. He walked to the kitchen to find Olivia over a pot.

‘What is all this?’
She smiled brightly at him and excitedly said, “I’m making us dinner, so I hope you’re hungry.” Olivia started dishing them both up some rice and masala, putting the naan on the side. While is apartment had a kitchen, it didn’t have a living or dining room, so their table was just two chairs on the other side of a counter connected to the kitchen.

She set the two plates there and gestured at the other chair as she sat down. “Please try it! If you don’t like it, I’ll just eat it all myself, don’t worry.”
Adrian smiled, genuinely touched by her gesture. He sat down without a word, breathing in the delicious smell once again. He was starving, especially after his afternoon’s training session. He picked up his fork and took a healthy bite. His eyes flew open.

‘Oh my god, that is amazing!’

He kept eating, not saying another word until he was finished.

‘OK I guess you can keep staying’, a cheeky look on his face as he met her eyes. ‘Seriously, that is the best tikka masala I have ever had. Plus you are the first person ever to cook for me, besides my mom’.
“If there’s one thing I’m confident in- it’s cooking,” she replied, beaming. It pleased her to no end that he was enjoying what she had cooked for him.

“I’m really glad you like it, though I have to say I’m surprise no on ever tried to win you over by cooking or baking you things.” There was a pause before, “not that I’m trying to win you over or anything, I just wanted to do something nice since you’ve been such a rock for me lately.”
Adrian smiled, finding that her nervousness poking its head out occasionally very cute. He played into it.

'If you can cook like that, you'd have my heart in your hand', wanting her to know this was not just a casual thing for him. He wanted to know her intimately, but at a pace she was comfortable with.
She chuckled, “are you sure about that? Word on the street is that you took a woman out to dinner secretly, and that it turns out it was Lexi all along! Now the two of you are dating.” Olivia said it in a teasing tone, letting him know that she didn’t believe that rumor for a second.
Adrian let out a laugh, almost speechless.
'I heard that "fact" too - I mean, if the rumour mill says it, then it must be true'.

He gave her a look, smiling,'Well one thing was true - I did take a woman to dinner secretly, and it is turning out to be one of the best decisions I have made lately'.
She took a bite of her own food and swallowed before shrugging. Damn that was some good Indian food- she really outdid herself this time. Maybe it was because she was making it for someone she wanted to impress.

His comment, while it did give her the warm-fuzzies, it also poked at the part of her that feared disappointing others. As almost a knee-jerk reaction she raised her eyebrow and replied, "careful, don't get your hopes too high- you might regret getting into it with me when we end up going public."
Her words did hurt a little, like she was questioning his genuine intentions. But something told him this stemmed from the deep hurt she has experienced from her parents. Perhaps he needed action to show her how much he wanted this to go well. He would need to think how to best do that.

‘So how was your day, apart from hearing ridiculous rumours?’
"It was good," she beamed. "I aced both of the quizzes in my class today, so I'm feeling pretty good. How was yours?" Another bite of her dinner was taken as she waited to hear if anything interesting had happened on his side.
'It was good. None quizzes for me today thankfully, but coach and I had an interesting discussion on the upcoming nationals'.

He didn't go any further on that, as he knew it didn't interest her. He picked up a piece of naan bread to mop up the remaining sauce in his bowl.
“Nice,” she smiled and asked, “what did you guys chat about?” While she herself didn’t care much for sports, she knew it was important to him, so she wanted to make an effort in taking part, at least in supporting him.
Her question surprised him, but he smiled. Maybe she was just being polite, or maybe this was her way of telling him she cared about him.

'Well, each race is different. Tactics depend on the quality of the opponent. There are usually three races at each meet, until you reach the final. It can be pretty tiring physically and mentally to go through so many rounds in two days. Since this will be my first time at Nationals and the calibre of opponent will be higher, Coach wanted to ensure I maximise my performance at each round, while still holding back enough in reserve for later rounds'.
She nodded, eating as he explained. “That makes sense. If I had to run at my best several times in one day, my last race might not be as good as my first,” she mused. “How do you avoid that then?”
'Well most of it comes down to the training we did last winter, all the endurance work on cold nights', smiling as he reminisced about his least favourite part of training.
'But it is also recognising in the moment of each race when I can ease off a little. It's a tactic I am somewhat familiar with as I have used it as Collegiate Nationals a few times, but the quality of opponent is a bit lower at that meet'.

He look at her with a smile,'You know you are the first person, outside the sport, to ask me about what I think. Everyone seems to be an armchair expert these days. So thank you'.
"Hm," she nodded as he spoke. That was interesting. She had assumed that in races the athlete would be going full-throttle the whole time in an effort to come out on top. Though it mades sense to reserve one's energy for the last burst to try to beat-out the others.

Olivia grinned, "Oh, I couldn't pretend to be an expert even if I wanted to- I know nothing about track, so you're welcome I suppose."
Adrian pondered his next thought.
'You should come to one of our training sessions. They happen over at the college stadium, and they are open. You could just sit in the stands and observe. Loads of people turn up each time'.

Mopping up the last of his sauce with another piece of naan bread, he ate it with a satifised sigh.
'So what's your life plan? Gonna be the next Zuckerberg or Bill Gates?'
She put her fork down and wiped her mouth with a napkin. It meant a lot to her that he was inviting her to a training session, even if it was one of those things free to the public. Maybe she would go to see what things were like for him. Besides, she imagined he would look positively entrancing as he ran- a true master at his craft.

“Haha, nah. I might just end up helping with video game software or something. I just want something that makes money and keeps me occupied. The more money the better- you never know when the shit storm cometh.”