Things that made you smile today ~ 2013

Adele. Jimmy Fallon. Classroom instruments. Hilariously brilliant way to start the day. :D



People signing up for the Christmas challenge! Yay!

Knowing I've 'won' and that the end is in sight for my story. :eek:
What she said on another thread. So much more eloquent than I ever could be. :rose:
Thank you. :eek::)

I er, forgot to leave my stompy boots at the door after visiting my virtual home from home this morning, and it's less sexist but more rough and tumble over there! :D
Getting my flower girl's dress ordered. Getting my wedding dress ordered.

Making it just in time for the Christmas challenge.
My snoring puppy
Being back home
Leaving the significant others parents place who kept calling me his ex's name
Baking gingerbread cookies and drinking glögi

Editing photos and getting awesome feedback from them too

A little writing

Candles and fairylights

Lots of smiles today, I've been lucky :eek:
Snagging two generaous samples of serrano ham from the deli counter on my way past.

The frail elderly woman in front of me in the queue commenting (after one person helped with her shopping basket, somebody else had checked if she was okay, and somebody else passed her something) that there are still plenty of good people in the world.

And he did.
Watching the sunset over the Sydney Harbor Bridge
Playing tea party with my niece
Having my baby nephew fall asleep on my legs
The mercury finally dropping below -20C. Now it feels like winter.

Being home.

Declarations instead of resolutions.

My shiny new notebook. Something intensely magical about all those blank pages ready to be written on....