Things that piss you off?

wicked2bme said:
We as mothers to teenage daughters are just soooo stupid. I mean like we know nothing, We havent been there
Seen it or done it...nor do we understand anything !!!

O and God/dess forbid you try and give them a compliment without them taking it the wrong damn way.

Damn...I feel like I'm talking to a fucking wall here!
My oldest is getting ready to turn 11 and she's already acting like this. It's not going to get any better for a while, is it?
Well lets put it this way, my daughter will be 20yrs old this coming St.Patricks....does that answer your question(LAO)...Good Luck hon!

The BAD thing is once we get old our darling kids will end up treating us like we're kid !!!

The GOOD thing about that is we get the chance to remind them that paybacks a bitch-literally !
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wicked2bme said:
Well lets put it this way, my daughter will be 20yrs old this coming St.Patricks....does that answer your question(LAO)...Good Luck hon!

The sad thing is once they do get older say mid 25-30...then they still know it all!
LMAO! And I have three younger ones, too! :eek:

One of my husband's buddies once asked, "Man, what are you gonna do when you have five women PMS-ing at once?"

My husband said, "I guess I'll be playing a lot of golf." :D
LMAO! And I have three younger ones, too! :eek:

One of my husband's buddies once asked, "Man, what are you gonna do when you have five women PMS-ing at once?"

My husband said, "I guess I'll be playing a lot of golf." :D

5...omyhell,Lol. Dear God/Dess I'd hate to see the weddings about going bankrupt.
Well just keep reminding them that when you get old and they have to care of you that paybacks a bitch- literally !
Executives aren't allowed to lower themselves to speaking with hands-on workers because it would damage their better-than-thou images. Also, isn't a bit strange that those higher ups who were unable to avoid the disaster they got their companies into are capable of lifting them out of those messes.

So very true.
I'm in Korea...

Being asked if I am a Russian girl (prostitute)...yet again, by a drunken older Korean man on my walk home from work at 10:30pm:mad:
What do they say....You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family.

Well I just have, told the whole bloody lot of them to go to hell...

Packed up my family & left the province with no forwarding address.

Enough is enough???

Back to the thread - Things that piss me off...

Family that only know you when they need/want something, and expect you to drop EVERYTHING and come running like a puppy when they snap their fingers...

Their (however minor) "crisis" MUST take preference over anything you are busy with.
Christians. Well, not all Christians, obviously, but definitely "Christians" like the one I had an exchange with on another site.

Here's my initial post:
I'm finished buying for my husband and daughters, but I still have to get a few things for my parents and my brother and his fiancée. It's tough to buy for my dad because, unfortunately, he hates everything and everybody, but I do have a few ideas.
A woman quotes me and replies:
Wow. I simply don't understand why you would give a present to someone like this.... and I'm a Christian. I don't want to start a fight. I simply don't get it. Gifts should NEVER be compulsory. If I knew anyone that was not a good person, you can be sure they would not be receiving a gift from me, whether or not it was my parent.
My response?
When my dad was a child, he literally got a switch and a lump of coal one Christmas, while all of his siblings got actual gifts.

He's a product of his upbringing, he's an angry, lonely man, and I don't see him any more than necessary, but he's my dad and I love him and I do have some positive memories of him. And I think if he's going to be at my house on Christmas morning that he should have at least one present to open like the rest of us do. And I'm not a Christian. Go figure. :)
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I'm sure I'll get over it, and I'll tolerate the white lies, but I would much rather the truth than you trying to bullshit me, that just doubles the anger.
We as mothers to teenage daughters are just soooo stupid. I mean like we know nothing, We havent been there
Seen it or done it...nor do we understand anything !!!

O and God/dess forbid you try and give them a compliment without them taking it the wrong damn way.

Damn...I feel like I'm talking to a fucking wall here!

Oh, hun, I feel your pain. My daughter will be 13 in April and is emo, so I feel like I'm treading on eggshells 24 hours a day. I love her more than anything, but she is SUCH a drama queen!

And my personal 'boils my piss' thing is when I say I am tired (which I am, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year!) someone says 'Oh, I know the feeling' :mad:

Do you, do you really? Do you have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome? No? Then do not EVER presume to think that you are as tired as me, unless you have been up for 3 days straight.

just F*ck off!

/end rant! :D
Here's an exchange I had on another site today. I'm not sure if the attitude of Girl #3 makes me sad or just pisses me off. I should have stayed out of the discussion in the first place because this is a topic I can't be objective about.
woman #1 said:
i have a jealous husband that doesn't want me to have any contact with the opposite sex in any fashion. nor does he want me to hang out with any one besides him, reguardless of the sex. definitely frustrating and not fun.
woman #2 said:
Thats a huge red flag :( Doesn't like you to hang out with anyone in general?
Me said:
Exactly what I was thinking. If that relationship isn't physically and/or mentally abusive yet, it will be.

My dad isolated my mom from friends and family for years, yet he still beat the crap out of her for her supposed "indiscretions." Because of what I witnessed, I decided early on that any type of jealousy/possessiveness would be a deal-breaker for me.

Those of you who put up with crap like that in the name of love deserve better. You really do.
woman #3 said:
It's better than him not caring at all

just sayin'
Me said:
If a woman "needs" a man to feel complete, then, sure, a lousy man is better than no man at all.

I'd like to think that there's some sort of middle ground between smothering and not caring. I don't have friends on this site because I haven't made an effort to interact that much with other people, but my husband wouldn't have a problem with my having male friends. But he trusts me, and he's not an insecure little boy who thinks I'm his property. If caring means controlling my every move and telling me who I can and can't be friends with both online and IRL, then that's a kind of "caring" I can do without.

And now I'm out of this thread. As the second paragraph of my previous post might have indicated, this is a sore subject for me, and I never should have responded to begin with.

Good luck, ladies. :)
Woman # 3 is an idiot. I can see why you opted out of the thread. She obviously has no clue about abuse and abusive behavior. And adding the cutesy I'm just sayin at the end of her post would make me ---> :mad:
Queque jumpers bug the hell out of me. It is the height of rudeness.
double packaging

who needs to have toothpaste in a carton in a tube ??

and what is with the inside sticky thing inside the plastic anti tamper lid ??

Manipulators and hypocrits. I would seriously be able to name many people like that they I could kill and not feel guilty about. Fortunately, I'm a logical guy and the end result wouldn't be beneficial to me or anyone else, so I control myself.

But goddam, what the fuck do you take me for, a moron? Especially when you're being manipulated and lied to by people/friends you once deemed loyal.

They can all eat a fat, mexican's ass and go to hell.

/anger: off