Things you may not know about me

oh i know dear. *hug* i rarely share personal stuff in public too. if anybody wants to know anything about me then i have this 500 question questionarie that i require participants to fill out and privately hand in before i let out one little tidbit of information (okay i'm kidding, but i've had the trust kicked out of me the hard way).

plus... for me it's an honour to be able to give without 'unloading'. *smile* know what i mean? *smile*
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wildsweetone said:
...and there was me thinking Tzara looks younger every time i see him. ;)
It's the botox, sweetie. And the artful black and white photograph. Everyone looks better in black and white. :)
i might fiddle with my camera tomorrow and see what happens with b and w, or sepia. :)

:rose: hope you're doing well dear.

i'm just about to go off for the night. take care and enjoy yourself. :)
Tzara said:
Duh. He plays on the album you plunked up as an image.

Now, I must admit my focus is on my sweetie, Blossom. She has a sideman? Oh, OK.

Nice poem, though.

Can you do Elvin Jones?

I do have a poem about Elvin Jones somewhere. Really. I'll try to find it tomorrow. But now I have to go back to sleep, Bob. :)


(I have a few hundred jazz poems...maybe someone else? Lester Young?????)
Elvin Jones

It's not very good, but I found my Elvin Jones poem. I wrote it right after I read he had died.

Just so you know I don't make these things up. :D

For Elvin.

tidbits? They're delicious!

Hmmm....I contain multitudes! I suspect I am more complex than most people.

1. Expressing a very wide range of moods, including displeasure in the forums rather easily.
2. Rather critical of pretty much everything, but complementary if the occasion calls for it.
3. Thriving on controversy and making people think. (Tath prefers to call it "starting shit.")

Yet, in "real life"....

4. Extremely soft spoken and pretty much a hermit
5. lover of classical music, especially 20th century, as well as jazz/Gershwin
6. recording artist...three solo piano CDs so far.
7. Gardener...greenhouse full of cacti and orchids...about 2,000 at last count.
8. Pretty decent amateur photographer
9. nature boy geek
10. childlike, childish, naive, gullible

oh yes, and writer of 99 or so stories and poems for lit., some of which people actually liked.

Sack :eek:
Hmm, things you might not know about me :

I am younger than 40, older than 25, so there Eve ~ :p

I love salads, like addicted to them ... but I am NOT a vegetarian.

I love to drive, it relaxes me. Open road, music, beautiful sky ...

I am allergic to tomatoes and oranges, BUT ... I LOVE them. Grrr ~

I am not patient, this I have been working on, so far not much luck. :rolleyes:

I love to play with words, also an addiction.

I love bracelets. Not shoes, purses or clothes ... bracelets.

I love to read, anything and everything.

I love bright colors, sunsets/rises, moons glow, and snuggling on rainy days.

I like slow easy listening music when I am writing.

I am from the South, born n raised.

Medical field for 14 yrs. Got burned out/heartbroken, so tryin sumfin new ~ :D

That's enough me thinks,
just for those who were curious.


edited to add ~

So I forgot one lil thing.

I am one'a those peeps who goes shopping, sees something that says
* try me *
* push *
... It is an uncontrollable urge, I have to do it.
Hamming it up, and playing. I go try everything
in the toy department then move on
to the crafts and see what I can run my fingers over.
I have'ta *feel * the fabric. Gives me goosebumps, lol. :eek:
It's a lotta fun, I highly recommend it !! :nana:

So now you know a lil fetish of mine eh ~ ;)
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Things that make me go hmmmm

;) I am in the middle of a realm of change, so when I saw this question I had to sit back and go hmmmm...

Things about me that you may not know:

Well we all know that I love the mystical and all things associated with it. So that basically contains all things in the universe because to me all things hold an essence of the mystical.

1. I love all music excluding Rap, I have tried but just can not do it. Driving out west all I could listen to was country for 1000 miles and somehow it sunk into my soul. So now I enjoy that happy/sad beat of that once foreign musical realm. But it will never kick my favorite to the curb: Blues mainly Eric Clapton and Bonnie Raitt who I have a hero worship thing for.

2. My best friend and companion is a 7 pound Taco Bell dog named Barney who has sat in the small of my back for the hours of writing my poems, stories and researching. Nestled in the center of my kundalini... lol...I am addicted to learning and can get lost in it for hours. Favorite book: Middlemarch George Eliot

3. I was one of four women who held the Women's World Record for the Highest Dive on ABC Wide World of Sports. 113'3". I was 21 and insane. LOL.. I used to light myself on fire and dive into a flaming pool for fun and money...

4. I was mother to a newborn lion cub when living in a Safari Park. I had him for a week and found wonder in the power of a wild child.

5. I am the golden child and the black sheep of my family. Right now on the black sheep end. Simply complex is the realm of my world.

6. My greatest fears in life: A cage, never changing, being ordinary, Frogs and toads.

7. Loved the city now strongly dislike it. Rather lay in a tent isolated watching jet black skies laced with shooting stars...

8. Gourmet cook but much rather throw together a meatloaf, veggie and toasted marshmallows watching those I cook for floating in the comfort foods of our childhood.

9. Have wild curly hair that if I did not comb it for a week, I would have look like a Jamaican misfit.

10. Learned the lesson of do not give up before the miracle happens: Never married, no children, believed that I would always be alone and almost gave up. Until Morgan found me... I discovered what I believed was false (that I was unlovable) and simple moments hold the greatest power. Hence, I believe gratitude living in the heart will always give you the power to take another step in life no matter how much it beats the shit out of you.

11. I have been told I talk too much! :D

just a little of me..
Happy Thanksgiving to all..
Du Lac :rose:
I did not want to start another new thread....

Things you might know about Wicked Eve:


eh hem

come on girl, let go of some of those love letters, :heart: :heart: fan mail, pretty penis shots....I gotta write you a note in private, you know, a private message.... about a health issue.

I figured it would be best not to discuss it here.

in public and all
