Things you may not know about me

wanting and wishing

anna: dear god I want so badly to be dirty right now

saldne: I'm dog sitting tonight and the one is licking her crotch. I wish I was more flexible.

eve: I wish someone would invent the dildo phone. It would free up one hand during phone sex--I think. :confused: And I want to be that flexible.
i love to cook.

most days I just eat a banana till sundown

I have a passion for 20th century symphonic music

I broke my back at 18 and then spent the next 20 years as a treeclimber

I became friends with Stephen King when I special ordered him an out of print Sinatra box set, a Christmas gift for his mother and we found the thing and he never forgot it.

I saw Bukowski read in late 70's at a packed old movie theatre in SF and that same year saw Gary Snyder read, at a junior high in Berkeley sitting 2 seats down from then governor Jerry Brown and he passed a bottle of whiskey down to my gang and we passed it back after taking swigs.

My hands are imported from a man over 6' 10 inches tall and Im 5' 10. As a result I played bass in my first garage band cause I was the only one who could reach the intervals.

My sons are my heroes. I love them so much it aches.

Ive been a liar and a thief and think that is why I love to write prose.

Ive lived in the far west, east, south.

Ange promised to take me to NYC and I promised her I'd take her to San Francisco.
Okay, so, I'll be more serious. Things you don't know about me or maybe you do, my memory sucks. Here goes it:

My poetry comes from pain - about 80% of it.

I've been disabled since I was 13 - that equals 20 years. I have a muscle disorder, Chronic Fatigue, Hypoglycemia, and Chronic A-fib. I don't remember life without meds.

I was married for almost ten years to a man who was mental ill with a drug problem, and tried to save him, but finally woke up, realized he had to want the help, and had to leave after many mental and physical beatings. This had caused more physical problems for me.

I have 3 beautiful children. They keep me going. Let me tell ya! They are my life!
Oh yeah, one more baby - her name is Kelly Girl, my dog.

My parents are divorced. I always wished I could've seen them together, but I was only a toddler when he left. I love him to death, but he's a control freak, filthy rich, and if he saw me out on the street begging for food, he wouldn't lend a dime or help in any way. He's another abuser - beat my mother for 15 years, then got me with a belt buckle to my head, which threw me in the hosp when I was 13. That was my favorite weekend visit. Er...I still can hear my older brother yelling at my dad to stop, leave her alone. I have 2 brothers, always wished I had a sister. Thanks mom and dad.

I'm a loner. Music is my life. (besides my children) It's how I express myself. I love to sing, and my favorite music is the late 70's and 80's rock and roll. I'm also a big Jewel fan, and absolutely love Stevie Nicks. I write in hopes to relieve the pain. I grew up very pessimistic - my mother's fault. I have two close male friends, and they've tried to help me, and I'd have to say I've gotten a lot better. But yeah, I am moody. I blame my Gemini sign, but I'm probably bi-polar or half crazy. No, I take that back. It's either the Gem in me or my upbringing. Yeah, uh, huh.

I have bad PMS and it's a good idea to remove all guns in the house when it's that time of month. No, I take that back, too. It's a good idea to NEVER have a gun in the house. I cut like a knife with my words. I can hate you one minute and love you the next. I could insult you to tears, then wonder why you wont talk to me an hour later. Did I say my memory sucks? Yeah, I actually forget what I say when I insult, and even why I did it. Am I sounding a little off the wall? Forgetful, erratic? Confused? Yeah! Of course!

I'm weaker than I look. I'm like the "Tears of a clown". This stupid idiot (me) chickened out last year when I got into business school (Criminal Justice) because I was afraid I might possibly fail, fail myself and family. I wanted it SO badly but I panicked the first day of school. I wanted to be a P.I. or work in animal cruelty. (sp?) Animal cop...grr...I want to hurt people who hurt animals. I don't know if I could've physically done it anyway. Okay, well, I'm a real wimp. I panic and I'm hung strung. I wonder if I'm making any sense. But I can have sex just fine. My legs do funny things though. LOL! They shake a lot.'s not the usual, um, you know. Luv2 laughs at me.

I hate it when the phone rings or the door bell goes off. I wonder who's going to yell at me next. Shit, I think I need therapy.

I should stop. I must be really bored tonight. I'm going to go hug my pup. My God, I just wrote a book. :rolleyes:

I'm really a lover, honest. I will regret this tomorrow, I know it.
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eagleyez said:
i love to cook.

I saw Bukowski read in late 70's at a packed old movie theatre in SF and that same year saw Gary Snyder read, at a junior high in Berkeley sitting 2 seats down from then governor Jerry Brown and he passed a bottle of whiskey down to my gang and we passed it back after taking swigs.

My hands are imported from a man over 6' 10 inches tall and Im 5' 10. As a result I played bass in my first garage band cause I was the only one who could reach the intervals.

Ive been a liar and a thief and think that is why I love to write prose

Cooking is sex is writing is religion is you

bukowski = yes
what people don't understand is that it was all suppose to be funny and tender and cruel

bass players feel
bass players fuck
I played bass after i stopped make people move
you feed them the hop the skip the dip
they ride you
and you grab them by the hips and say ' swing this way"

we have all been liars and thieves..but only the poets will admit it

namaste' EE
and a hello to my neshemoleh
; )
:heart: :rose:
eagleyez said:
I have a passion for 20th century symphonic music.
You know, I dunno that I can empathize with anything else you're talking about 'cuz I stopped paying attention at this statement. Oh, boy does that statement resonate with me.

Mine own obsession is just that: contemporary symphonic music. More precisely: American symphonic music from about 1920 (I do make exceptions) to about 1970 (and, yup, make exceptions this side also).

Been collectin' for years and there's still a lot missing.

Oh, oh, oh, Marin Alsop, you are so sweet as conductor, and Evelyn Glennie (ooh la la!), while you are usually more concerto than symphony, I could sing "I love you dear," though you cannot hear me singing.

I am more than open to suggestions here. Anyone you'd care to recommend?
I was expelled from school two days before my 15th birthday for refusing my punishment which was six strokes of the cane. There were six of us that were caught for fighting, three of us from the mining village who were going to be caned for starting the fight, the three other boys who we had been fighting were the sons of professional people, doctor, vet and I forget the other, they had miralculously been found innocent so they weren't going to be caned but they had started the fight. That coloured my view of the world for years, maybe it still does.

I won the school art prize three times and would have won it a fourth time if I wasn't expelled. I won a national school sculpture prize but was never awarded it because I was expelled.

I started work at the steelworks, the day after my fifteenth birthday and walked out of the job after six weeks telling them their job sucked for the money they were paying. I started an apprenticeship at the coalmine after that. I loved working at the coalmine but realised it wasn't a great career move. However, while I was there an old miner infected me with a love of books.

Probably one of the biggest influences for me when it comes to poetry was the probably unintentional wisdom of some doggeral by unknown punk poet I listened to in a club in the mid seventies.

Poetry is for puffs
With its la de da
Aesthetically pleasing
Perfect metered
I'm educated crap

I write what I think!

Of course it took me a while to realise this punk poet was also educated and he was just a little Dada.

I was arrested in Holland once, along with a friend, for being drunk in charge of a bike. I think the fact that our bikes were chained together at the time was a bit of a giveaway, even for the police.

I was one of fifteen blokes who were arrested when we decided to drive to a night club in Sheffield. All fifteen of us were in the one mini van. For those that don't know what a mini van is, it's one of these mini with a flattened back and doors at the rear.

I love the Kronos Kwartet and have signed CDs by them (bit of a nerdy passion for some reason)

I have a collection of fine art prints, etchings, lino-cuts, monos, lithos, just about anything as long as it is printed.
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one night..

I have too many tales in my little brown bag
of a life..
An experience comes to mind
several years ago...
working at the lodge I met this
beauty of a mankind of feminine,
I like a man who is not afraid to show
his sensual nature...
He had the come on look in his eyes
like a female would tease..watching
me from his table..
I was cashier at the time,
he called the line from his room
and told me what he wanted...hum..
somehow it was very alluring.
he was a telephone man....with
a cute bum...
I kicked my halo to the curb..
met him in one of those
telephone shacks ...
and had the best exotic
time ever...the mystery,
and the fact that he cut
his leg very deep scar
probably remains to this
very day as a reminder
of ONE night with a stranger
random tiddlywinks:

I have great hair.

My right ring finger doesn't have any feeling along the back of it, because I broke a light with that hand when I was 21.

I may be the youngest person 'round these parts.

I was abused until I got thrown out of my house.

I'm frivolous and petty and not ashamed to admit it. I like having flaws.

I've a daughter I've never seen.

I remember teachers in school saying i had great potential but applied myself inappropriately every time I eel into a new girl's panties.

I get antsy and moody if I don't get laid twice a day.

I hate people who cheat in relationships, but admire people who can cheat at cards.

I had sex with someone I later found out I was related to. (cousins, removed)

I speak some Japanese. (more, if I'd go back to school)

I speak some Italian (more, if I'd go back to school)

I speak some French (more, if I'd go back to school)

I flirt with buddhism

I can be painfully shy.

I will randomly take any side of an argument, at any time, if I don't think it's a serious discussion.

I can vomit on command (and they say you don't learn anything in high school)

I'm running out of interesting things, with that one. I can usually make anyone laugh, as long as I'm in the right mood.

I laugh at things inappropriately, as a defense mechanism, but it's often taken for callousness.

Aaaand, that's probably enough. I'll start telling party stories about pulling out my balls, if I keep this up.


Erosha(dot)net is finally being updated and they emailed about a poem I sent probably a year ago. I want to update my bio and pic that I have there. I can't decide. The top three were taken in the past couple of weeks. One before the Halloween hair scare and the other two after my hairdresser turned my hair black! The bottom three are interesting. So, which one should I use for an attractive erotic site? Whatever I pick will be there for a long time.

By the way, has anyone else heard from erosha? Ange, didn't you have submissions you sent?

Also, how does one go about writing a good bio?

Edit: It's now one of these three:


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Oh, the American Woman is mine. :)
I have many old names that I'm digging up. I'm checking out old posts to see if I have any poetry hiding.
American Woman said:
Erosha(dot)net is finally being updated and they emailed about a poem I sent probably a year ago. I want to update my bio and pic that I have there. I can't decide. The top three were taken in the past couple of weeks. One before the Halloween hair scare and the other two after my hairdresser turned my hair black! The bottom three are interesting. So, which one should I use for an attractive erotic site? Whatever I pick will be there for a long time.

By the way, has anyone else heard from erosha? Ange, didn't you have submissions you sent?

Also, how does one go about writing a good bio?

I like the first one. (upper left in your post)
Let me second Reltne's choice. I like door number one the best:


It's a good straightforward portrait. You look very, um, fetching. I mean writerly. Whatever.

It's a very nice and attractive straightforward picture.

If given a second choice, I would have to pick door number six. That one's kinda artsy, but artsy can sometimes become a poet.


I am curious, though. It looks like it was shot from the inside of a nuclear containment facility.
American Woman said:
Erosha(dot)net is finally being updated and they emailed about a poem I sent probably a year ago. I want to update my bio and pic that I have there. I can't decide. The top three were taken in the past couple of weeks. One before the Halloween hair scare and the other two after my hairdresser turned my hair black! The bottom three are interesting. So, which one should I use for an attractive erotic site? Whatever I pick will be there for a long time.

By the way, has anyone else heard from erosha? Ange, didn't you have submissions you sent?

Also, how does one go about writing a good bio?

Yeah, before they went into limbo last year they were supposed to have some of my poems there (four, I think). I haven't heard from them yet, but the poems were accepted, so we'll see.

Bio? I just copied the way Denis Hale did his. Don't tell him. :D

Your hair looks great, Eve...erm American whoever you are. The dark hair picture, I mean. You look exotic.
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Angeline said:
Yeah, before they went into limbo last year they were supposed to have some of my poems there (four, I think). I haven't heard from them yet, but the poems were accepted, so we'll see.

Bio? I just copied the way Denis Hale did his. Don't tell him. :D

Your hair looks great, Eve...erm American whoever you are. The dark hair picture, I mean. You look exotic.
They just contacted me about two hours ago. I sent them poetry many months ago. I don't even remember what all I sent. I'll go with the black hair photo--either on or two. My J calls it bitch hair. That's actually a compliment coming from him. :D
Tzara said:
Let me second Reltne's choice. I like door number one the best:


It's a good straightforward portrait. You look very, um, fetching. I mean writerly. Whatever.

It's a very nice and attractive straightforward picture.

If given a second choice, I would have to pick door number six. That one's kinda artsy, but artsy can sometimes become a poet.


I am curious, though. It looks like it was shot from the inside of a nuclear containment facility.
It's inside my car. lol
I think I'll just go with #1 and send it and the bio to Erosha. I really stress about photos. I'm not photogenic. I'm fat and 40 and divorced and... I stress over photos. :D
WickedEve said:
It's inside my car. lol
I think I'll just go with #1 and send it and the bio to Erosha. I really stress about photos. I'm not photogenic. I'm fat and 40 and divorced and... I stress over photos. :D
You drive a Stryker attack vehicle? Yipes!

Oh. Maybe the picture was shot in the vanity mirror of a more normal kinda car.

Don't stress. You look nice. Well, maybe a little mean in a poetic kind of way:

Look out adverbs! And you too, gerunds! Eve's godlike blue pencil hovers, probing, ever ready to strike. You weak extraneous words cower, trembling over your tenuous hold on writes!
American Woman said:
Erosha(dot)net is finally being updated and they emailed about a poem I sent probably a year ago. I want to update my bio and pic that I have there. I can't decide. The top three were taken in the past couple of weeks. One before the Halloween hair scare and the other two after my hairdresser turned my hair black! The bottom three are interesting. So, which one should I use for an attractive erotic site? Whatever I pick will be there for a long time.

By the way, has anyone else heard from erosha? Ange, didn't you have submissions you sent?

Also, how does one go about writing a good bio?

Edit: It's now one of these three:



I like Door # 1 best, and better yet if you have it in color like Door #2, which I also like except for the odd patch of light on your chin. You're so pretty! (I didn't mean to say that like I was shocked! LOL) Door #3 makes you look too young. I was gonna say it didn't look like you. Like I would know...
I just heard from them tonight about their best of Erosha Anthology. Glad they are getting back on line, but it was pretty good timing being in the monthly issue that was up for over a year. :rolleyes:

I need to update my bio there too, I never did send a photo...and send in some more stuff once they crawl out from the pile of submissions that must have built up!

Very cool you will both be in the new issue!! Let us know when they update! I love that site.

I have a few versions of bio. One for more informal punk ass places, one for the nice places I might tell my mother about, etc. I think it is good to keep them short.

I like photo 1.
WickedEve said:
Oh, the American Woman is mine. :)
I have many old names that I'm digging up. I'm checking out old posts to see if I have any poetry hiding.

I like the last picture you showed, Eve. It is SO purdy! I think I complimented you before about this.

And speaking of old screen names, I wonder how many the rest of you have. (not accusing - I think it's funny!) It's confession time. I lost count after 3. It's not easy to remember when you have to have different emails each time. LOL! I think some people would flip if they knew my other names. "Things you don't know about me" ;)
saldne said:
I like the last picture you showed, Eve. It is SO purdy! I think I complimented you before about this.

And speaking of old screen names, I wonder how many the rest of you have. (not accusing - I think it's funny!) It's confession time. I lost count after 3. It's not easy to remember when you have to have different emails each time. LOL! I think some people would flip if they knew my other names. "Things you don't know about me" ;)
Thanks :)
I sent the pic and bio in 2 nights ago.
I have about 20 or 30 lit usernames. Well, I've been here a long time! :D All my work is posted under the WE, though. So, if a Frisky Vagina pops up... it's me.