Thinkings, feelings and...doings ~ 2013

Happy Revenge of the 5th

Thinking: I need to do some writing.

Feeling: Like this place has become a near-ghost town...

Doing: Pondering a couple of posts and whereabouts of a couple of old friends.
Thinking: I need to do some writing.

Feeling: Like this place has become a near-ghost town...

Doing: Pondering a couple of posts and whereabouts of a couple of old friends.

*sneaks in from the ether, plants a kiss on his cheek and whispers in his ear*

I'm still floating around, cutie.

*and with a soft laugh, ducks back into her hidey spot*
D: Sitting on my bed wrapped up in my bath towel.
T: Do I really have to go to work today?
F: Like I could do with a month of me time, some place quiet where I can get back to writing and being stress free. Or at least less stressed.
T: Over thinking events that are not mine to control.
F: Like I am losing my friggin mind
D: awaiting the blessed distraction of posts to answer or movie night... Whichever comes first.
ugh. I return basically after 3 months away, and the first thread I open to check out new writers the male lead switched from 3rd person past tence, to first person present, with no warning or reason. I can get it like if the first is in the person's head or a journal entry, hell I do that, but just for no reason?

t some people are hopeless
f: sad
d: throwing up a little lol
T: Holy shit, how dumb can people be?!

F: Like I picked the wrong job if I wanted to remain sane and keep what little faith I had in humanity...

D: Answering dumb questions and resisting the urge to commit seppuku with a pen...
T: Far too many people today have clearly wanted to piss me off.
F: Glad to be home and away from the aforementioned idiot brigade
D: Listening to favorite band and roaming lit.
Thinking that the batch of black currant jam I just made should probably be tasted and that all of those people warning against sampling hot sugary concoctions were probably full of it.

But if you don't hear from me for awhile, my tongue probably fell off in protest/third degree burns.
Thinking someone should have gotten back to me by now
Feeling a little bit irked that they haven't
Doing the "Serenity Now!" chant! :)
Thinking --- Watermelon is tasty
Feeling --- Like a little watermelon and rum
Doing --- What it takes to bring those two together
Thinking --- It's too early to be awake
Feeling --- A little sleepy
Doing --- A little writing before going back to sleep
A wise man once said: beware of big deals on Brain Surgery, Tattoos, Parachutes, and Contraceptives.;)
Thinking: I should be doing something more productive during my day off.
Feeling: Ill. Blergh, the remnants of flu.
Doing: Looking through references, thinking of sketching something before morning tea.
Thinking: It's been a while since I was on forums like these, but particularly with a long weekend ahead of me it could be fun.

Feeling: A mixture of excited, aroused, nervous at the possibilities.

Doing: alternating between looking through threads and doing chores like laundry.