THIS is PLAgiarism

Maria2394 said:
you guys are all so sweet! Its just the principle of the thing and I know we probably all agree on this. I wouldnt mind either if she put my name. Ijust wonder how disturbed, how sad she is, that she has to do this to get attention.

I get the feeling her blog wasnt doing too well and thats was when she began her "writing" career.

I also am not an adult looking for friends on that site, I had to make up a name just to report her...and now I have people winking at me in my email, its so gross!!! aaarrrgggghhh

Have they seen your av?
Maria2394 said:
you guys are all so sweet! Its just the principle of the thing and I know we probably all agree on this. I wouldnt mind either if she put my name. Ijust wonder how disturbed, how sad she is, that she has to do this to get attention.

I get the feeling her blog wasnt doing too well and thats was when she began her "writing" career.

I also am not an adult looking for friends on that site, I had to make up a name just to report her...and now I have people winking at me in my email, its so gross!!! aaarrrgggghhh


Oh no Maria! I just clicked on the "abuse" link. I did have to leave an e-mail address so I expect I'll get some response but the address should be hidden from members. We'll see. This kind of thing pisses me off royally!

Tristesse said:
Oh no Maria! I just clicked on the "abuse" link. I did have to leave an e-mail address so I expect I'll get some response but the address should be hidden from members. We'll see. This kind of thing pisses me off royally!

You're beautiful when you're angry.
Tristesse said:
Oh no Maria! I just clicked on the "abuse" link. I did have to leave an e-mail address so I expect I'll get some response but the address should be hidden from members. We'll see. This kind of thing pisses me off royally!


hmmm, I think I signed in trying to leave a nasty comment on her blog and still couldnt and then I found the abuse link. I sent them the location of Bandoras Pox, when it was posted there ( on clean sheets) and where she has it. I also demanded it be removed...Im not very tactful, I blurt, and I am impulsive. I wish I werent...I wanna be strong and restrained....I think I do, I think I do...nah, I dont

appreciate the support :heart:
Maria2394 said:
no, maybe I should show them!!! muawahahahaha :D

What is it? A hedgehog?

:kiss: Good luck. I'm really only pissed that she didn't steal my stuff.

Tristesse said:
What is it? A hedgehog?

:kiss: Good luck. I'm really only pissed that she didn't steal my stuff.


Its a bat...dont know what type, but a bat for sure :)

and Im glad she didnt steal your stuff. Its a weird feeling. I kinda hated to come here and whine, but just couldnt help myself. and i shouldnt havecalled her readers stupid, they trust her. They have no way of knowing she did that. I the universe, if that helps

its a bat :)
I saw the Plagiarism thread title and was intrigued.

Someone on that site "borrowed" one of my stories a few months ago. This is the address I emailed my anger, proof of my Literotica posting (and date), and the name of the idiotic woman on their site who stole my work.

James D
Friendfinder,Inc. Customer Support

It took several back-and-forth emails to handle it, but it did eventually work. And posting replies on the site first (and I had to join to do so in the first place) were worthless.

Good luck.

I've been a Gold member of that site for years. There is a number you can call and they do take action. They've always been very kind to me. If anyone wants it, let me know.
sweetsubsarahh said:
I saw the Plagiarism thread title and was intrigued.

Someone on that site "borrowed" one of my stories a few months ago. This is the address I emailed my anger, proof of my Literotica posting (and date), and the name of the idiotic woman on their site who stole my work.

James D
Friendfinder,Inc. Customer Support

It took several back-and-forth emails to handle it, but it did eventually work. And posting replies on the site first (and I had to join to do so in the first place) were worthless.

Good luck.


Thank you, sarahh:rose:

Im glad you got your story "back" :)
Okay poets, I have spent some time with this mistymommie bitch, yes, I said that. And I have been googling some of the more unique titles and notifying the TRUE authors that they too have been plagarized... wish me luck with my mission :)
I refuse to let this die!!!!!

Maria2394 said:
Okay poets, I have spent some time with this mistymommie bitch, yes, I said that. And I have been googling some of the more unique titles and notifying the TRUE authors that they too have been plagarized... wish me luck with my mission :)
I refuse to let this die!!!!!


Damn! I want to see the site! This doggone computer won't let me. Can I complain about the computer any more today? :rolleyes:
annaswirls said:
Damn! I want to see the site! This doggone computer won't let me. Can I complain about the computer any more today? :rolleyes:

anna, you can complain about anything you wanna complain about to me, and if a thread isnt sufficient, you can always PM me..MY box is never full :heart:


some poem titles from her pages

she is obvioulsy not taking pains to hide what she has posted, so the titles are here---

Soul Mate

A Perfect Ending

Bedtime erotica

Delicious Imagination

Make Love Slowly

If Your Walls Could Speak

Fantasy Fulfilled


Prisoner of the Night

Love or Lust?

The Immaculate Orgasm


Held Back

Brought To Heel

Love in a Predawn Thunderstorm
, by Claire L Martin, Clean Sheets (no email I could find)

Play Her Like a Cello

Hide My Pain

Cry of the Soul



Like This


Sensuality Surrendering


I will Tell You

Her Body as a Mirror
, by Nicole Poirier, Clean Sheets ( notified)

Life, The Penalty of Love, Sorrow

The Touch ( Temptation over a Teacup) by, Clarissa Gonzalez, Clean Sheets
(cannot find email)

Now I am not claiming she snatched all of these, but anything is possible, maybe someone here will recognize their own work, or that of someone else and can notify them. I already emailed the author of Ballerina on a Razor's Edge...

thanks to all who have taken interest in this:heart:

thanks sweetsubsarahh for your support:)


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i got an email from them!!

and they * seem* nice.. we will see. anyway, heres what it looked like, I filled it out and returned it with the link to my poem.

Flyguy, I emailed them 3 times before I got a response. I hope you hear something. :rose: I LOVE Her Request,. its a magnificent piece of poetry, just like you are aa magnificent piece of .. MAN!! xoxox


Dear Member,

We would be more then happy to assist you in the matter, but first we will need
some more information from you. This information will help to we are looking at
the correct Blog / Group / Magazine post. What we will need from you is;

*Article Title

*Members Section Area (Blogs, Groups And/or Magazines)

*Authoring Members Handle (The original authors Handle)

*Offending Members Handle (The person who is causing the issue)

Once we have this information we will be able to investigate the matter further
and take the appropriate actions to all members involved

Due to our privacy policies we will be unable to disclose the results of our
investigation. If you need additional assistance, please submit another email
to we will be happy to assist.

Cheryl F.
Abuse Support

You're in an awful lot of trouble for stealing published writers work on Literotica. AFF abuse has been contacted by many members, and you could be involved in a law suit. This is plagiarism. Have you even heard of the word?

We take our work seriously, and have worked very hard to get published. You'd be very smart to delete all the stories and poetry you have claimed to be your own. This is going to get ugly. That's not a threat - that's a promise.

How would you like your picture taken and be used on Literotica? There are a few that are seriously thinking about it. I'll give you three days to delete the work, then we play hard ball, lady!

Okay, so I went overboard, but it was fun. I'll let you know when she responds to my personal email. :D

And below is her profile since someone mentioned it. I believe you can still read it being a non-member the way I copied the link.
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saldne said:
Okay, so I went overboard, but it was fun. I'll let you know when she responds to my personal email. :D

And below is her profile since someone mentioned it. I believe you can still read it being a non-member the way I copied the link.

thank you, Saldne:) but dontgo losing yoru membership over me. I went overboard too. BUt they got back to me. Thanks for standing up for us poets' intelectual property. I would do it for you! for anyone here.

Thanks to everyone!

it aint over till its over...( who said that?) I bet someone here knows

Maria2394 said:
thank you, Saldne:) but dontgo losing yoru membership over me. I went overboard too. BUt they got back to me. Thanks for standing up for us poets' intelectual property. I would do it for you! for anyone here.

Thanks to everyone!

it aint over till its over...( who said that?) I bet someone here knows


Edit: You're welcome. :rose:

That other stuffins was bad.
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I hate when people do this, to take someone elses work as their own is like a sin. As a struggling writer I know the importance of having your own work, and how these sort of people can just go and make your hard work count for nothing.

I hope you guys do the worst you can to this theif.

Best of Luck
one down, how many to go?

I just got this email from AFF-

Thank you for your email. We appreciate your cooperation in this issue, and for
the information that you have provided. The post Bandora has been removed. If
you have any questions, please email us again.

Cheryl F.
Abuse Support


They have been very nice, eager to help, actually concerned in one email. I believe it would be no problem for the others to be removed, but the respective authors must pursue it. I will continue to notify the others if and when I can locate their email addresses. am I making too big a deal about this? I hope not, dont wanna look like a cry baby...but I usually give up way too easily and I just wont this time.

oh, I have been uppdating the list of titles with who wrote them and who has been notified if anyone is interested. I might email Clean Sheets and see if they have the addys of the poets who do not have theirs made public. perhaps they could do the notifying ? who knows...



once again...THANKS!!!! :heart:
Maria2394 said:
am I making too big a deal about this?

Hell no, Maria! You're doing the right thing, and I think you're wonderful for thinking of others as well.

I may not be the greatest poet in the world but what I write is very precious to me. It's my heart and soul as I'm sure it is for everyone else.

I just went to AFF and saw she's been online since my email. I know she received and read it. My subject line was POETRY. I'm sure she'd love to get another compliment about her wannabe work, but she got something else instead. There was no reply. The thing is - she's now been caught and I'm sure she's been warned, but it upsets me she hasn't been kicked off the site for breaking the rules. I'd like to bitch slap her.
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You did, shuga!! you did!!

and I thank you :D

Cause I tried to get her email and couldnt find it. that site is rather complicated and the people that responded to my emails even wrot e twice and said, "where IS that post? we cannot find it" so I sent the actual link. They were nice. I will say that. Im glad. I just hope flyguy can get his off there. Its just sick how she pretends like those were heres. Thats really what made me so angry. After reading what she stole from others, and now I know that most of what I posted on the page before were stolen, well I almost dont see why she took Bandoras Pox. At least my poem was in good company ;)


thanks Sal <smoochies!!!>

saldne said:
Hell no, Maria! You're doing the right thing, and I think you're wonderful for thinking of others as well.

I may not be the greatest poet in the world but what I write is very precious to me. It's my heart and soul as I'm sure it is for everyone else.

I just went to AFF and saw she's been online since my email. I know she received and read it. My subject line was POETRY. I'm sure she'd love to get another compliment about her wannabe work, but she got something else instead. There was no reply. The thing is - she's now been caught and I'm sure she's been warned, but it upsets me she hasn't been kicked off the site for breaking the rules. I'd like to bitch slap her.
woo hoo!!

The lady who wrote, Her Body as a Mirror just contacted me and told me she notified the site about her poem and within 5 minutes it had been removed!!

tee hee, I feel like a little girl that got a good prize in her crackerjack box today;)

she lives around 45 minutes away from want I should go bust her up?

hehehe...jk, but she does live close to me, I think it is horrible that people do this sort of thing.